The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2097 Emperor Selection

The genius city is a very special place in Danjie.

All top geniuses, such as the king level genius and Emperor genius, are concentrated here.

Get the best cultivation.

There is a super powerful king-level instructor, even, four Dan Emperor will come to teach.

Today, the genius city will hold a very important queen contest.

It is necessary to choose a super powerful master from many geniuses.

Get the name of the emperor.

It will be better cultivated.

Will be collected by four Dan Emperors.

Become a real emperor.

And in the future, the new Dan Emperor will produce it.

Therefore, today, countless Dan Ling has poured into the genius city and watched the queen selection contest.

The king of heavenly has come up early in the morning. He took two guards and went to see the emperor selection contest.

For him, this is a very important thing.

"Hear king, good morning."

Zhang Bin came to the square and smiled hello.

Square is also part of prison, and general prisoners can't come over.

However, Zhang Bin is coming.

Because of this year, he has been working hard, working hard, cultivating the fairy medicine in the area 108, has excellent yield, and the results are proud.

And they are very honest, never made things.

So, I got a good sense of heaven king, allowing Zhang Bin to be able to stroll anywhere in the prison.

"Zhang Bin, return to your place, cultivate fairy medicine. Today I have important things, there is no time to chat with you."

The heavenly king said.

"Tema king, I have heard that today I want to hold the emperor selection contest, countless genius will be in the same stage. Very lively, and you can bet. Can you take me to see it?" Zhang Bin said.

"You a prisoner. Don't make fun."

The heavenly looked at Zhang Bin in a cold place, step forward.

"Tema king, I am super powerful, it is also super powerful gambling king. In the past, I can see the big battle of the entrance of the Danjie. It is helpful to you." Zhang Bin said sincerely.

He has long been in listening to clear, there is a strange hobby, that is gambling.

I like to go to the casino.

Today, the prison king will definitely pay attention.

"That hurry up."

The heavenly king stunned, his face revealed, and his head did not look back.

Zhang Bin's face revealed a strange smile, immediately followed, and he boldly and his heavenly king.

"What is this born, will he have not thought about it?"

The autumn clouds in Zhang Bin Longchi have touched the forehead, the headache is extremely, depressed.

This task is completely failed.

And don't know how many years of slaves.

"Zhang Bin, I know that you have a little bit, but don't boast in front of me."

The heavenly king is slowly forward, saying faintly.

What a powerful master he is? It is also very good for calculating the abilities.

I don't quite put Zhang Bin's calculation of the ability.

"Yes, I am absolutely not boasking. In fact, I still want to see the lively, see that the king of the heaven is killing the quarter, winning the pot full." Zhang Bin said.

"Hahaha ..."

The heaven is a happy laugh, so he loves.

Soon, they entered the genius city.

Go to the venue.

The identity of the heavenly king is extraordinary, after all, is a very strong fairy King.

So, I entered a VIP room.

You can watch the game very well, or you can bet at any time.

There is a special screen in the VIP room, which will show an odds of someone.

The treasure bet is of course a fairy stone.

Because Xianshi can not only cultivate, but also to cultivate food (fairy medicine).

Tema King is sitting on the soft collapse, looking at the name and odds of the dense Ma Ma on the screen. Say faintly: "Zhang Bin, you said that you are a master, you talk about it, what few people can stand out, become the emperor?"

"Tema king, the ability to calculate it is certainly as good as you. So, I only specifically calculate black horses. I have to find the biggest black horse, then you will take it, guarantee your big win special win." Zhang Bin said.

Look, he is guiding the heaven king gambling.

But in use, it is not a general person.

This time the queen selection contest has three levels.

Densman, Dan Jun, Dan King, each selected three people to do the emperor.

His Danner Zhang Xiaolong can only participate in the game of Densworm.

There is a big possibility to enter the top three.

Then you can become the emperor and get a good cultivation.

However, dangers have also followed.

Because other emperors will find ways to deal with Zhang Xiaolong.

They have been super genius, there are many friends.

The forces itself is big.

And Zhang Xiaolong is a lone, the past is a stupid material.

So you must find a powerful reverberation.

Temorable king is good.

Although not the super genius of the king, it is even unqualified to participate in the emperor selection.

But after all, the king-level grand super master is also a friend.

If he can win a lot of fairystones in Zhang Xiaolong, it will certainly be full of good feelings of Zhang Xiaolong.

As long as Zhang Xiaolong went to visit him, show his 80 Dantian.

It is inevitable to get full support and protection of the hell king.

That will be much safe.

As soon as Zhang Xiaolong cultivated to the peak of Danjun, Zhang Xiaolong took a full crisis.

Of course, four Dan Emperor will also protect Zhang Xiaolong.

Security issues are still too worried.

Zhang Bin is now preparing to give Zhang Xiaolong more than one card.

"Ha ha ha ... I like Black Ma. You told me that the person is the biggest black horse?"

The heaven king laughed.

As a casino, of course, I know the value of Black Horse.

As long as you are in the beginning, you can make a big earner.

Zhang Bin looked at the screen and sighed. "Black Horse seems to be here, all the lists are all?"

The emperor selection contest, nor any Dan Ling can participate.

It must be super genius, and there is a reputation.

Most live in genius city.

The rest of the people must get recommendations of big people to participate in the competition.

"All is here. It is impossible to miss it."

Tema king is like.

Zhang Bin sat down and started to work hard.

The two hands are still running, just like a cotton.

For a long time, Zhang Bin opened his eyes and said low voice.

Zhang Bin pointed to a dozen teenagers standing below the ring.


The heavenly king and his two guards almost smiled at the same time.

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