Soon, Zhang Bin gave his son Zhang Xiaolong.

Zhang Xiaolong's Dantian naturally partitioned.

His own gaze is a bit sluggish.

The face is filled with shock and dare not confidence.

Because Central Dantian has pregnant laminated flowers sitting in the town, many partitioned Dantian into a circular arrangement.

There are 79 quantities, plus central Dantian, 80 Dantian area.

And he is clearly known that even four Dan Emperor, only 79 Dantian areas.

He actually than one of the four Dan Emperor's Dantian area?

How is this possible?

"Mom, I am not dreaming? Do you really appear, give me a foundation? There is a 80 Dantian area?" Zhang Xiaolong asked with a face.

"Of course, it is true, not dreaming." Zhang Bin said, "Your tacit is very good, it is better than the mother's talents."

This is of course modest, is also a good lie.

He didn't want Zhang Xiaolong to know that he has 81 Dantian area.

I don't believe him, but less than one person knows, there will be less dangerous.

Four Dan Emina is extremely powerful, maybe a Dan Emperor will master the horrible reading of the world, can read Zhang Xiaolong's mind.

Then, Zhang Bin has a secret of 81 Dantian regions that will be leaked.

Dangerous naturally follows.

God knows the four Dan Emperor, have there beading the serctane to refining Antarctic Xianmine?

And the Antarctic Xianmi got a lot of Dan Ling fruit, it may be because a Dan Emperor is his son.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not dare to say that the secret law of the construction is the inheritance of the Antarctic Xianmine.

Don't say that you have 81 Dantian area.

"Too good, mother, you gave me life, gave me a rare tachip, waiting for me to be strong, be sure to repay you." Zhang Xiaolong puff into Zhang Binhuai, excited excited.

"As long as you have a situation, my mother is very pleased."

Zhang Bin said.

Zhang Bin began to test Zhang Xiaolong's Dantian attribute.

Soon, there is a result.

In addition to there is no Dan attribute, the remaining attributes have.

Does there be a Dan attribute? That is to say, you can't cultivate the true gas of Dan.

Do not have internal talent.

Zhang Bin did not have a confusion, because this time the rabbit queried a lot of information, Dan Ling did not have Dan attributes. They themselves are Dan medicine, can't cultivate the true gas of Dan attribute, and cannot be super powerful. Alchemy master, they can only refine very ordinary medicinal herbs.

If they can become a very powerful alchemist, it will certainly be able to constantly refine the Danling.

That maybe break the balance of the world.

Therefore, Dan Ling has no Dan attribute, it may be the balance of heaven and earth.

However, Dan Ling also has a feature, they can directly refine the fairy medicine, absorb the essence of the fairy medicine, so that they become more powerful, do not need to refine the medicine.

Most of the emperors are not internal repair, and the power cannot have the horror of Zhang Bin, which is double repair inside and outside, so, if Zhang Xiaolong can become a super powerful external trick, it is not bad.

If you can practice into Dan Emperor in the future, it is better.

Zhang Bin, certainly there is no regret.

The son can be so talented.

He didn't have any delays, and many of the many magical skills immediately gave Zhang Xiaolong.

Also took out two books in the sky, let Zhang Xiaolong read it again.

Of course, Zhang Bin said Zhang Xiaolong never leaked the origin of the practice.

And be careful to prevent reading of reading.

"Mom, you can rest assured that reading heart can be very easy to prevent, I just don't want any secrets you don't want to have yourself before people." Zhang Xiaolong shocked the chest and cheered.

He also inherited Zhang Bin's super wisdom.

So is also confident.

"It is the best defense method to quickly become strong."

Zhang Bin finished, took out a lot of magical treasures, and cultivated Zhang Xiaolong.

Angry fairy pepper, cold ice stone milk, zoom the god fruit, not dead, ...

Essence is also part of the essence extracted in the ban.

"Mom, you are so rich."

Zhang Xiaolong was shocked as a fool, and his face was full of color.

"This is a mother's life to get to do, it is not easy. You have to cherish it."

Zhang Bin's face floated on the color.

It is also a bit worried that there is no good thing to inherit to so many treasures.

Zhang Xiaolong may not cherish it.

"Mom, you can rest assured. I am not a fairy second generation, I have experienced a lot. I have been bullied. I also know that any treasures here are not until I don't. I will cherish. Waiting for me to work I will find a lot of treasures to give my mother. "Zhang Xiaolong said seriously.

Zhang Bin said that he said his situation.

Their mother and child were totally totaled.

A special plan is developed.

Until the sky is bright, Zhang Bin has sorted into the ground, and then leaves like ghosts.

"Mom, you are the most amazing people in the world."

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Zhang Bin and muttered in his mouth.

His face is full of excitement and excitement, but his eyes have floated fog.

He clearly knows that if he is not looking for him, Zhang Bin will not be involved.

The greatness of maternal love makes him extremely excited.

He began to cultivate crazy.

One year is swaying.

This year, Zhang Bin has to find Zhang Xiaolong almost every night.

He is also very convenient, no longer uses the sneak underground and let the cloud fly from the ground.

Instead, it places a space container on the ground, he uses the American people directly through the space container to the ground, and no sound is invisible.

Of course, he also allowed the cloud to pretend to be him.

Because there is no immortal, it will enter the space container to cultivate.

They are all cultivated outside.

Because the fairy in the Danjie is extremely rich, plus the extreme horror of the horror, the progress of cultivation is very fast.

Zhang Bin felt that his internal repatriation will break through the best.

He is very worried, it is also looking forward to.

Worried about the horror of the robbery.

Looking forward to it is, if it can spend, it will certainly be a lot.

However, Zhang Bin still has no cultivation to Xianjun.

That takes a super good medicinal medicine or fairy medicine.

However, even if there is a lot of medicine in the six-level fairy medicine, it cannot be used.

"Waste, have you not found a way to escape?"

"Waste, have you been sentenced yet?"

The autumn clouds cultivated in Zhang Bin Longchi almost every day.

Zhang Bin almost didn't argue with her.

Because all he did, she didn't know.

He can only look forward to it in his heart: "The past has passed, Zhang Xiaolong finally strongly, cultivating most of the skills to the middle stage of the fairy, the war is very strong, it can start actions. Xiaolong, you Don't let your mother disappoint. "

Zhang Xiaolong, who was closed for a year, walked out of the door!

As compared with a year ago, he seems to have changed a person, and his face is full of confidence.

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