The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2072 Chapter Super Wisdom

Autumn Yun said that it was very surprised. This bastard seems to study the situation of the Antarctic Fairy in the great effort. It seems to grasp the mind of the Antarctic Xianmine.

The analysis is reasonable and exceptionally clear.

However, she quickly said: "It seems that you are also a little wisdom, it is not an idiot. However, you are too giving you a golden gold. On your strength, practice to the middle of the fairy, It is said that it is necessary to protect the princess, spend the death crisis, do you not blush? "

Zhang Bin's face has floated a strange smile, because he knew that Qiu Yun has been moved by him, she already believes him, I believe he is not to climb the branch, but to protect the princess.

His purpose is basically reached.

In fact, the trust of the autumn cloud is the hardest thing, and it is also the most critical thing.

Otherwise, his plan has no way.

Zhang Bin gains a while, and said seriously: "That is my goal, people, how can people have a goal, struggle, there is a hope for living, life is also a meaningful. So I will do their utmost I have to do my best, my own ability is limited, we can unite more people, we can also think of better ways, let the princess spend the crisis and compete for the reserve. "

"shut up."

The autumn cloud is taken by Zhang Bin, how is this bastard becomes more and more arrogant? It is getting more and more reliable. Just also said that the princess has spent the death crisis, but now it is necessary to compete into a reserve.

This bastard is simply damaging princess.

The princess is now keeping low-key, and can not be jealous of people, otherwise, a big disaster is not far away.

"Qiu Yun, in fact, you and the princess know clearly, if you want to live, only the competition is a reserve, there is no way, so the death crisis is equal to the competition into a reserve." Zhang Bin said seriously, "You don't have to deny Don't be afraid. "

"Nuts," Qiu Yun is angry, "Who said that you have to live, you must compete for a success of the Royal Time. I have said it early, I don't allow my emperor to kill each other. So, as long as you don't compete, you will not compete. It is safe. "

"Oh ..." Zhang Bin smiled, "You are so too true. May, the princess is a little bit true."

"You are really true, your family is true."

Qiu Yun said that he didn't say good.

She suddenly found that this bastard is very annoying, and speaking can be mad.

"In fact, in the past, I also really like you, think that there is no competition into the emperor, and I don't necessarily fall." Zhang Bin sighed, "But after I have a long time, I want to understand things." The cruelty. I didn't compete into a decline in the conclusion of death. "

"You are alarmist ..."

Qiu Yun is anxious and anxious, but she still did not stop Zhang Bin from talking.

"You know that the past is competing into the emperor, and then climbed to the emperor. Why do you have all the brothers and sisters, one does not leave, is there a root of the grass?" Zhang Bin asked.

"This ... I don't know."

The color of Qiu Yun became pale, discussing such a thing, that is, I am a big jealousy. If I know it, it is a dead road.

"Your Majesty may not worry about his brothers and sisters to capture his emperor, because he is a winner, it is the most talented. However, he had to worry about his brothers and sisters, and after all, their body is also flowing. Emperor blood, it is possible to pregnant than him to have a genius, then it will threaten his emperor, but you have to slaughter the root. So, you never breed the descendants. Until he wants to retreat, it will start breeding. "Zhang Bin's two eyes shot in the light of wisdom.

This conclusion is also what he has learned recently.

He has been thinking in the quenching hole, and he has a lot of a lot of detail every day.

And I got this conclusion, Zhang Bin is not cold and chestnut.

The fairyland, ghost circles, demon circles, the devils have reached the point where the blood is incomparably.

He also clearly understood that although Bei Snow Princess agreed that Zhang Bin would not make it difficult for the silver screen princess, if she mounted on the imperial place, then there is a big possibility that she will repent, kill the silver screen princess, If the Silver screen princess has the future generation, she will also cut the root.

And the Antarctic Xian Emperor is now very caring for many children, and they are not allowed to kill. In fact, he just wants to get a talented heir, once inherited, the rest can abandon.

"Don't say ..."

The face of Qiu Yun has become more profound, and the body is stalking.

She finally woke up by Zhang Bin and saw the most cruel facts.

"Don't worry, although we understand the truth, but things are still very far." Zhang Bin said softly, "We still have a lot of time. Do you arrange me and the princess?"


Autumn clouds are very unhappy.

She felt that she seems to be taken by Zhang Bin.

Although this bastard is not bad, it can speak.

"You still don't believe me? I am not very good, it is not qualified to marry the princess. I don't have any non-division, I just want to assist the princess, let her spend the death crisis. Perhaps, I have no qualifications for princess, but I just want to do things to give princess, make up for my apology. "Zhang Bin said.

"You stay here. Don't go out."

Qiu Yun once again, Zhang Bin, gone, and slammed the door.

And the secret is used to imprison this door.

No her is open, Zhang Bin is not going.

Zhang Bin smiled away, sitting on a knee, and he began to practice.

Only when it becomes super power, he can get Yaochi to protect Yaochi and your child.

Otherwise, everything is the air building.

Although he is now strong, he can deal with the immortal in the early days of Xianjun.

However, the master of the fairy is like a cloud, Xianjun countless, the fairy king is also a lot, and there is more horrible Xue Emperor.

He is still a very weak cactus.

"Do I want to tell the princess?"

Autumn Yun went out, the brain is a bit confusing.

It is also a bit entangled.

She certainly doesn't think Zhang Bin can be distributed with princess.

Of course, Zhang Bin will never appear.

However, Zhang Bin said that it made a very cruel fact.

So, you should prepare early.

Preparing, you need trust and will not be bought by people.

This kind of talent is hard to find.

Zhang Bin is worth trust, and it is also the talents of Xianwang.

If he is not infatuated, he can help the princess, but it can be great.

"Forget it, let the princess wear it. I don't hurt my brain."

Qiu Yun was tangled for a long time, and finally, he decided.

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