The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2044 Escape

"My God, it seems that this evil is really related to the big horror. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a coincidence? This evil is so smart? Do you actually realize the virtual power?" Zhang Bin shocked in his heart Shout.

He existed this evil, more habits.

It is a strong horror, perhaps with any immortal, and even more sophisticated existence.

Zhang Bin was forcibly calm down.

He continued to find it in the coffin.

Suddenly, his eyes lit because he saw a yellow tartle.

Only a weird syringe is burned, and there is another round of rotating white fog pattern.

"Don't this stone note record the terrorist practice of evil."

Zhang Bin is looking forward to it in his heart.

But he didn't read the stone monument right away because he felt that if you read, you might trigger the phenomenon.

May be induced by the evil.

"Stole everything in the coffin? Then escape?"

Zhang Bin's mind flashed like this.

These exercises are incomplete, but joined the evil understanding.

Therefore, it is easy to practice.

It is definitely a treasure worth even.

Just like Zhang Bin, I got the gods, although precious, but did not have a certain amount of capital, but I could only blind, because I can't understand. Even if there is a national capital, it is difficult to practice success. Need a long queue to go to scrutinize.

So, the jade patented Jade patented in the exclusive and experience is the most precious treasure.

Even people who have become incorrect, slowly read and cultivate, and it can be slowly powered.

If Zhang Bin is such a heaven, it can be quickly powerful.

This is also one of Zhang Bin's cultivation in the cultivation of Haqi.

Zhang Bin thoughtfully thought for a while, he began to act, carefully put all the skills, jade, Ji, the stone monument, he also took the time to watch the space container and space ring in the coffin.

Most of the treasures inside, the fairy medicine in the space container will die.

There are only some special materials and special items, of course, there are some Tianmou.

There is not much to use, but it is also to win.

Therefore, Zhang Bin does not control three seven twenty-one, and all space rings and space containers have also been collected.

He didn't dare to delay, his mind, the umerail drilled into the coffin wall, and then drilled into the ground.

And he certainly followed the drill.

The underground is arranged in an unparalleled array and prohibition.

But it can't stop it.

May ignore the rules of the universe and the rules of this universe, and gently form a special passage.

When Zhang Bin passed, the channel will disappear.

Like never appeared.

And Zhang Bin drilled in the depths of the ground, it was rare to find the endless darkness, and there was no place to fire and ice.

He is looking forward to drilling the quenchings like this.

Go to the world outside.


Shortly from Zhang Bin, the coffin of Zhang Bin was opened by a mysterious power.

However, there is no empty in the coffin, nothing.


The surprised voice sent from the coffin on the altar.

Then, a bone is explored from the coffin, and it is not stopped.

Obviously it is calculated.

", is it unclear? Internal repair? Nima ... still stealing me a treasure treasure? He actually has a magical treasure, can be broken any imprisonment and array? It seems to escape from underground?" Extreme anger The sound sounded.

Dark gas is filled with earth.

The horrible murder is from the sky.

"Want to escape? You dream ..." The horrible voice sounded, "the big horror is started, blocking the heavens and the earth ..."

"Bang ..."

This world has a sound of horrible sound everywhere.

And the land of this cave is also rapidly appearing a hole.

The pen extends straight down.

"Go, give me back ..."

The cold voice rang from the coffin.

Many dead spirits jumped in a bee and began to chase Zhang Bin.

Although Zhang Bin did not know the East window, he knows that it must escape as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it may tragedy.

The evil is too horrible.

So, he has always been sneak with the fastest speed.

It became a small real dragon, a moment is dozens of meters.

Finally, he decreased by thousands of kilometers.

But his face suddenly changed.

Because of the following area, a flame is appeared.

All are five-color flames.

It's simply destroying everything.


Almost at the same time, Zhang Bin felt a huge passage on his head.

Countless dead spirits with a murder of the sky from the sky.

Their face is full of smirk.

"Not good, I was found."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his heart, the pain of the gods appeared.

In the instant, the volume is on him, constitutes a straight fleet than the finger.

He blocked the entrance to the fruit core of an unexpected frozen, so that the Meisies flew out from the front entrance and became bigger.

Then he tied a five-color flame area.

This is still the earth, but it is only a five-color flame that is extremely horrible among the earth.

So, he use this way to control the black American people and continue to be madly.

Many dead spirits have chased it, most of them dare not enter the five-color flame area.

A small part drilled in, but it was a flame that couldn't live this horror and gradually became ashes.

However, the death of a fairy king is still tightly chasing behind Zhang Bin.

His body is intact, there is no expression, no life atmosphere.

Ignore the five-color flames of horror, showing fire and many magical gods.

The speed is very fast and gradually close.

"Nima ..."

Zhang Bin creepy, can only speed up the speed.

Faster dive.

Two people have a chasing, such as light.

Then dive approximately a few kilometers.

The ground flame has changed again.

It became six color flames.

Such a horrible flame, even the death of the fairy king is difficult to resist.

So, the death of this fairy king had to stop.

I am not willing to look at Zhang Bin is far away.

This pair of magical paints are not simple, and it is easy to block six-color flame invasion.

As for the umerail, it is also the same, ignoring the burning of the six-color flame.


However, Zhang Bin is a crisis that I feel a death.

Obviously, there is a means of dealing with Zhang Bin in the terrorist existence of the coffin.

He laid a few hours.

The seven-color flame area is entered below.

The seven-colored flames are crazy.

This is the flame of the Immortal.

The prisoner is a seven-color flame.

Zhang Bin is a bit hesophiliated, and it is a bit worried that the Ume people and this pair can't bear it.

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