The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2025 Magical Treasure - Worm

The East Emperor is almost can't help but travel through the time and space, see who the person is?

However, she still did not do this.

Because she has traveled once, saving Feng Qiankun, it is already changing history, and then through the past, I will encounter more terrible horrible. If you know the secrets you can't, it is equivalent to the sky, and she is very likely that I can't help but save the Feng Qiankun again. Then the consequences are terrible, I am afraid that I can't spend the big horror, it is difficult to return again.

"Hey ... Qiankun, you don't have this life."

The East Emperor is sigh in his heart.

"Ha ha ha ... The East Emperor, this time, finally do you think. You don't dare to cross the time and space? Do you not save the Phoenix Qiankun? Do you dare to kill the people who shoot the soul? ? "

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

The reason why didn't use the fairy king to deal with Feng Qiankun, except for the last emperor of Feng Qikun, he still didn't want the East Emperor to know that Feng Qiankun's death and Zhang Bin, Phoenix.

Because he clearly knows that the East Emperor is too loved to love Feng Qiankun. If you kill the phoenix, you must be unlucky.

In the future, the quenching hole is coming, and the East Emperor will inevitably be a general account.

Therefore, he let the soul take the chanting arrow from another direction.

I thought I could kill, and I knew that I didn't do it.

Or the Phoenix finally makes a knife, and kills Feng Qiankun.

However, the Emperor Emperor will not like the phoenix, but it is very angry, but it will not be too angry because she hates the people who show the soul of the soul.

The plan is also basically successful.

Anyway, the East Emperor will not think about him Zhang Bin.

In the past, Zhang Bin's division shot and killed North Lingtian. Zhang Bin was also on the spot, and some people won't think about him.

And he dared to conclude that the East Emperor will not come through the time and space.

Can no longer be any.

In fact, even if you pass, Zhang Bin can completely let the soul self-explosion.

Thoroughly annihilated.

After that, he can share a soul again and continue to play a swallowing.

So, this secret is no one knows.

In this way, the Phoenix accepted all the wealth and subordinate of Feng Qiankun. In the quenching hole is one of the most powerful forces, the quenching hole is inevitable.

Because she will continue to strand alone.

"From today, you are my subordinate ..."

The phoenix looks at the bold of the people who belong to Feng Qiankun, and the momentum will yell.

And she also took out more than 150 belongings.

There are also many strengths of Zhang Bin and others.

"See the main public ..."

Everyone quickly succumbed, because they saw it all, Feng Qikun was completely fallen.

Even the East Emperor Emperor did not come back to save him again, it can be seen that he is also given up.

Just like the princes and princess of the past.

Phoenix took them into space containers, let Dagui Ji Shi's means to take them completely.

And the power of the phoenix is ​​also instantaneous expansion.

The number of people under the subordinate, expanded to 500 people.

It became a super powerful forion.

I also got the emperor in the hands of Feng Qiankun. She also has a fairy king, and Zhang Bin also has more comments, an emperor.

Even the silver screen princess is also a fairy king.

This strength is really horrible.

What makes Zhang Bin and Phoenix are surprised that in the space container of Feng Qiankun, there are still two fairy kings. The medicine material of the immortal medicine is like a mountain. After all, he killed several princess and the emperor.

In addition, in the space container of Feng Qiankun, a special gourd is placed.

Exudes a strange breath.

"What is this treasure?"

Zhang Bin is very curious, takes the gourd, and studies it fine.

Then he found that this is a special fairy, which can be refined.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not hesitate to refine the gourd.

"My God, this is actually a wormful?"

Zhang Bin is completely dumbfounded, shocked, ecstatic.

This gourd is the biggest adventure of Feng Qiankun, from a mysterious ancient fairy.

Ancients have no way to speculate time.

This insects have only a magical function, that is, you can charge some kind of worm-entered, 49 days later, the insects inside can be domesticated, such as the arm means.

Now, in this gourd, there is still countless blood flying ants.

And it has been domesticated because time has reached 49 days.

"My God, this is an extremely precious treasure. This time earned."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

In the heart, his heart is also afraid, if there is no insects in the worms of Feng Qiankun, it is empty, you can take the cold poisonous gecko, or the cold poison will be generated.

After all, the worms have trained the fairymife, and there is also the function of training the fairy, but the effect is of course a lot. Moreover, you must grab the fairy, imprisoned in the gourd, can have domesticated possible. If you are a fairy, you can swallow up directly, and the fairypi is basically no resistance.

However, if it is not Feng Qiankun, Zhang Bin will not use the cold poisonous wall.

Therefore, Feng Qikun was on Zhang Bin, no matter how it didn't change the end, or the tragedy.

"Cool, this is equal to the sky."

Phoenix excited.

Silver screen princess is also envious of the extreme.

Of course, I envy the phoenix because I get the help of Zhang Bin, so that I am so powerful, the forces are extremely expanded.

Only her silver screen is princess, because the talents are not enough, even forces do not dare to develop.

However, if you encounter the team of Arctic Fairy, how would Zhang Bin be doing?

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, with everyone, under the guidance of Tsui Cui, continue.

However, they did not put themselves from the genus of Feng Qiankun.

The Ji did not complete them completely.

It takes a period of time.

In fact, all the belongings will be quickly powerful, not only against gravity and the attack of the horrible invisible flame, it must enter the blessing cultivation.

Therefore, it is also possible to put in the space container.

Even Zhang Bin is doing the preparation of the space container under his belongs.

"Master, we chased that idiot, pocket turned, returned to the previous place. The front is the winter melon." Cui Cuiqun sailed in the air, pointed to the front, the sound is charming.

"The Northern Snow Princess is now a feeling of feelings?"

Silver screen princess muttered muttered, face full of envy and jealous.

It is also, there are so many genus, and there are also emperors, Xianwang, and the body of Northern Lingtian.

Such a powerful strength, can you sweep everything?

Moreover, it also occupies a blessing.

And more than one day in Fundi, there is more powerful.

The other brigade should catch up, but it will become more difficult.

"The master, there is a war again."

I took a distance, and the Cui, who went to the road, flew back, and said excitedly.

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