The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2093 Zhang Xiaolong

Zhang Bin drilled the umers and drilled the prison and went to the outside.

Zhang Bin took the cloud and Yang Xiong came to the fairy world, and finally entered the role at this time.

After more than ten years of crazy cultivation, Jiao Bin has cultivated with countless super precious immortals.

Therefore, Yunfeiyang and Yang Xiong were also cultivated as the same realm of Zhang Bin as like sitting in the rocket - the Si Shijing was successful.

However, their combativity is certainly can't be with Zhang Binby.

But it is impossible to pretending to be Zhang Bin.

After all, Yunfei Yang and Zhang Bin are very familiar, and I have always liked to imitate Zhang Bin.

Especially these seven days, Yunfei Yang has been practicing.

"Four Dan Emperor is too powerful, but they can't bore to monitor prisoners with gods."

Zhang Bin sneaked in the underground, "I can freely go out without triggering any array and prohibition, but I can not find it."

Soon, Zhang Bin went to the boutonniend of the teenage city according to the orientation and distance of his own day.

Then he came out from a alley.

When he turned, he became a Dan Ling.

It seems to be a short-term dwarf.

The teenage city is of course very beautiful.

I have cultivated precious fairy medicine everywhere, and the immortality is also a great pole.

The city is very broad, but there is no high building big summer.

The house is only one meter, all very beautiful small villas.

Many Danlings live happily here.

Zhang Bin was turned around in the city, nor did it trigger a vigilance of any Danling.

After all, some Dan Ling likes to walk in the evening, visit friends.

Zhang Bin, of course, is emitting a love, looking for the fairyan who is refining itself.

Dan Ling in the teenage city is not strong, the highest is Densworm.

No master of Danjun.

Therefore, they are also hard to inquire to use Zhang Bin to use the gods to seek.

However, Zhang Bin is secretly surprised, because he induced almost all Dan Ling very talented, emitting a genius, almost all Dan Ling is the talents of Xianjun, and even a fairy king.

"How is this possible?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

"The master, it is very difficult to refine from Dan Ling, it is very difficult, not only need the opportunity to coincide, but also need to refine people, it is very good, and the blood is in order to have a strange change. So, any Dan Ling It is very talented. It is because of this reason, the Danjie is very strong, not in the fairy boundaries, the devil world. "Rabbit explained in Zhang Bin's mind." However, although they genius, but can't pregnant of."

"The strength of the Danjie is too terrible, and the fairy king is estimated, Xianjun countless. This is going to get the Dan Ling fruit, but more difficult." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

He continued to find out fine.

The young city is not particularly large, it is equal to a small city on the earth.

Dan Ling is not a lot.

After all, it is not easy to refine from Dan Ling.

Even if it is refined, it may be arrested by the fairy.

It is difficult to escape to the Danjie.

"Hey ..."

" ..."

"Dangdang ..."

"Zhang Xiaolong is too weak, hurry up."

The fight and whispering suddenly came from one direction.

"Zhang Xiaolong?"

Zhang Bin's heart is inexplicably hop, he immediately accelerated footsteps.

Soon, he saw that the front is a wide training martial spot.

Under the silver moonlight, it is a list.

Dozens of Dan Ling enclose a circle, while the circle is central, there are two Danlings in the test.

They do not use weapons.

Just just funeral.

It is very intense.

Two two cultivation to the Danzhangmen were successful.

The war is not awkward, and it is not placed in Zhang Bin.

Such a Danling, he can be defeated.

However, Zhang Bin's face is showing ecstasy.

The eyes are also tightly staring at the Dan Ling falling in the lower wind.

Because this Dan Ling and Zhang Bin are just the same, there is almost no different.

Moreover, Zhang Bin felt a breath of a blood.

Undoubtedly, this is the Dan Ling of Zhang Bin's refining.

"I really came to Danjie. And cultivated to such a realm. However, the war is very bad. I don't have my heaven, what is going on?"

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

He tried his best to converge any breath and didn't want Danling to do.

Finally, two Danlings have been outlined.

Zhang Bin's Danner was defeated, he was knocked over the ground, and he was stepping on his chest, whispered and said: "Zhang Xiaolong, you are waste, know?"

"Black wing, you are waste."

Zhang Xiaolong is extremely angry, struggling hard, but how it is struggling.

"Zhang Xiaolong, you are our largest stupid materials, the biggest waste, you will never practice to Densh," "Black Wings said?" Do you know what reason? That is from all the world? Refining Your medicinal materials are all medicinal materials, and your mother is also mortal, is a real waste, you are insufficient, it is a waste. "

"To be right, Zhang Xiaolong is a waste, our Danjie, actually has such a big waste, and the power is weak."

"He is wasting food."

"Such waste should not live in the world."


Many Dan Lings who watched the lively were also embarrassed.

"I am not a waste, my mother is not a waste, my mother is a super genius."

Zhang Xiaolong roared, his face was full of anger, and it was necessary to spray fire.

"Nima, dare to bully my child Zhang Bin? You should die."

Zhang Bin was greatly angry, but he still didn't go out.

He is not a real Dan Ling, and it is likely to be seen to look out.

The black wing also gave a lot of money and humiliate Zhang Xiaolong for a while, and he left Zhang Xiaolong.

"I am not waste, I am absolutely not waste."

Zhang Xiaolong climbed up and sent a shocking shout.

He walked out of the training of the martial arts, returned to his own house.

This is a very shabby house.

The surrounding fairy medicine is also very low, and it is a three-level fairy medicine.

He turned his door, he turned around, and his mouth was whispered: "Who?"

Then he saw that a person who grew almost the same as him appeared in his house, looking at him with exciting eyes.

And he also felt a connection from the blood.


Zhang Xiaolong is really stunned, and his mouth issued a voice that did not reply.

Just as the big days have seen the ghost during the day.

Here, the Danjie is not all in all directions.

Moreover, the Danjie is very dangerous.

Humanity in the Danjie is a slave.

There is no free man, can appear in the teenage city.

But how can his mother appear here?

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