The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2082 suffers from emperors

"I have seen the four emperors."

The face of the witch learned, but it is still respectful.

The other four team members have become bigger, and the body is stabbing.

Even Zhang Bin is a little unexpected, and the face has also slanting the color.

They have never thought that there have been emperors who dare to come to Danjie to find Dan Ling fruit.

Things have become incomparable.

"Witch learns, see you on your own, you will give you the whole body. You can commit suicide."

There was a sharp shortcoming in the hands of the four emperors, and the power and momentum of the sky was blamed.

He is an emperor, super genius, and 78 Dantian areas, and cultivation to the Xianshi Great.

Of course, the combination is extremely horrible, and it is easy to deal with the master of Xianjun.

It is the mid-term Xianjun, and he will not fear.

Terrible is that he also has an emperor who has given to the Antarctic Emperor, and he has a soul guardian.

Such a person is much more horrible than any big fairyland.

What's more, he has nine so powerful.

"Come and commit suicide ... Otherwise, the blade is divided into the body."

The four emperors are also taken out of the fairy, and the high level is raised in the air.

The cold murder is taken out, bringing together, and impacts the sky.

People are shocked.

This is simply desperate, there is no life path.

Therefore, the five people of Wuwitch use the eyes, and they look at Zhang Bin, and I look forward to Zhang Bin to see the way to escape.

Zhang Bin did not fear, faintly, "all, prepare for self-explosion ..."

The four emperors were awkward, just like a snake, and after the lightning was in the same place, he retired dozens of meters.

If Zhang Bin is really self-explosive, they stand so close may be affected, or even false.

After all, the immortal of Xianjun is self-explosion, and the power is very horrible.

The five people in the midst of Wuwitch are secretly praised in their hearts. Zhang Bin is really too cattle. Just a word, let the four emperors are eaten, and they are not dare.

Perhaps I saw a drama expression on a few people on the Witch, and the four emperors were furious, and they said: "Six idiots, I think you can scare us with self-explosion? Can you escape? I have too many ways to easily Kill you. "

"Four emperors, we are not scared, but it will really be exploded." Zhang Bin came down from the soft collapse, stood on the ground, said coldly, "We have a directive to eight emperors, sniper any people entering the Danjie In particular, it is necessary to stop any emperors from entering. And your strength is strong, we can only be self-explosive and you are with you. Even if you can't kill all, but kill some, then you have to get Dan Ling fruit is tough, maybe, In the front of the big emperor and the big princess, you can kill you. Our mission is completed. Anyway, the eight emperor has been given to Dan Ling fruit. "

"You are not afraid of death? Will you die?"

The four emperors said smiling.

"Four emperors, they are intimidation, we do it, kill them."


The four emperors are also inner, and they are crazy.

"They all surnamed Witch, is this reason?"

Zhang Bin said coldly.

These five people are still surnamed Wushou, except for the Witch Sciences, the rest is the meaning of the Witch Made.

And Wushu Qingyi is a midist of Wu Ma Xuexiao, and there is an eight emperor's flesh in her belly.

Therefore, they are entirely possible for family interests.

"Your reason is indeed enough." The four emperors appeared in the hands of the four emperors, and smiled and said, "These characters, kill you enough?"

"Hey ..." Zhang Bin made a sigh, looked at each other with mercy, "Four emperors, you still ask your big counsel, is it true to kill us?"

"Hey ... kill you six ant ants, I have to ask the big husband? You are too true."

The four emperors said with a smile.

"We also have a fairy king, and there is also a card." Zhang Bin said faintly, "Your strength is strong. If you are insisted to kill us, you can do it. However, our surname is a Witch, absolutely will not fall. Escape, it will never surrender, but will fight with you. So, you will eat us, you have to pay a huge price. What is your purpose? It is a Dan Ling fruit, not a murder. You pay great price Kill us, there is no loss in the eight emperor. After all, there is already a Dan Ling fruit. However, you have to get a Dan Ling fruit, it is too much. "

The four emperor's face has become stiff.

The arrogant is also instantaneous.

Because Zhang Bin said too much.

There is no significance of this person who killed Zhang Bin, but it has paid a huge price. If you lose a fairy king, you may affect yourself can get Dan Ling fruit.

"Four emperors, we still don't have to fight them, or enter the Danjie as soon as possible. Get the Dan Ling fruit. More than a while, the loss is a bit of strength, all are unwise."

The big husband in the four emperor Dragon Pools, of course, also induced everything outside, he said seriously.

"Hey ... I will live around you."

The four emperors say from kindness, cold and cold, "let the way."

"We will not let the road, you detour."

Zhang Bin said with unquestionable tone.


The four emperors have almost no vomiting blood, but they have no delay. With nine masters, bypass the thorns next to them, they quickly go to the hill.

"Zhang Bin, you are too big."

"Big mutual, your wisdom is amazing."

"Big misery, if this time, we are miserable."


Wu Ma Xuexiao five people served in Zhang Binpeng, and even said.

Hart is like a tide.

"Continue to start as much as possible."

Zhang Bin is immediately ordered.

So they started again.

The speed is also accelerated, but their speed is still far more than four emperors.

How to accelerate, it is also possible to catch up.

"What should I do if I can't catch them?"

Witch learns a little anxiously.

He is very worried about the four emperor into the Danjie and gets the Dan Ling.

Because there are so many masters of the four princes, plus so many fairy kings and emperors.

It is possible.

"Don't worry, they will soon catch up with other brigions, will inevitably have a war." Zhang Bin said faintly, "letting them get us to clear the road, replace us to complete the eight emperors."

" ..."

Witch learns and others have issued evil laughter.

I don't worry again.

"We are as fast as possible, but you have to leave a certain physical strength. If you can catch up with them, then you can pick it out." Zhang Bin told him.


Five masters of faces are filled with admiration.

Looking up the Zhang Binli to the same way.

"Fudge the five helpers, there are many security, and it is much relaxed. Otherwise, I will still fall behind. It is difficult to get the Dan Ling fruit." Zhang Binshu sat in the soft collapsed, while cultivating, while in the heart .

"Dangdang ..."

"Boom ..."

"Ah ..."

After a month, I suddenly came from the voices of the wars, and I also came into a scream.

"All stealth, we touch it."

Zhang Bin's face has been excited and looking forward to the color, ordered.

This year, he used the precious Dan medicine of the five people of the Witch, and the fairy medicine were used.

But only one bottleneck can only be broken.

However, if you want to enter the Danjie, you must do the realm of Xianjun, and Zhang Bin is double repairing, it is much more powerful than the monk of the realm, so Zhang Bin is impressed, you must break through a bottleneck, you have to break through the fairyland The peak is only.

But to break through a bottleneck, if it is natural cultivation, it may take more than ten years.

It is necessary to rely on Super Advanced Fairy Pharmacy.

Therefore, it is necessary to play the idea of ​​the other small team.

Perhaps, some teams also find four levels of fairy medicine, or five-level fairy medicine?

After all, this is Danling Mountain, which is an immortal medicine.

Now, the opportunity is finally here!

(I beg you for the recommendation, thank you.)

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