The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 212 of the Wars Cold Xuan

The competition continued.

Soon, the second round of competition is completely over.

There were only 13 experts left.

Start the third round.

It is a four emperor to vomit blood, this time, he still did not encounter Zhang Bin.

Instead, Zhang Bin's luck is against the sky.

Therefore, this third round of six games, Zhang Bin will easily watch the lively.

Because it is a super powerful master, the fight is also more harmful and wonderful.

Many Dan Ling see is shouting, big open.

Just half an hour, the third round of competition is over.

There is only seven people left.

Lottery, this time, Zhang Bin is not so good.

No wheel.

Instead, the four emperors are empty.

So they can't meet on the ring.

This time, Zhang Bin's opponent is called Cold Suixuan.

One of the two of the two fairy kings, it has been cultivated to the Xianjun Gentong as early as 3 million years ago.

But because of the prisoner, you can't get a good fairy medicine.

So, I have never been able to break through.

However, because of the hard work of 3 million years in the Danjie, there is only one wire difference from cultivating to the Xianwang, and it has also arrived at the pure green.

Such an opponent, even the four emperors are very jealous.

At this moment, Zhang Bin is standing on the stage.

Tiger is holding each other.

"Zhang Bin, you can accept it, check it out, you don't have any possibilities."

The cold is full of skull, and the powerful pressure and momentum is burst.

His face is also full of confidence.

These rounds of fighting, he is a strike to defeat the opponent, do not need the second trick at all.

Where do Zhang Bin in your eyes?

Zhang Bin has no expression, as if he didn't hear it.

He is too lazy to nonsense with the other side.

"Zhang Bin, this time, you are good luck, it is the cold, you can still keep the life. If you encounter me, your life is gone." The four emperors of the four emperors were full of contempt. sneer.

"This time, Zhang Bin defeatedly defeated, his good luck is exhausted." The king of heaven, "the apprentice, listening to me, betting the cold homework."

"Master, you still listen to me, and bet with me to win. His time is very powerful. Cold Suxuan is not his opponent." Zhang Xiaolong said.

Unfortunately, they can't convince each other, each betting people in their own.

The ringtone of the game sounded.

"Time Stagnation ..."

This time, Zhang Bin took the lead in launching an attack and shouted.

His time is full of outbreak.

"Give me ..."

Cold Suxuan shouted with a smile, his arrogance crazy circulation in the body.

The body is also an incomparable horror.

Then he moved, and smiled and walked to Zhang Bin.

The mouth also said faintly: "Your time is indeed powerful, but I want to ban me, it is impossible."

Zhang Bin is also secretly praised. Cold Xuan is really powerful, and there is no use of such a powerful time, and there is no impact on each other.

He quickly retired.

"Speed ​​abilities, start ..."

Cold Xuan shouted.

He is like a ghost, and it has been chasing Zhang Bin.

His fist with a murder of the sky to Zhang Bin's face.

"Time", imprisonment ... "

Zhang Bin once again shouted.

Darkly launched the zoom can be used, of course, is not used.

Just allowed his time to increase 100 times.

In an instant, the speed of the fist in Cold Subshan becomes slow.

Zhang Bin was around his back, kicked on the buttocks of Cold Xuan.


A crisp sound.

Cold Xuan took a step forward, but but the butt was left a black footprint.

"Hahaha ..."

Many of the lively Danlings are laughing.

Especially the Dan Ling of Zhang Bin wins, it is crazy.

"it is good……"

"Dry beautiful."

"Stupid, use your sword, one sword will kill him."



Cold Suxuan is completely angry, he is crazy, "" Speed ​​abilities, powerful ability, zoom can, start ... "

In an instant, he solved Zhang Bin's time to imprisonment.

The speed is like electricity, it is a punch.

"Imprisoned ..."

Zhang Bin raised the power of zooming to 300 times.

At the same time.

However, let Zhang Bin shocked, but it is still unable to prevent cold Zi Xuan.

He still acts, it seems that there is no impact.

Moreover, the cold laugh is laughing, and the two eyes suddenly burst into the four-color Thunder, and I have bombarded the body of Zhang Bin.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise of the sky.

Zhang Bin's armor has become dark, and the horrible current spreads in Zhang Bin.

His hair is also erected root.

His body is shaking.

It seems that it will fall down.

"Apprentice, have you seen it? Zhang Bin has to defeat." The king of heavenly said, "Cold Zixuan is super powerful, and the cultivation to the fairy king, Zhang Bin and him, that is, a antique "

"Master, the war has not ended yet."

Zhang Xiaolong's face is light.

In fact, his heart is set off in the sky.

Because he felt the power of Cold Suxuan, it has also been cultivated to cultivate the zoom to a horrible point.

I don't have to be less than Zhang Bin.

The strength of Cold Sunguan is much better than him Zhang Xiaolong.

If Zhang Bin just wants to use the time to defeat the cold, it may be difficult to do.

"Give me down ..."

The cold Xuan said proudly, and he rushed over a arrow.

Open the right hand, like the eagle to catch the chicken, grab the head of Zhang Bin.

He intends to catch Zhang Bin and throw it down.

"Time", zoom can, imprisonment ... "

Zhang Bin once again shouted.

Cold Xuan's speed becomes slow.

Zhang Bin once again around the back of Cold Subshan, and his hands appeared in his hands, killing in the neck of Cold Suxuan.

"Hey ..."

A helmet breaks.

Then I went to the neck of the cold.


The coldness of the Cold Xuan looked up the golden light.

Obviously his defense is started, under the promotion of abilities, the defense ability has arrived at an extremely horrible point.

Blocked Zhang Bin's sword.

Just leave a white trace on his neck.

"Good powerful cold Xuan."

Zhang Bin was darkly shocked, and this guy was so strong to so?

"You give me death ..."

Colden Xuan roar, turned to Zhang Bin, the same attack as the windshield.

There are countless magical powers.

Spatial power, time abilities, thunder, flame ...

Let people look at it.

With a murder of the sky, Zhang Bin was flooded.

Zhang Bin uses time abilities, scaling energy, powerlessness, speed abilities.

There is no use of any kind of power to use.

It's hard to get difficult to kill with the cold.

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