The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1999 You are coming to death.

Zhang Bin is fast and dive.

However, the abyss is too deep, it is simply not seeing.

Many places are steep and terrible.

And there is a terrorist monster.

So, sometimes he can only slow down, to show stealth and block all the breath.

Slowly bypass a lot of monsters.

About 20 days later, Zhang Bin went deep into a deep place.

He stopped moving forward and looking below with a thriller.

Because, there is a densely numb spider web.

Spider web climbing a lot of fire red spiders.

The big face is so big, and there is also a big fist.

It looks like an evil, emits the breath.

The trouble is that the spider web is wide, the half cliff is covered, and there is no passage at all.

"It can be used, you can pass, I am afraid that the spider is very powerful, I can induce my existence." Zhang Bin took place in the heart, "I have to prepare."

In fact, he can use Ume American people to dive down from the rocks.

However, the abilities of the Ume people are not positioned. If they are wrong, they are lost in the earth, I don't know when it can come out.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is still not preparing to use the beautiful American base card.

He looked for a depression.

The knee is sitting, and it works hard to restore physical strength.

However, after about three hours, he stopped cultivating, and his ear was tall high.

Because he suddenly heard the sound.

It seems that some people are dive.

Zhang Bin horses open the stealth to the extreme, and the zoom can be displayed.

Then he explored his head and bowed in detail.

Soon, the magic and eight brothers appeared in Zhang Bin's eyes.

In fact, they also show stealth.

However, Zhang Bin opened the magical ability of the eye, or saw them.

"It's here to meet these two bass?"

Zhang Bin's face was filled with a weird expression, and he was also afraid.

If you are behind them, it will certainly be discovered by them, then they suddenly attacked, they were miserable.

The magic and eight brothers quickly came down, and quickly arrived in Zhang Bin's position.

They have also seen the spider web and spider below.

"It's a swallowing magic spider, very poisonous, we have to be careful."

Eight old brothers said seriously.

"Find a place to restore physical strength, then kill."

Magic is recommended.

So they looked around, and then straight to Zhang Bin.

"I rely on, you are looking for it."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart. He narrowed his body, stuck on the rock wall, waiting quietly to wait for them.

I don't know if Zhang Bin is here, so they don't have any alerts.

Soon, I came to the depression, sitting in the outside knee.

Sold all their back to Zhang Bin.

"You will give it to me."

Zhang Bin smiled in his heart, his left and right fists at the same back. I don't dare to make my head. Once I killed, I will touch the soul guardian, that is, it is miserable.

But he is also unfair, showing a three-day punch that is extremely horrible.

Eat star!


Two dull sounds sounded.

The horrible breathability took its armor to their body.

"Ah ..."

Two two screams have emitted, and the blood is spurting in the mouth.

People are also in the plane, rushing out, falling as the meteor.

"I rely on ... these two Shabi is."

"Ha ha ha ... they don't die, I have to take a layer of skin."


The team members in Zhang Bin Longchi are of course induced by the knowledge.

And in Zhang Bin's space container is also seen.

Laughing one by one, the extreme.

Zhang Bin horses and smiled and looked down.

Soon, two bastards spit blood drop on the spider web.

The spider web is very strong, there is no break, let them go.

Many swallowing spiders happened, then climbed the past, spit the venom, spurt their spider silk, and attacked them in madness.

"Ah ..."

These two fertilizers are still sprayed, and the internal organs are broken.

But they are really strong, still not dead, they took out the magic weapon, and the countless swallowing magic spider.

Unfortunately, they suffered from hitting, and they did not play the greatest strength.

And swallowing the magic spider is super powerful, that is, the fairy is also difficult to kill them.

So, two of them quickly lost their firemon spiders.

"Ah ... I am poisoned."

"Ah ... my armor breaks, so pain ..."

They screamed two.

Almost at the same time, they used their most horrible phagocalypse.

The mouth is open, caught in the madness.

Oh ...

The black hole appeared, and there were actually swallowed countless swallowed fur spiders.

However, the swallowing of the fidelity spider is not simple, swallowing in, does not equal it is to kill them.

Just changed the battlefield.

Just like Zhang Bin, the last time I last deal with the cold tiger. If it is not a cold poison, it is a bit stupid, and that Bin is unable to resist.

Then they were lying on the spider web like two dead dogs, that is not moving.

It is obviously to fight in the stomach in the stomach with the soul and swallowing magic spiders.

Moreover, both of them have gone, the body has become black.

"Can't spare them."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he immediately got a depression, and quickly looked down.

He intends to remove their space rings, search for their space containers, and throw them two.

Dinning in the deep abyss, then their soul guard is also useless, because Zhang Bin is not around them.

But he just dive, suddenly dropped a piece of stone in the hill, with the murder of the sky, to Zhang Bin.

"I rely on, is there anyone above?"

Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood.

He didn't dare to hard, attached it tightly on the stone wall, and narrowed the body.

The boulder wiped Zhang Bin's nose and slammed on the body of the magic and eight brothers.

Ah ...

The two sounds scream.


Spider web break.

Magic and Eight Against the boulder fall like a meter.

It is not easy to escape, it is not easy.

"Breast, you give me out ..."

Zhang Bin looked up and looked at the top angry.

" ... ..."

Magic Silver Silver Silver Silver Silcatsu is the same, and it is rapidly.

She is wearing a silver armor, and the black is flying, the skin is white, and the face is beautiful.

But a cold breath is also emitted, which makes people feel that this is a woman who is very nor.

"Is it you?"

Zhang Bin is a bit unexpected.

"Yes, it is me, I didn't get you, I am sorry. Otherwise, you will become a corpse. You can report an arrow." Magic Silver Flowers stand on a prominent stone, look at the cold eyes Zhang Bin, "But, now it is still the same, you will die."

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