The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2046 of the most evil exercises and abilities

Now Zhang Bin finally understands that the greater the danger, the greater the harvest.

If he is not entering the dark area, how can he get the goddess?

Hey, he is also secretly sighed. It turns out that the Jie Di also left inheritance, but unfortunately, her disciples or future generations were still falling, disappearing in the fairy, and even people met the big horror, being killed. Inherit bypass.

Zhang Bin grabbed the special stone monument, letting know the knowledge detail.

Then his face is full of shock and dare not confidence.

Because it records a very special and horrible practice - Tiantian evil work.

This method only has an attribute, that is, extract.

It will be extracted to a certain step, and the extraction of the abilities can be extracted from minerals. It can also extract special essence from plants, and even extract soul energy essence and memory from people's soul. Get everything you want.

Moreover, this stone monument recorded the evil spirits can always cultivate into the fairy emperor.

In other words, this is a complete family!

"My God, this is a kind of evil. I can cultivate evil spirits! It's too horrible ..."

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, and he said that he did not speak in half a day. He has never seen it.

He has 81 Dantian, cultivating a lot of best practices, but there are still several Dantian attributes.

Now he understands, one of the attributes of Dantian is extraction.

Moreover, he has cultivated the long life of the green wood, which can get a fond of aura and Hongmeng Ziqi from plants. In fact, it is very simple to extract.

Extracting evil work, also draws on the principle of extracting nutrients from the earth ...

It can be seen that Zhang Bin and Tianshen will have a good time.

"Virtual no sense of life, fake the evil spirits, Xingxing God, these three skills are too precious, and the sentiment is also helping me. I am really developing this time." Zhang Bin excitedly shouted in the heart .

He can't help but start cultivation to extract evil work.


Zhang Bin's body became a black hole, caught in the air in the air.

His body is also awakened, and quickly processes the extraction attribute.

Collect into meridians and extract attributes.

Real gas increases rapidly.

Three days later, Zhang Bin took the early evil spirits to the early days of the immortal.

This speed is simply incredible.

It can be seen that Zhang Bin is super good for the qualifications of Tiandian.

Zhang Bin stopped cultivating.

Because this is the underground cave, the fairy in the cave is not much, and now he has been swallowed by him, and the cave wall is still in the fairy, but the amount is not a lot.

That is, it is not suitable for him to cultivate.

He once again used the magical black American, dive it on the ground.

His face is full of excitement and exciting colors. His eyes are also inciting the burning rays, and projected on this countless dense magnes.

There is a launched instrument in his hand.

His extraction is also used in an instant. A needle tube is suddenly appearing, and I have a hidden fairy on a hug.

Magical things happened.

Xianqi and Hongmeng Zi were extracted and injected into that instrument.

Soon, it was compressed into a fairy stone with purple rays.

Crystal clear, beautiful.

"God, I actually extracted the best Xianshi!"

Zhang Bin sent a shouting shout.

In the past, he just came to the fairy world, and he had secretly tried it. He cracked a fairy stone with the secret law of the Qingmei, but did not succeed, the fairy is too powerful, the immortal and Hongmeng Ziqi can not be taught.

So, at the time he wanted to use the management personnel of the bribe to bribe, then went to the moon and thousands of fragrances.

Now, he learned the magical extracting skills, and it could be tailored to Xiaoli, and it is the best.

You know, the circulation currency in the fairy is a fairy stone, which contains a strong cultivation. The cactus wants to be unsatisfactory. It must be cultivated with a fairy stone, just absorb the fairy in the air. It is not enough. Therefore, Xianshi is a consumable product, which is worth it.

Xianshi is divided into items, China, topped, and best.

Four levels.

The best Xianshi is the most precious.

In the fairy world, the best Xianshi mine is very rare.

Zhang Bin can extract from the trees to the best Xianshi.

This is simply refreshed.

"I don't know, can I extract the best Xianshi from the earth?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he made the needle into the earth and began to extract the fairy and Hongmeng Ziqi in the earth.

Unbelievable, actually can be extracted, and the speed is very fast, only a few breathing time.

Extract 10 best Xianshi.

"The money is forced, too cattle, this mention the evil work can be said to be a might hyperong practice. From today, I am a real local luxury!" Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

"The master, this time you are really transported, I also sent a big fortune." The rabbit said excitedly. "I querying the information of the evil spirits in, but even inquiry, I can only The query extracts the properties. The data is also very rare, because the fairyland demon ghost circle is almost no one has the extraction of the property, the fairyland in the fairyland, there is no 81 Dantian, they only have 80, which is lacking extraction attributes. Dantian. "

"Extracting the property so rare?" Zhang Bin shocked inexplicable, "Even the fairy emperor has no? But the horror exists in the altar coffin is there? And cultivate to the horrible level, it can easily extract from the human body Memory and exercises ... Can rabbits, can you check the evil giant information? "

As Zhang Bin's current extraction, the extraction of Xianshi is the limit. If you want to extract memories and practice in the human soul, you can't do it.

"The information is almost no. Only only words are speaking, saying that there is an incomparable fairy emperor - Tiantian Xianmi, threatening to extract the essence of the entire universe, and then super universe. But after it hired. No The information is. "The rabbit said.

"Could I, I will mention the evil in the coffin in the altar." Zhang Bin has secretly played a cold. "If so, mention Tian Xianmi may be a terrorist mission, extract the essence of the entire universe, so he made The big horror, secretly deal with the master of the Strong Xianyu, kill them, extract the essence and soul energy in their body, extract their memory and exercises ... "is so strong ..."

"Maybe I think more, if I guess, this time, I can't escape, I can't escape." After a while, Zhang Bin muttered muttered, face It is also a color of self-laugh.

I am really a little god now.

Tied to the fairy emperor and strong, it is impossible to extract the essence of the entire universe.

That is just an ability.

Any abilities are very strong, which will be very powerful, but must borrow the strength of the universe.

What is easy to get the essence of the universe?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin put down inexplicable worried.

Joy is also in his heart.

It comes from all one, there is no foundation.

I can't get a fairy mine, it can be said to be a poor two white.

However, now I have learned a magical extracting evil.

But it is to make up for your own defects.

It's not a fairy stone.

(Ask for the recommendation, thank you brothers.)

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