The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2084 Terror Prohibition

A hidden mountain cave.

Zhang Bin is sitting on the knee, holding a jade jade in his hand.

Read in detail.

This jade is justified from the space container of the four emperors.

The inside records an incomparably magical practice, in fact, the Antarctic Xian Di's ancestors - Antarctic life gods, with numerous cattle properties: life, time, not dead, not old.

This method of adding a Physical Formation of this work is the inheritance of the Antarctic Xianli.

True emperor.

And it is a magical practice.

It is a pity that the Antarctic life of the Antarctic life in this jade is only cultivated to the Xianjian. Can't cultivate into the fairy king, don't say to the Immortal.

More amazing, if it is not the secret of the Antarctic Xianmin, it cannot cultivate this practice.

Therefore, even if someone gets the gods of the Antarctic life, they cannot cultivate.

However, Zhang Bin is to build a philosophi by the Antarctic Xianmine.

Of course you can practice.

Therefore, Zhang Bin reads and tried to practice.

Soon, his face was full of surprised colors.

Because this method is too good, the real gas cultivation is too pure.

Power is also much bigger.

More than the best practice of Zhang Bin's previous practice.

"The time attribute in the Antarctic life gods is much better than the moonlight. If it is amended. Let the month and thousands of fragrances, the super good talent of thousands of families will be more powerful."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He continued to practice and continue to feel.

"Life, it is time, no death, no old, etc., it seems that this practice is helpful for my internal repair, the internal space of my cells is turned on, but it becomes large, but To have a change in quality, it is to become an inner planet, then gestate life ... "

Zhang Bin caught in a magical cultivation.

When he woke up from the cultivation, he began to study the emperor.

The emperor made by this emperor is not started with blood.

It is started with special secrets.

In fact, it is to start with a numerous attribute.

The fusion of the attributes required for 77.

Moreover, it is necessary to use the secret law of the Antarctic Xianmi, and the true gas of the Tantan cultivated.

The method of launching the emperor is recorded in the jade .

Therefore, Zhang Bin, of course, immediately understand the mystery.

He can start this horror emperor at any time.

"Hey ... I am not a emperor, but I can start two kinds of emperors."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

Now he has an emperor, then there will be a powerful base card, you can use it to kill any powerful Xianjun.

Originally he also had an emperor who made a domineering refining, but it was left to swallow the heavens.

In Zhang Bin's central Dantian, Yang Xiong and Yunfei Yang also worked hard, they used a four-level fairy medicine, and they were crazy to break through the bottleneck.

The four-level fairy medicine is of course Zhang Bin to them.

Zhang Bin has taken a four-level fairy medicine, then take it, and it is not too much to break through the bottleneck.

Unless refining makes special Dan medicine.

But there is no suitable precious medicine, can only be so bad.

Zhang Bin also gives another four-level fairy medicine to the Wushu Xiaowu.

The Wushu Xiaowu is the smaller guy of the squad of the migration, and the fairyman is full.

Let him take a four-level fairy medicine, it is looking forward to him to break through the early days of Xianjun.

The speed that they travel will be upgraded.

At this moment, the Witch is also trying to practice in the cave, and the breakthrough atmosphere is exposed.

The other three people gave Zhang Bin and the Wushu Xiaowu.

Suddenly, the witch learned the people rushed in, and said excitedly: "The big counsel, I used the emperor, and they went to our front, but they all showed stealth. The power of stealth is not a master. It is a sense of master. Not arriving them. "

"Very good, let them go forehead, open the road, give us competitors."

Zhang Bin took the jade simple, and the face floated the evil smile.

" ..."

Some of the Witch's science people have issued a lot of evil laugh.

Their face is also full of admiration and worship.

Zhang Bin's wisdom is too horrible, and it is what they look like.

It is because Zhang Bin's talents can grab the treasures of the four emperors.

The four emperors are already a tiger who has no teeth.

Zhang Bin did not take the five-level fairy medicine, but continued to work hard and realized.

It's not taking it now, because he has broken through the excellent accumulation.

Finally, the Wushu Xiaoyou broke through the Xianjian, and there was a stupid pressure and momentum.

"Yes, yes, there will be a master."

Zhang Bin's face is full of satisfactory colors.

He is also secretly admired, and the Tianshui of the Witch is good, it should be the leader in the Talents of Xianjun.

He didn't delay again, and immediately set off.

Of course, it is still comfortable to lie in the soft collapse, and has been trying to practice.

These five masters are now completely used by Zhang Bin's utilization tool.

For any command of Zhang Bin, it is not closed.

Zhang Bin has a witch science in front of the road and induces any danger.

Holding the Wushu Xiao Er in the back, feels any danger from the back.

The Wushu Xiaodi is also very powerful, just on the Witch Sciences.

The more you go up, the greater the gravity.

The more difficult it is to walk.

The time is rapidly lapse.

One year later, Zhang Bin's internal repair method broke through the peak of the Yuan Baby.

Three years later, Zhang Bin's internal succession law once again broke through, reaching the Yuan Baby Great.

Five years later, Zhang Bin took the five-level fairy medicine, and finally broke through the peak of Xianshi.

It took half a year, they finally walked to the mountainside.

It is also the entrance of the Danjie.

Of course, Zhang Bin still lying comfortably on the soft collapse.

As for five people of the Witch Science, it is tired that the air is not allowed.

Under such a horrible gravity, it is very difficult to carry Zhang Bin to be so height. Of course it is very difficult.

There is no trees in the entrance of the Danjie.

The ground is golden.

Distribute a murder that is extremely horrible.

Let Zhang Bin are, he saw that there were more than a dozen squad, each selected a place, and walking forward.

Among them, there is a quarter of the four emperors.

They are very powerful.

The weakest people are the realm of Xianjun.

However, they all in the battle.

Going very slowly.


There is a guy that may be touched, and his body suddenly burned five-color flames.

Crazy singed.

Only one moment, this guy will become ashes.

It was blown by the wind, even flying ash.

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