The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2069 sweeping out

"Small rabbit scorpion, dare to arrive in front of me? It is not impatient? Have a matter, you refine the first product fairy?" The master looked into a super, and said.

"My Master is studying, that is, you will never be more than. I just learned only ten days. I didn't learn Master's ability, but what is it difficult?"

He became a super proud to finish, he began to alchem.

At the same time refining 11 furnace drugs.

The alchemy room is very convenient, which is a magical fire array, which can always generate a variety of flames.

The superchard also has a fire property, cultivating fire attribute.

It is also easy to manipulate the flame here.

I saw the flame crazy burning, and many medicinal materials fell by one by one, and they entered the Dan furnace.

He extracted the liquid with the secret method and remove impurities.

Skillful pole.

It seems that he refines thousands of thousands of times.

Just an hour.

11 furnaces will succeed.

Exudes a strange fragrance.

Most of them are U.S., a small part is Zhongxin.

Zhang Bin used only 10 days to cultivate a Dan Tong who never refined Xiandan into a senior alchemist.

Refining it out of the product.

This is simply a big miracle.

"How can this be?"

The eyes of the masters are almost falling.

Wooden Qingqing is also completely stupid. Her face is full of shocking and dare not confidence.

One Dan Tong in the district has become a senior alchemy teacher in 11 days, and 11 furnaces can be refined at the same time.

This is incredible.

This is called Zhang Bin's teenager, how can there be such a magical means?

What is he coming?

"Master, you lost, take your rhetoric, roll."

Zhang Bin said coldly.

He is very discerning for the poor man who is poor in the master.

Therefore, he will show a means to drive away each other.


The master woke up, and the immersed, anger.

But it is nothing to say.

However, he doesn't want to leave Wanxian Pharmacy.

The treatment here is very good, and no one dares to provoke.

So, he immediately smiled and said: "I really lose. I can go, but, I have to go with me."

This guy received a lot of apprentices because of a senior alchemist.

He was a 10teen apprentice into the Wanxian Pharmacy.

So, if they are divorced by nine people, there is not enough alchemy.

That is a big trouble.

"I have a suggestion, that is, master can resign, but I can hire him again."

Muqing said.

"This method is good."

The master laughed at Zhang Bin.


It is a super angry.

Zhang Bin is still a faceless expression, saying faintly: "The shopkeeper, the alchemy teacher of our Wanxian Pharmacy is too much, waste resources, if it is dismissing 9 refinents, it is very suitable."


The master's face is full of contempt.

He is all arguing.

What is the prosperity of the business of Wanxian Pharma? How horror is consumed daily?

If you have a nine alchemy, the rest of the alchemy is 24 hours a day, and it is not busy.

"Okay, you don't have to compete. In the future, you are all the senior alchemists of our Wanxian Pharma. Being in harmony." Wooden Qingqing began and the mud.

"The shopkeeper, I don't want to work with him, so, you retain him, I am leaving me, he will go."

The master is not dry, and I said.

He is quite deep. If Zhang Bin is dismissed, Zhang Bin's enemy will come to grab the source of the stone.

Therefore, Zhang Bin can only leave the origin stone,

He has the opportunity to get the origin.

And Zhang Bin may not live.


It is an emergency and evil, and I am angry.

" ..."

The master, but the master is looking into a smile, and people are cold and chestnut.

Obviously, he will not only deal with Zhang Bin, but also to deal with the super.


The wood is a bit of difficult, she doesn't want to dismiss Zhang Bin, but I don't want to dismiss the master.

However, the two contradictions are heavy and cannot be co-all.

Must give up one person.

Who is going to give up?

Zhang Bin is a clear laugh, he is a heart, dozens of Dan furnaces will fly.

Plus the previous 11 Dan furnace is 32 Dan.

"Flame, from ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

The four-color flame appeared in the air, caught the 32 Dan furnace in the air.

Then, many of the materials he had already prepared, flying quickly, fell into different Dan furnaces.

Magic is that the medicinal materials for each Dan furnace are different.

That is, he simultaneously refines the different Dan medicine of 32 furnaces.

However, it is unrest, and the well is there.

Dan furnace rocks, the flame is in place, and the color of the flame is also extremely changing.

The medicinal material is flies in the sky, and the disgot is also flying across.

The strange medicine is filled.

Just only half an hour is less than half.

32 furnace drugs have been successfully refining.

Dan medicine flew out, all of them were superior.

There is no waste Dan.

Dan medicine fell into 32 jade bottles, respectively.

Rows in the table neatly.

"My God, what is this ambao master?"

Wooden Qingqing has soon shocked as a fool, his eyes are sluggish.

"My mom, my master has such a magical alchemy technology? I became a super development, developed ..." Benefa is early to be in the ground film.

Such alchemists don't have to say, I have never heard of it.

However, Zhang Bin is his Master.

As for the master, I have long been stupid. His face became paleble, and the body is stabbed.

At this time, he understood that he kicked himself.

And the teenager who seems to be harmful in front of him is actually a master of alchemy than him. It is miserable.

"Master, you and your apprentices are fired ..."

Wuliangqing finally woke up, and did not hesitate to make a choice.

There is Zhang Bin's alchemy master, and the Wanxian Pharmacy will make a lot of money.

Because even the alchemist such as the master, the alchemy will lose hand, sometimes refining, sometimes the quality is not high.

However, Zhang Bin's speed is fast and high quality.

At the same time, the 32 furnaces of 32 furnaces are all the top of Shangdan.

"Zhang Bin, for you, but you won't have a good end."

Master, looked at Zhang Bin, said.

"The shopkeeper, this part of the original stone is the root cause of trouble. Give you."

Zhang Bin didn't see the master of your master, but took out the original stone, stuffed into the wooden green.

This is precautions.

He also used his toe to think that the master left, and he will open a native stone in his hand.

That is much trouble.

So, he sent this original stone, and wood green will certainly use it immediately.

The master also didn't have any way.

After the observation of this day, he felt that Wood Qingqing did no matter what wisdom or is, it is good.

It is worth cultivating.

And he believes that it is the husband of Yaochi, of course, will not be a matter of cultivation of a local stone cultivation in the district.

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