The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2018 is a strong enemy

"You are not emperor, there is no blood of the father in the body, it is impossible to start the emperor. What is your life?"

Magic silver flower is said.

"Hey ... I have a way to launch an emperor of your father's creation. Never lie to you."

Zhang Bin said with mystery.

The Magic Silver Flower, of course, will not believe, but she knows that there is no more emperor.

However, she is also not worried, now her strength and force extremely expanded.

Not afraid of any danger.

Moreover, Zhang Bin may also help her in the future, she may still get an emperor.

"Zhang Bin, don't forget me, I am your girlfriend."

The magic silver flower smiled, and she floated with her belongings.

"Master, where are we going now?" Ma Ru Fei asked, "Is it the blessing cultivation of the abyss?"

In the flame plateau, there is no difference in cultivating blessings and cultivating in Fuhua.

Therefore, all players have given up Zhang Bin who is secretly sorry.

As for Zhang Bin, it supports magic silver, they will not have any opinions.

Because it is equal to waste utilization, it is handled by the emperor that cannot be used.

They are more secure.

"Tsui Cui, walk, take us to the best blessing of the flame plateau."

Zhang Bin said.

He is bright in his heart, and the Cui Cui lives in the flame plateau. Because it can fly, of course, the flame plateau is super familiar. Sustain a lot of origins and blessings of many Tianwei Diwu.

"Most of the owner, the best Fudi, I also know, however, the horrible monsters are all, you may not be able to capture. And, in the depths of the flame plateau, the gravity is against the sky, the invisible flame is incomparably horrible. Even me I can't fly. You may not be able to go deep into the place. "Cui Cui said.

"Wonderful, you take us to the best blessing."

Zhang Bin said.

Personal strength is the most important, only become super powerful, out of the quenching hole can be saved, in order to save Lexia, can help Phoenix compete into an emperor store.

"Yes, the master."

Tsui has promised, standing on Zhang Bin's shoulder, pointing with wings to point in a direction, "go here."

They immediately started, and they trekd it in that direction.

After a few hundred kilometers walk, many players can't support it, walking, the face is also a blood red.

Only Zhang Bin, two princesses, swallowing the heavens, and the frog woman continues if there is no way.

Their tacit has been super good, can stimulate potential in terrorist gravity and flame quenching, so that their support is much powerful.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin stopped, and his face was full of vigilance.

Because he suddenly felt a fatal danger.

This is because he got a lot of merits, and now his merits Jinjin has already had a golden dragon.

The stronger the ability of the celestity sensing.

He shot a cold light, projected into the fire of the fire in front of the fire.

The mouth is also cold and cold: "Who?"

"Hahaha ..."

The laughter of the earthquake, then, Feng Qikun came out of the arch of more than 300 belongings, "Zhang Bin, I have been looking for you for a long time, I finally found you today."

Zhang Bin, the phoenix is ​​also awkward, and their faces are full, they don't dare to confuse the color.

Feng Qikun is clear that there is no one under the next time, that time, it is an escaping of one person.

How is there so many genus now?

How did he do it?

However, Zhang Bin also did not have any nervous colors, but said: "Feng Qikun, it turns out that you will be lost in this hand, are you coming to death?"

"Wow, haha ​​... I will send it to death? Could you think I am still two years ago?"

Feng Qiankun was madly laughed, and he had two emperors in his hand. "Greater eyes, what is this? I have to kill you, I will not blow the ash. What is more, I don't have to use an emperor? I have too many slings. "

Phoenix Princess Silver Screen Princess has a tension on the face of the rest of the team, and it is also the sweat of the bean. I didn't expect that Feng Qikun did not only received more than 300 belongings, but also got it. Two emperors.

This is simplicity.

"It's amazing, it is really powerful, no wonder the East Emperor is optimistic." Zhang Bin praised you, "You must kill yours with a brothers and sisters, grab them to the bottom and treasures. I am curious, how do you grab it? Emperor? "

"Where is the wisdom of the lonely?" Feng Qikun said proudly, "Zhang Bin, I have to grab you today, eat you a silend. Phoenix, now you can commit suicide, so you can do it. Silver screen Princess, from today, you are my woman, I will love you well. "

Speaking here, his face reveals a weird expression, "Northern Snow Princess? Why don't you see it? She is a woman in my life. I have to get you, I will go to get her. The princess of the emperor, even It is not as good as falling in the soup. "

"Wow haha……"

Zhang Bin smiled madly, "Feng Qikun, you are not two years ago, I am not two years ago, I'm two years ago, the East Emperor saved you, and let you escape a dog. But today, I can kill you. Because your mother said, if you still fall, it is a waste, it will not pay attention. "

"Zhang Bin, you are arrogant, I am red." Feng Qikun said, "If the last time, you are not a crimp me. At the time, I was big and big, I want to kill you, just a trick. And today, I don't need to use an emperor at all, and don't use it. Just me, you can kill you all. "

"Such a cow? I come, let's sing. Let me see you to see what is strong?" Zhang Bin rushed out and hooked by Feng Qiankun.

Phoenix, the silver screen princess has all the players, but I pinched Zhang Bin.

If Feng Qiankun uses an emperor, then Zhang Bin is miserable.

"It's also, you will first see my strong and horrible." Feng Qikun said with a smile, "I want to slapse you, let you regret it to this world."

The emperors in his hands were gone, and he went out step by step.

He burst into the stress and momentum of the sky, his two eyes became a fireball, with a flaming flame burning inside.

He did not take any magic weapon, it is empty.

The face is full of confidence and is full of pride.

His realm is not high, and it is only cultivated to the late period.

Only three small realms than Zhang Bin.

After all, now Zhang Bin also cultivated to the immortal situation.

The emperor of him, than Zhang Bin's realm, if you can't defeat Zhang Bin, isn't it a big joke?

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