The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1997 does not die Xianjun

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, with everyone into the area of ​​the flame plateau.

Everyone's body trembles, and the footsteps have become a lot.

Some players even issued a painful voice.

Because the invisible flame power has improved a lot, more flame energy rapidly invaded their body, crazy burning their bones, and gravity is also rapid, as if there are countless giants in their body.

"Captain, now we should not deeply, just in the edge area treasure hunt, wait until you are inneatively." Northern Snow Princess said seriously, " There are many people falling in the flame plateau. The bones are not deprecated. So, in the flame plateau, there will be no bodies. "

Everyone was secretly frightened.

Only Zhang Bin is not afraid, he still looks forward.

Because this is the treasure of him, under the burning of the horror flame, his internal repair is crazy, more potential is excited, more cells crack the gap, spit out the air, let him repair the speed Slowly increase.

Of course, under the quenching of the invisible flame, his bones and the body are slowly turning.

"Don't worry, we have so many cold stone milk, we can enter the space container, can also enter the space container," Zhang Bin said, "Only the only treasure can be found, and we can quickly let us quickly Powerful. "

So they continue to travel, and they have accelerated footsteps.

Of course, I have seen it.

Soon, they will take more than 100 kilometers.

The face of many players become blood red, wheezing, sweating.

I can't support it.

Only Zhang Bin and three princess frog women are nothing.


The sound of a monster sounded, rushed out of a huge fire bears from the previous jungle.

A hot flame is burned in the eyes, and it is also a horrible pressure and momentum.

This guy is very fierce, and the pen is straight to Zhang Bin. It's suddenly jumped. I took up the air. The bloody daggedly was also opened, and I bite to Zhang Bin.

Flame giant bear, master the horrible flames, powerful, the whole body reinforced iron, is a monster that is more powerful in the flame plateau.

If you encounter, the best way is to quickly escape.

"court death……"

The frog woman gave a step forward, and the knife in her hands was shocked.

It is not biased on the mouth of the flame giant bear.


A loud sound, spark splash.

The frog woman flew in the empty.

The flame giant bear has fallen, and she burst into the ground, and she made a full day of smoke.

However, its mouth is also no trace.

The defense ability is really horrible.

And it will immediately climb it, and then pounce toward Zhang Bin, and I seem to feel that Zhang Bin is so bullied.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and a slap was taken on the head of the flame giant bear.


The flame giant bears are like the meteor, and the blood will flow out in the mouth.

I sent a scream of screaming.

If you want to climb, you can't do it.

It can be seen that Zhang Bin is much stronger than before.

It is to know that he has not used zoom of zoom energy, just by power.

"Internal repair, really is a strong shortage." Zhang Bin sigh in his heart, in these few months, he took an angry fairy pepper to cultivate, although it has not been cultivated to Jin Dan, but it has developed horrible power. His strength is now a terrible point.

"Hey ..."

It is more roaring, and more than a dozen flame giant bear rushed out of the woods.

This is only a few times more than the top of Zhang Bin, the momentum is too ferocious.

Obviously, they are only the most adult flame giant bear.

Everyone was secretly awkward, and the face was full of alert.


Many flame giants have not been near, their mouths open, spit out the hot white flames, floodly to Zhang Bin and others, and the breath of death is extravalent.

" ..."

Swallowing the heaven, the mouth is opened, and it will take force.


Black holes appear, rapid rotation.

The flame covering the sky is rapidly narrowed, then shrinking, and then a brain is swallowed into the sky.

More terrible is that so many flame giant bear, even a stable, all flying into the mouth of the swallowing.

So, just a moment, the flame giant bears are gone, as never there has been.


Everyone secretly pumped a cold breath, and the face was filled with shock.

This is swallowing the heavens, and it is so sleek?

Is it so powerful?

Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess are secretly envious, envious of the phoenix, there is such a fall.

If they know that swallowing the heavens are Zhang Bin's soul, it can also be said to be Zhang Bin's division, then the Barn will fall.

The Phoenix Princess saw Zhang Bin at a glance, hugging Zhang Bin's arm, and his face was full of happiness and sweetness. There is Zhang Bin to help her, it is so good.

Zhang Bin didn't want to make himself too powerful, so, in the monster, most of them were swallowed, swallow the monster or kill.

The talent of the swallowing is very good, plus the many magical cultivation secrets, especially the complete swallowing magic, and the speed is very fast. Not As an emperor, even surpass.

Of course, this is cheating, because Zhang Bin's remarks comprehensively understand the secret and magical power, and the soul can also master and show.


Ma Rufei also lick his mouth and asked.

"The taste is not bad."

Swallowing the heavenly snoring.

Everyone laughed out.

They continue.

"In the flame plateau, the most amazing fairy medicine is not dead, if you can find it, it is cool."

The Silver Screen Princess found a chance and Zhang Bin side, and she boldly grabbed Zhang Bin's arm, and said.

"Don't die hot pot? This name is very weird."

Zhang Bin said.

"It is not dead, not a hot pot." Silver screen princess said, "In the flame plateau, invisible flame energy is too horrible, can destroy everything, kill any powerful existence, without dead fire trees, you can fight flames Energy, sincerely survived, the resulting fruit is very magical, and after taking, the ability to live without death, the power of life will be super strong. There was a genius to find an unexpected fire fruit in the flame plateau, take After that, all the way was cultivated to the late stage. After the quenching hole, they were killed by a peak realm. However, he actually resurrected again. Created a miracle. "

"Being killed by Xianjun, can also resurrect?" Zhang Bin was surprised, "Does Xianjun kill his soul?"

"Not only killing his soul, but also turned him into ashes. But he will resurrect from the ashes." The Silver Screen Princess said, "Now he is already the realm of the peak, it is the Antarctic Fairy Super master, the outer number is not dead. "

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