The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2124 Surprise

"Zhang Bin, you are a bastard, you tell me the truth, is you doing with Zhang Xiaolong?"

The eyes of the heaven king were squinted, shot, like a knife.

"What is the relationship?" Zhang Bin said, "My accounting ability is super cow, calculates to him is a big black horse. When Zhang Xiaolong is so talented, there is also a supercompotion of the superiety, and he calculates that I can capture the first Of course, you will pay attention to it. Is this worthy of doubts? You don't follow him, it is so stupid. "

"Nima, I am a big idiot."

The heavenly king smoked him a slap in his own.

The heart is also regretted.

Why can't I listen to Zhang Xiaolong, otherwise, how can I lose a light?

"Tema king, lost, you have a disciple of a cow. In the future, it will be developed." Zhang Bin said, "You still return it right away, you must be careful about nothing else, protect his safety, When he is strong, you can pine up. "

"Zhang Bin, you have reasonable."

The heavenly looked at Zhang Bin deeply, "But I know, you are not simple, you don't think that I am a fool, so I look at you on Zhang Xiaolong, let you go. Roll."

He smiled and kicked a foot on Zhang Bin's ass.

Kick Zhang Bin out.

Then the heavenly king is controlling the fairy, and I won't see it.

"Hey ... It seems that he can't see the heaven king as a fool, he is also a super smart person."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart. "What did he see? It is likely to doubt that I am Zhang Xiaolong's mother. However, now he is Zhang Xiaolong's master, it is estimated that this secret will not be disclosed."

He didn't have any delays.

It's hidden.

The flight is then going.

"Waste, let me come out, hurry ..."

When Zhang Bin arrived in a safe place, the autumn clouds in Zhang Bin Longchi shouted.

For the autumn clouds, Zhang Bin is a bit helpless.

But he also didn't care, and he took the autumn cloud.

"I finally returned to the fairy, I finally see you."

Qiu Yun looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and there was a fog from the merits.

Switch, she took the eyes to Zhang Bin's face, and asked in confusion: "Waste, I know that you have no strength to win the first place, I want to know, how did you cheated?"

"How cheating?"

Zhang Bin slam, I don't know what to say.

"You don't put it again." Qiu Yun said, "You will definitely bribe those masters, or use the language to say them, let them deliberately defeat in your hand. But because you, they have Go out. You said that they are totally possible. No wonder, you have closed the channel most of the time, so that I can't feel outside. That is to let me misunderstand you are super master, go to the princess, give you good words? wrong?"

"Then how do I persuade the four emperors?"

Zhang Bin was an angry and a funny, but he still felt that the wisdom of Qiu Yun was very high.

It can be said that it is a small counselor.

"Convince the four emperors? I have been working for a long time, but I still came up with the reason." The light in the eyes of Qiu Yun, "The four emperors did not get Dan Ling fruit, so he didn't want to go out. He The purpose of participating in the commutation competition is to kill you. It is a pity that his luck is too bad. If you encounter you, if you defeat you, or kill you, he will go out. He Of course, I can only lose it. Thus, you highlight you very talented, I look forward to having Dan Ling, killing you, but he is staying, looking forward to the Dan Ling fruit. "

"Hey ... Wonderful, even I believe it."

Zhang Bin praised.

He is really praised, if the four emperors have not got the Dan Ling fruit, they are really reluctant to go out.

Then, the estimation of autumn cloud is fully established.

"This is the fact."

Qiu Yun said coldly, "Even, I know how you get Dan Ling fruit. You just have to make a good lord king, and let the heaven have won big money, let him help to get 10 Dan Ling fruit. Unfortunately, Xishan Emperor has a root on your trick, take the fruit away. "

"Okay, let's go back."

Zhang Bin was returned to her.

"Go back? No, we have to go to the Taikooxia, look for the dive." Qiu Yun said, "more than 20 years, maybe it can be successful."

"To go, you go, anyway, I will not go."

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

"I went to me, anyway, what you have such a waste, I also expect."

The autumn cloud is going to leave.

Zhang Bin had to pull her, say: "Let's go back to the princess, and to see how the princess is in the case?"

"I have already used the secret to tell the princess." Qiu Yun said, "the princess let us go to the Taikooxia, you don't go, don't appear in front of me."

After that, she opened Zhang Bin's hand, flying, to go to the Taikooxia.

"This woman is faithful to Yaochi. Seeing that she is in a busy copy of my son and his wife, it will not count her insult language." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but it was yelling in his mouth: "Wait a minute , Look, what is this? "

Qiu Yun can't help but turn back, and then she is like a fool, and her face is full of not credible.

Because she saw that Zhang Bin's hand has a Dan Ling fruit! Exudes a strange fragrance.

" ..."

When she flashed, she rushed back and she immediately gave him a fruit in Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin hid avoided and received a spatial ring.

"Waste, let me see it?"

The autumn clouds are almost vomiting blood, and they are delicate.

"The goods are genuine, such as fake programs, so there is no need to see." Zhang Bin said faintly, "Let's go back, worry about night long dreams."


The autumn clouds are filled with ecstasy and nodded.

I immediately returned to Yaochi Princess House.

"Now let's see the princess, but you have to tell me first, how did you conceal a Dan Ling fruit, let Xishan Emperor know?"

Qiu Yun said.

"I am a waste, where can I have any way to get Dan Ling fruit, then conceal the Xishan Emperor? That is what I just picked up on the road."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"You ... not telling eight, say!"

The autumn clouds have a lift.

"Are you not very smart? This simple problem, you must think about it."

Zhang Bin said.

"Hey ... wait for the princess asking you, don't believe you?"

The autumn clouds have to bite the teeth, but they are helpless.

This bastard is not to say, what is the way?

Soon, they went to see the princess of Yaochi.

The princess of Yaochi is standing in the garden and appreciates flowers in the garden.

"The slaves have seen the princess."

Qiushen said respectfully.

"Isn't you let you go to the Old Fairy World to find a diving? How to run back?"

Yaochi did not turn around and said coldly.

It seems that it is a bit unhappy and blames.

"After returning the princess, because Zhang Bin him actually has a Dan Lingnian."

Qiu Yun said.

Yaochi turns in the same way, her abdomen has been tall tall.

In her beauty, she shot a hot light, projected on Zhang Bin's face, the sound was trembling: "Zhang Bin, do you really have a Dan Ling fruit?"


Zhang Bin's hand has a Dan Lingnian.

Yaochi is surprised, and I grasp the Dan Linggui.

Zhang Bin slightly slightly, still released.

Yaochi hands holding Dan Ling fruit, just like holding a treasure.

The face is full of ecstasy!

(It is also six chapters to send, seek recommendations.)

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