The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2055 Extracting Seawater Essence

"Extraction of abilities ..."

Zhang Bin shouted again.

A invisible needle tube flew out from his mouth, the pen left the hole, went to the outside of the sea.

Start crazy to extract the essence in the sea.

The ban on the sea has bred countless genius, countless magical fairy medicine.

Then the fairy medicine is in the horrible sea tide into a powder, melting in the ban in the sea.

However, the content is not very big.

It is too hard to extract such a extract.

It is the imperial emperor that may not be possible.

However, Zhang Bin mastered the unparalleled extraction of abilities, but it could do it.

"Hey ..."

The singular voice sounded, the essence in the sea was extracted.

Transfer to Zhang Bin's body, rapidly absorb and refine by Zhang Bin's body and soul.

Then transform into a variety of true trivies, injecting into Zhang Bin's many Dantian.

The speed is very fast, and it is more than 100 times, thousands of times the speed of cultivation in the quenching hole.

In other words, whether it is internal repair, or the external practice, it is in a leap.

Zhang Bin's heart is big, the ban is really a paradise of cultivation.

It belongs to your own blessing.

It is difficult to master such a magical extracting skills.

However, Zhang Bin is also in the heart, and although there is too many essence of too many fairy medicine, most of them are not taking them.

There is a great help to your own cultivation.

But wait for cultivation to a certain point, the body will have immunity, and the speed of cultivation will slow down.

This may be able to extract a more powerful essence unless you enter the depth of the sea.

But that is too dangerous.

"Ping ..."

Suddenly rising, the sea set off the waves of the sky, and the rolling seawater will come to the other, just like the sea water.

Many places, people with treasures have been made into powder, completely falling.

Even the sea in the cave in Zhang Bin is rapidly surging.

Crazy shot in Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Just like countless masters attack Zhang Bin crazy, Zhang Bin's ability is not.

He can only carry out the abilities that do not die, time, vain, etc., and this horrible attack confrontation.


I can't bear it in a while. Zhang Bin can't bear it.

Spit out a blood.

Dare to confront, his heart, there is a black stone armor.

The black stone armor is worthy of refining with black.

Not only heavy, the defense ability is also the extreme of terror.

Did not break, resist crazy attacks of the waves.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is safe and sound, and continues to cultivate.

However, Zhang Bin is clearly known that the waves among such caves are not what, if they are outside, even if they wear black stone armor, it is not necessarily safe, because the sea tide outside is thousands of times.

This is also a near-sea area, if it is in-depth, what happens to?

Cactors who can afford the sea tide in the offshore, it is certainly a terrible master.

The pirates hidden in the banned sea, long-term life, how horror and powerful?

No wonder, the fairy king like thousands of families will not be annihilated.

Soon, three months passed.

Zhang Bin finally cultivated the evil spirits to the early days of Xianziti, and the progress of most of the rest of the work.

He also went deep into the feelings of extracting skills.

"Breakthrough in the middle of the fairy, it is a little bit." Zhang Bin muttered, "The medicinal effect of this sea water is not too much. I have to change a place. However, such a good cultivation Place, it may be difficult to find, I will extract some essence spare. "

Then he madly extracted the essence of seawater and injected into a jade bottle.

The extraction of several lakes in one breath, Zhang Bin stopped.

Soon, he returned to the sea, standing on the reef, detailed the direction, and continued to go to the dark sea.

Of course, he is going forward, in fact, is looking for an offshore island.

Also in order to avoid the place he has worn.

"There seems to be an island?"

Zhang Bin looked at the black objects of the side of the sea, and the face showed a surprise.

He immediately flew there.

Soon, he came to the nearby island.

Then he lamely be numb.

Because it is not islands, but a giant fish.

Its back floats, just like an island.

"My luck is so back? I have encountered a ban on the sea?"

Zhang Bin's face became very serious.

He felt a crisis of death.

Forbidden sea, the beast is a terrorist life living in the Blast, just like a fish in the sea.

A wide variety, they live in such a horrible sea, they are used to the stress and gravity of the sky, and they can bear the shots of the waves, so their body is like steel bones, powerful to incredible.

They look into a fairy into the .

As long as you see the fairy, you will crazy attacks.


The brain of the murder is floating, there is approximately five meters diameters, black, and it has an indestructible breath.

It was crazy, and a few meters diameter water arrows broke out.

Through the sky, shoot to Zhang Bin.

Murderous, the momentum is extremely horrific.

" ..."

Zhang Bin flashed while flashing, hiding away.

Then he escaped in the direction of the coast.

If there is only one fierce beast, he is of course not afraid.

However, there is still a fierce beast under the sea?

So, hurry to leave, is the most wise.

Unfortunately, this murderous beast is very powerful, far beyond Zhang Bin's estimation.

The murder beast suddenly swayed the tail, just shot like the sharding.

Blinking Zhang Bin.

Zhang opened a big mouth and bite it to Zhang Bin.

"you wanna die."

Zhang Bin was angry, he turned, there was a bright mushroom in his hand, and a mushroom was smashed on the mouth of the monster.


A shock is very angry.

This farewell beast made a miserable scream and was deeply put into the sea.

The head is buzzing, and the mouth is also blocked.

" ..."

Zhang Bin did not stay, and quickly went to the direction of the coastline.

But people are unlucky, drink white boiling water, and tooth.

Because suddenly it hit.

The sea is half-air, and it is crazy.

In the instant, Zhang Bin was submerged.

Zhang Bin's body appeared on a black stone armor.

He shed it into the sea as the meteorite.

It is necessary to sink, the waves on the sea are terrible, and you can destroy everything.

It is Zhang Bin who does not dare to hard, can only sink into the sea water to avoid horrible sea tide.


A giant sounded, the waves were in the sky, the fierce beast rushed from the back, and the mouth was also open, and the madness bites to Zhang Bin.

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