The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 211, once again repaired

" ... ..."

Intangible flame burns and terrorism.

Zhang Bin's potential is really excited, more cells cracks, the weather is influx, and the space is expanded.

Expanded to a certain point, overflowing the air.

Original Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the Yuan Baby.

It can break through at any time.

But now he is not a breakthrough, but quented his body in madness.

He wants to make your body more powerful, in order to resist the robbery.

The cells in his head and bones are almost developed, and there is an internal space, and the space is expanded to the limit, but the cells in the muscles and blood have not been developed.

Now Zhang Bin is crazy to develop these cells.

After three days and three nights, Zhang Bin found that any cells any cells were developed. In the blood, the cells in the hair were developed to the ultimate, forming the largest internal space.

There is a pesty rice in the interior space of any cell.

It seems that this is very not worth mentioning, but it is something else never can't do. Even if it is an immortal, as long as it is not internal, there is no way to do it, just let his cells are tough. Whether it will appear inner space.

Think about it, the cells have been slightly wiped, from countless numbers to constitute organs.

However, now there is such a large space inside the cell. If these spaces are combined, how large is the size? Perhaps, it is already better than the proposed small star.

A small star's defense ability and power, of course, is terrible.

These transformations of cells have been generated by themselves, but the amount is not very big. There are also some cells to generate special substances such as Thunder, Flame, Cold, Ray, but because the amount of generated is not large, it is almost impossible, only the Thunder, which only has the thunder of heart cells.

In addition, Zhang Bin also found that there are some cells even have internal space, but it is like a dead star, there is no sign, can't make anything, it seems that it is not activated.

However, Zhang Bin finally developed the body cells, and he went to the real bottleneck.

Not only the Yuan Ying is on the extreme, but it is extremely perfect.

His body and soul are also strong enough.

His defensive ability and power have naturally been improved to the limit.

"Now it is my breakthrough."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

No longer delay, he began to run in the inside of internal and cultivation, circulating in the meridians.

It is quite horizontally to raise the unsavity of the extracellular extravasation to the meridians.

Then I included Dantian.

His Yuan Ying swallowed these arrogance in madness, swelling like a balloon.

Gradually becomes large to the limit.

The , his internal repairs fly out of the central Dantian.

Start with his body integration.

Yuan Ying slowly integrated into the body, turned into a special energy. This energy contains horrible life energy, but also has magical ability, has become a numerous stream, slowly penetrating into Zhang Bin's systemic cells. in.

Magical things happened.

It has never become bigger, reaching the interior space of the limit, begins slowly, even outstanding phenomena, some cells are inner thunder, some of the internal fire bearings, some cells are cold, there is The interior of the cells is black as midnight ...

Even Zhang Bin's soul has been moist, his seventh God is also cracking into the energy integrated into in.

Zhang Bin felt that his body was changing the earth, and he was quickly turned to soon, and there was no limit.

The pressure and momentum of a neutralization area is also emitted from his body, so that heaven and earth strips.

Feeling a great threat.

Because this is not the power of the universe, this is from the power of the different universe.

"Bang ..."

The sky robbery is finally coming, there is a five-color cloud of dense Ma Ma, and then the horrible five-color Thunder is crazy on Zhang Bin's body.

"It's great, it is actually a five-color robbery, not a six-color robbery."

Zhang Bin's face was full of ecstasy, and the last time he magnitude was a five-color robbery.

Almost didn't kill him.

Originally he thought this time should be six-color Tiancheng, then he has to spend too much.

But didn't expect, actually still five colors.

Red orange yellow green, colorful Thunder combination, crazy hit Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin's body is super powerful, anti-powerful, no death, no old life is also transported, and the power has skyrocketed under the promotion of abilities, and he is still calling the heavens and earth.

Easily resist the bombardment of the five-color Thunder.

Nothing loss.

But the next moment, Zhang Bin's face changed.

Because the five-color clouds are madly rotating, it constitutes a deep black hole.

Cabinize Zhang Bin.

Then Zhang Bin felt that he could no longer borrow the power of heaven and earth.

His defensive capacity has dropped rapidly.

He can only rely on the body's magical power.


Thunder crazy rang, Zhang Bin's skin turned black, and hair was also curled.

The body suffered heavy.

However, Zhang Bin also found that because of the hunch of the Thunder, his potential was excited.

His cells absorb the rate of energy to transform the energy of energy.

The internal space is quickly expanded, and the defensive ability is also rapid.

Some cells release more real gas, flowing in the body, fixing Zhang Bin's homogeneous body.

Moreover, Zhang Bin is still working hard to release the many abilities that you have mastered, resist the thunder and repair the body.

Therefore, even if the five-color Thunder is super horror, the scale is much larger than the last one.

But Zhang Bin also can be resistant to.

There is no signs of fallen.

Even, with this horror, Zhang Bin has a new feelings.

It turns out that it is the best thing to belong to it, but it is the most trusted.

Call the power of heaven and earth, it is not your own strength.

Now that the world wants to kill Zhang Bin, so don't let Zhang Bin use the power of heaven and earth.

Zhang Bin's only ability to rely on or cultivate a lot of abilities.

Use your own strength to fight terror.

Last time, Zhang Bin was killed by Jin Dan, he found that his many abilities could not be displayed.

That is because the abilities he have mastered are too weak, and the horrible five-color Thunder in the universe, there are many Zhang Bin who do not understand the singular ability, no smaller, directly collapsed, and can not play any effect.

However, this time, Zhang Bin has developed an internal space because any cells of the body, which combines a huge space. These cells are also gestacious, combined, and it is also very large.

And these abilities are actually the abilities of Zhang Bin.

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