One-eyed dragon is over for a long time, and the face is revealed and the color of confidence is not confident.

Because he is almost not enough, it seems that a fog is blocked everything, it seems to be, there is no toxic beard in this world.

In this case, unless the other party is much stronger than him, it will appear.

For example, he calculates a lot of powerful fairy kings, and Xian Di is the case.

Does the poisonous beard are such a master?

If so, why should he use tiger from the mountain toxic?

Can you directly rob it?

"Don't the poisonous beard is a super genius for pushing, destiny, deception, etc. He? Yes, it must be, this is the only explanation. "

One-eyed dragon is in the heart, it is speculated, analyzed.

After a while, he began to calculate, but this time, he is not a false drop of Zhang Bin, but is a drop of many treasures.

But the gas is angry, or it is still not possible.

As if, those treasures have no such universe.

He is not known that Zhang Bin puts those treasures in a space container, and then uses the internal repair of the true gas to seal the space container.

This is what he dares to steal all the treasures.

Otherwise, the pirate can be calculated to everything, he is still not coming back to the coast, it may be found by the pirate.

It is to know that the leader of the pirate is the great horror master in the Daiwang.

He is of course careful.

"Nima, what is this? Do you have such a means?"

The one-eyed dragon is really helpless, he has never encountered such a powerful figure.

Even, he has a very bad premonition, all the treasures are chasing it back.

However, he still didn't give up, and immediately ordered many pirates into countless groups, looking for Zhang Bin's traces in the Blast.

Even, I also contacted the headquarters and sent more pirates to search together.

They also sent a pirate and went to the coast and found Zhang Bin in detail.

Unfortunately, everything is futile.

Zhang Bin is like disappearing from this world.

There is no extraction.

Antarctic Fairy Turi - Heavenly City.

A very handsome and handsome teenager came, he is of course Zhang Bin.

Tiannan City is the Political Cultural Center of the Antarctic Fairy, native is unborn.

And the Antarctic Fairy and Arctic Fairy are different, and there is no emperor.

They all live in Tiannan City.

Each has its own house.

"The master, the Crown of the Antarctic" The competition competition is much more complicated than the Arctic Reserve of the Arctic, "said rabbits in the mind of Zhang Bin," The Antarctic Xian Di stipulates that the emperor is not allowed to kill each other, and He actively gave all the princess, all the prince got wife, and encouraged them to breed the descendants. This makes competition more fierce and complicated. Because it is involved in many foreign wealth. "

"Weird, what is the Antarctic Emperor is doing? Does he want Antarctic Fairy?"

Zhang Bin is also a confused abdomen, guess the intention of the Antonctic Emperor.

However, he is a faintly understanding, perhaps because of the provisions of the Antarctic Emperor, even if Yao Pi's unmarried pregnancy, the norms are not rebuilt, but encourage Yaochi to give children.

"Could ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly thought of a special reason, and his heart was shocked.

I thought half a day, he gradually calmed down.

Although the Antarctic Xian Di lived in a lot of money, the wisdom of the fairy emperor, can calculate everything.

But Zhang Bin will not be self-purple, his wisdom is also outstanding.

After so many years of tempering, he became more mature.

As long as you are careful, he can help Yaochi and his future son have come to any difficulties.

He came to the front of the Yaochi Princess House.

The Yaochi princess is still very luxurious.

It covers a hundred thousand mu, and the house is exquisite.

However, because Yaochi Princess announced the competition that does not participate in the Crown Reserve, the Yaochi Princess Government does not recruit masters and great men.

Therefore, it is necessary to mix it into the princess, see Yaochi, is not a matter of easy things.

However, Zhang Bin still has a way.

He just got a trip in front of the princess, he went to a major pharmacy nearby - Wanxian Pharmacy.

The rabbit is inquiry through, in fact, this Wanxian Pharmacy is actually the industry of Yaochi Princess.

Acquired a variety of genius, refining various fairyans for sale.

And Yaochi princess, itself is super powerful alchemist master.

It is also very interested in Dan.

So I opened such a pharmacy.

"What kind of medicinal medicine do you need?"

Zhang Bin just went in, a beautiful woman greeted with a intoxicity.

"I am coming to find a job. Can you still need a high alchemist?"

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to say.

As long as you can become a cultural man of Wanxian Pharma, there is a chance to see the princess of Yaochi, even if you can't see it, you can see the Yaochi's close.

However, do you want to reveal your identity, Zhang Bin has not thought about it.

"Sorry, our store is temporarily not shortaged."

Girl's face is getting cold.

There are still many immortal in the fairyland.

As far as Yaochi princess, it is certainly no problem to recruit super powerful alchemists.

Zhang Bin is a bit depressed, what can I do?

But his brain turned quickly, immediately said: "Is that missing person? It doesn't matter if it is a job."

For the son of Yaochi and the son who is born, he is also out.

This reception is stunned, looking at Zhang Bin like the monster.

It should also be used to hire a teacher, can you make it now?

Will n't it be a poor fairy?

Fairy is generally very sympathetic, so this fairy is soft, and I will report the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper is a female cactus looks very beautiful.

However, the realm is not low, cultivating to the Xianshi Great.

She met Zhang Bin in a meeting room.

She got up and down, I got up and down, and then asked Zhang Bin's situation, and also looked at Zhang Bin's ID card, I sighed: "You have just arrived in the fairy world, you can cultivate into the middle of Xianshi, Tianfang It is also good. The store is indeed a mixed. The monthly salary will be ten pieces of Xianshi. If you are willing, you can go to work now. "

Zhang Bin felt that he did not hesitate to agree.

The heart is also a long breath, it is finally a person in the Yaochi Princess.

Not easy.

However, it has gone out of the first step in success.

On the same day, Zhang Bin put on a special overalls and went to work.

The honest work is of course very bad.

Clean health, pack the waste Dan, pay attention to Dan medicine, or even do more things.

The sky is gradually black, the shopkeeper is striving for Zhang Bin: "Zhang Bin, you come over, my shoulder is very sour, you give me a pinch ..."

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