The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2062, old nest

"Master, since you are discovered, continue to track what? Isn't there any difference with death?" The rabbit shouted.

"no need to worry."

Zhang Bin said, "Let them be happy first."

So, the pirate ship was behind, Zhang Bin was behind.

Once Zhang Bin's speed is lowered, the speed of the pirate ship is also reduced.

It is afraid that Zhang Bin can't keep up.

Anyway, they have to bring Zhang Bin to the old nest, and live.

"Rabbit, if you detect the beast, let me immediately."

Zhang Bin said.

"Yes, the master."

The rabbit seems to understand Zhang Bin's intention, and I promised.

Finally, the rabbit used powerful detection ability, and detected a murder of the beast.

About three meters long.

Excissions from a very powerful breath.

Zhang Bin made a stealth ability and silently close.

Then he suddenly showed a shock, shocked this electric otter.

Let's grasp the electric martial arts.

After that, it is easy, and the electric oscillat of land is fierce.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's soul body is forced to lure, and then controls this electric otter on the soul.

He found the locator and swallowed the stomach.

He put it out again.

Electric follows behind the pirate ship.

And Zhang Bin is followed by the back of the electric .

" ..."

Zhang Bin issued a molar smile.

Just tracked for a month.

Finally arrived at the old nest of the pirate.

Of course, in this month, I have encountered the horrible sea tide, and even tsunami.

However, Zhang Bin and the pirate ship are underwater, and it is easy to spend the crisis.

The pirate boat floated.

Then stop at the side of the island.

This is an island that looks no buildings.

It is not very wide.

Even is not very high.

In fact, it is a big rock.

"There is a weird ..."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face floated the singular expression.

He immediately let the electric began to swim around this island, and then sneak into a very deep place, a pair look at the appearance.

And Zhang Bin is the use of umers to drill into the rocks of the islands.

"Hey ... The stupidness really followed."

The Kuko shed the pirate ship and sinking into the water. Finally, I went into a black lacquered hole, disappearing without trace.

Obviously, Zhang Bin also followed.

"Don't have a hole ..."

Zhang Bin was darkly surprised, because he drilled into the rock, soon found that the interior of the rock is hollow.

In other words, this opaque islands may be a secret base of the thief.

He continued to shuttle in the rock.

Gradually, he found more secrets.

This is a huge rock.

Look at the sea, but the part of the sea is not as big as a big island.

There are countless caves, which are arranged in a hard door, a horrible array.

To break, it is difficult than the day.

Moreover, due to the pirate boats, they can easily escape from underwater.

Not afraid of the encirclement of officers and men.

Let Zhang Bin doubtful thing is that such an important base, how can this team of pirates dare to come here to come here?

Is it a pirate ignorance, or another calculation?

However, Zhang Bin did not worry, he has a magical treasure like Wu American, it is easy to escape.

As long as you sneak into the rocks of the sea, the enemy can't find him.

The rocks of the banned sea are of course unparalleled, so they can withstand the rolling and tapping of the heavy water that is extremely horrible. Although it is not as good as black, the distance will not be too far.

Such rocks are difficult to break.

The pirate is absolutely unverified, Zhang Bin can shuttle in the rock.

"The deputy leader of the report, today we have encountered a very powerful pirate ..."

I went to a luxurious cave, and I was a single-eyed big man who was enjoying four beautiful women.

One-eyed man is only one eye.

It looks fierce, quite horizontal.

I have a breath that can make anyone fear.

He is the deputy head of the thief, who is one-eyed dragon, cultivating the early days of Xianwang.

It is an incredible role.

The officers and soldiers are more encirclement, and there is no way to catch him.

"Xianjun is full of excitement? Not bad."

The one-eyed dragon waved four maides, and the face was full of smiles. "Waiting for him, the soul controls him, then we have a master. Our strength is strong."

" ..."

Qikou sent an evil laughter.


However, he immediately slammed a slap in the past.

Suddenly, you will fall, the teeth with blood are also jealous.

The mouth is also a scream.

And his face is full of doubts. He doesn't understand, why is Qik to play him?

"Stupid!" One-eyed dragon roar, "If this person is not a single-character, but the master of the officers and men. You will return to our most important base, our base is exposed, maybe officers and soldiers will come immediately."

"This is this ... Deputy leader, you dare to use life guarantees, he is not officer, it is the only one."

The sweat is flowing out on the forehead, and the face has become pale.

At this time, he felt that he seems to commit a big mistake.

"The command will go down, prepare it immediately ..."

The one-eyed dragon is not hesitating, ordered.

Then he grabbed the locator in the , observed in detail, muttered in his mouth: "I still have not souseed, he is in the island around, and the behavior is very suspicious."

However, his face has floated the cold laugh, and there will be a few super powerful masters, and it is necessary to control the pirate ship. Of course, it is necessary to catch Zhang Bin.

"Tiger is successful from the mountain."

Zhang Bin had diven into the rock of this cave, although he did not drill, but he also heard their conversation.

He didn't have any delays, and he thought.

That electric will go to the deep sea like lightning.

"I still want to escape? How is it possible?"

The one-eyed dragon's face is full of smirk, and the pirate ship is rushing up.

The speed is not absolutely electric otter.

In this way, they quickly fled, soon disappeared in the nearby sea.

"I have to hurry, find their treasures."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he continued to shuttle quickly in the rock, greeted.

Soon, Zhang Bin found that a dozen pirate ships were placed in a cave connected to the ban.

Many pirates will move their treasures on their busy trends.

Because there is a space container, it is also very fast.

However, they didn't escape immediately.

Several small pirate boats sent, patrols and warns outside the island.

Once found, they will only serve the pirate ship to escape.

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