The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2074 Royal Secret

"The Talented Dantian area is 79, and the Tantian area of ​​Your Majesty is 80."

Yaochi gave a while, he said coldly.

This is the royal secret, and it can't be easily leaked.

But she still said.

Not a trust of Zhang Bin, but because she believes that Zhang Bin's life and death.

If Zhang Bin is mediocrible, the kill will go.

If Zhang Bin has the ability, he will live him.

Because of her belly, Zhang Bin's flesh, cage Zhang Bin, it is easy.

However, you have to grasp the degree.

Can't let Zhang Bin will think.

"The original Antarctic Emperor did not have 81 Dantian area."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and now he also understands that the true meaning of the past Thunder and what he said.

In the past, Thunder said that the Antarctic Xianmin created a mysterious building secret law with more than 8 million years, and can make people's Dantian partition, up to 81. This Antarctic Emperor is not the name of the Antarctic Fairy, but said all Antarctic Emperor! They constantly improve the secret law of the roof, improve the number of Dantian partitions.

In today's Antarctic Fairy, it has reached the limit - 81 areas.

Then Zhang Bin sinks: "Princess, from this situation, Your Majesty is looking forward to a Dantian can be divided into 80, or the descendants of 81 regions, and then inherit the imperial place to him. If the princess can give birth So, you can spend the death crisis. However, it is not easy to achieve this goal. I don't know if there is any way to improve the fetus. If there is, that is, it is what we have to do. If the child is not good. So It is necessary to be pregnant again, have another. Must be fast. Once many emperors have given a super genius, then the Crown Reserve is set down. There will be no more disputes. "

"This bastard is in a mess."

Qiu Yun looked at Zhang Bin on the side, and he hated Zhang Bin to kill Zhang Bin.

Yaochi's pretty face is also flying out of the red cloud.

However, she did not blame Zhang Bin, and said coldly: "The child's talent is good, depending on the parents, if the father's tachips are not good, the child's Tianfang is also difficult to draw. After the foundation, 80 Dantian area, it is simply the heavens in the world. There is almost no hope. So, the Palace is now considering the choice. I choose a super genius, wait until the first child is born, I will get married immediately, prepare for the second How do you feel? "

She looked at Zhang Bin in a cold, if Zhang Bin opposed, or hey, she would kill Zhang Bin without hesitation.

If it is not to see Zhang Bin, the wisdom is also extraordinary.

She has already ordered it.

The reason why it didn't kill Zhang Bin because he didn't make up, and she detected Zhang Bin's Tianfang very well, it seems to be a super genius.

However, now I know that Zhang Bin's tachips are not bad, but not so amazingly.

Let her live.

However, if she knows that Zhang Bin has 81 Dantian areas, it is a wild Xian Di, and the crown will die.

She will not be like this, it is very frightened, and I will kill Zhang Bin immediately.

Because Zhang Bin will threaten the political power of the Antarctic Fairy.

This is Zhang Bin's gorgeous, there is no exposure of super talents, and did not say that he is a stupid material.

60 Dantian, the best of the Xianwang, not to let the emperor joys the way.

It is a talent that any emperor is going to be.

In any case, Yaochi princess is impossible to put him such a talent, unless Zhang Bin makes her completely disappointment, wisdom is too bad, unimpled.

"I agree."

Zhang Bin did not hesitate.

"This bastard answers so fast? There is no entanglement and pain. Is it installed out, or telling the truth?" Yaochi princess looked at Zhang Bin coldly and pushed in his heart.

She decided to play with Zhang Bin once, saying faintly: "Our Antarctic Fairy, there are several genius Xianjun and Xianwang, and their Dantian area exceeds 60, and even some people have reached seventy. Now The Palace is concerned about, and Your Majesty will not let the talented people do my husband. Zhang Bin, what do you think? "

"Princess, we must not only consider the genius of Antarctic Fairy, or you can consider other happy genius." Zhang Bin said in on the way.

How smarter is he, how can I not know that the princess of Yaochi is trying to test him?

"This method is good."

Yaochi princess said.

"Princess, you haven't answered my question yet, have you let the fetus to improve the super treasures of the income?" Zhang Bin asked urgently, "If there is, we must go to get."

Although he said, his more super good, is a wild fairy.

However, this is a variation.

Because Zhang Lele, Zhang Jiazhong's parent is not to be outstanding, and it is not the only thing.

Even the fairy king is not.

So, Zhang Bin did not grasp the talents of his son, will be super good.

Therefore, he hopes to find a way to improve the fetus.

If the child is born, like Zhang Bin, the roof can have 81 Dantian area. It will soon lock the victory. The Antarctic Emperor will be satisfied, and will cultivate Zhang Bin's children.

And Zhang Bin's child is in the future of the Antarctic Emperor.

The auxiliary son is on the place of the Immortal, which is of course unparalleled.

"It is too difficult to get it." Yaochi looked at Zhang Bin, "said that other emperors seek. We are no exception, be sure to get. However, the Palace announced that it does not participate in the Crown Reserve Competition. So, there is not too many people. "

"Since it is this situation, why do you want to participate in the reservoir competition?"

Zhang Bin took the brow.

"Hey ..." Yaochi Princess snorted, "Not for children in the abdomen. If you participate in the reservoir competition, then the opponent will make everything possible to deal with me, there are many ways to hurt the fetus, which is easy to reduce the fetus. And I have the least princess, the weakest force, it is difficult to fight. "

"It turns out." Zhang Bin suddenly realized. "I am willing to find treasures to improve the fetal heroes. Do not move anyone in the princess. I must succeed. However, the princess you must promise me."

"Promise you?"

The face of the princess of Yaochi has floated the color.

"That is waiting for me to find treasures, the princess, you must take the treasure to take the treasure, rather than keeping the land, give the next child." Zhang Bin said.

He is bright in his heart, and the Yaochi princess saw him, testing him, the purpose is to let him get treasures to improve the fetus, after all, many emperors are doing.

However, if Zhang Bin's treasure is not much, it can only improve the fetus.

Princess Yaochi is likely to leave treasures and use it for the second child.

Because she misfessed that Zhang Bin has only 60 Dantian area, the Tianfang is not a horrible, the child's talents may not be very good, and the treasures that use promotion of the promotion are not too much.


Yaochi princess is screaming, "When do you really kill you?"

"Princess, I am working hard to find treasures, just to give me children." Zhang Bin said, "If you don't agree. What is the meaning of the treasure?"

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