The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 213, Antarctic Emperor also eats

"Boir, kneel!"

A roaring, the Antarctic Xian Di appeared as ghost.

His face was filled with anger, and the eyes were shot in the eyes.

"" sound.

Zhang Bin couldn't help but hey, and there was no ability to resist.

It is simply like ants and elephants.

However, Zhang Bin's face did not fear, but a calm of a face.

"See the father's emperor ..."

Yaochi almost scared, rushed to the past, took Zhang Bin to the body, and he also swearing, "His name is Zhang Bin, is the newly founded the big husband, it is to protect the child in the belly. He People are a bit mad, but only 60 Dantian areas are not very talented, but his time to have a good talent. Please ask the father. "

Since Zhang Bin showed such a powerful force, she must protect him.

If there is no Zhang Bin's protection, her child is absolutely difficult to live.

"Nima, is just a time to be a super fairy king. But it is scared."

Everyone consists of the four emperors, they have been secretly growing.

The Antarctic Xianmili is silent. His cold eyes are projected on Zhang Bin's face, and it seems to see Zhang Bin's heart.

"Your Majesty, the minister is a big case, protect the kids in the princess and the princess, but the unshirkable responsibility, but the big emperor will kill the children in the princess, and the minister can only fight against the rebellion. Please let go of the sin." Zhang Bin is equipped with a war.

The Antarctic Emperor still didn't talk, and his finger slowly explored.

Rapidly extended, soon I will point in Zhang Bin's lower abdomen.

A real gas input, which is to detect the number of Dantian area of ​​Zhang Bin.

Such a strong cactus is a bit like a wild fairy.

If so, you must immediately kill.

Remove a disaster.

Zhang Bin has always worried that a worry is like a dream.

That is, one day will trigger a skeptical of the Antarctic Emperor.

Then the Antarctic Xianmi will explore his body fine, thus exploring all the secrets.

That is waiting for him.

He thought about it, if you don't solve this problem, he is not happy.

It is difficult to cultivate.

Therefore, he decided to detonate this timed bomb in advance.

This time is a good time.

Now he is so powerful. If he is really a wild Xian Di, it will not do such a stupid thing.

Therefore, the skeptology of the Antarctic Emperor is not big, just only a little suspicion.

So, detect his Dantian, and you will definitely take the horse.

Will not carefully.

Then he organically multiplied.

His internal repair is in the early days of the affection. It has already mastered the special seal method. Once the magic is used to seal Hongfeng fan with the secret law of the internal repair, so that the enemy should feel that the fake Hongfeng fan, letting tyrants The Tiandou Emperor did not find the clue.

Therefore, Zhang Bin sees 21 Dantian with the inner tribe. Including his central Dantian.

Of course, he also seals the partial path of the Antarctic life.

It also masked the traces of the San Polars to build a basics.

The likelihood of imputation is still very large.

If it is successful, you can disperse the skeptus of the Antarctic Xianmi. He can do anything else.

There is no fear.

If it is failed, it is great to be an destruction.

If you have a soul, you can also resurrect immediately.

The weight is again.

This is a gambling.

Very important gambling.

Since the human Dantian area is actually a small cell, it is sealed by the internal trick, which is equal to this cell is not activated, there is no space inside.

The Anti-Emperor's Infuse, did not see an abnormality, he quickly viewed the 60 Dantian area of ​​Zhang Bin, and his arrogant sneak into Zhang Bin's two eyes, observed Zhang Bin's cells in the eyes.

When he found that Zhang Bin's eyes have been activated.

He didn't have any doubts.

No more check carefully.

I quickly recovered the true gas and I also recovered the finger.

If he checks it carefully, it can of course check the mystery.

Unfortunately, he is the mainstay, and if Zhang Bin is a wild Xian Di, it will not be such an idiot, and it is careless, and he is mixed by Zhang Bin Mon.

"Zhang Bin, seeing your loyal guardian, looking at you is a rare time of the imperial king, just spare you once." Antarctic Xian Di said coldly.

"I have spent the hardest level, I can let go of the future."

Zhang Bin is secretly joy, he puts out a grateful look, "Thank you, I'm."

He climbed up and stood behind the princess of Yaochi.

"Yaochi, get up."

The Antarctic Emperor took the gaze to the Yaochi face with the big belly.

At this moment, his voice was full of love.

Because he affirmed the ability of Yaochi.

Under such a hard condition, you can also receive such a powerful and unsatisfied, there are two super genius guards, and the two defeated more than 20 masters, the strength of the big emperor and the Yaochi, instant light.

Yes, the fight in today is falling in his sensation sensation.

He is a cave.

"Xie father."

Yaochi is big in the heart, and quickly climbed.

"In the future, if someone dares to hurt me any grandson, kill innocent."

The Antarctic Emperor shot the ice cold to the face of the big emperor and drink coldly.

Obviously, this is a warning for the big emperor.

The big emperor suddenly sweats DC, and the face became pale.

"Give me, useless things."

The Antarctic Emperor roared again.

"Yes, the father of the father."

The big emperor was scared, and he left him with him.

I don't dare to mention the filled fairy medicine.

This time, his face was lost.

The laughter is generous, and it is even easily defeated and crushed by the princess's large-scale.

Let the Antarctic Xian Di are very unhappy.

"Father, go in and sit? Jeather, he wants to get people from the emperor."

Yaochi princess said.

"Jieer? Is the name already taken?"

Antarctic Emperor's places shot a variety of light.

"This is named, named Nanjie."

The princess of Yaochi said a little fearful.

"Mom, you are wrong, my surname is called Zhang Jie."

However, the fetus in the abdomen is not dry, and it shouts.

The Antarctic Emperor has heard, his face turned black, and he brought the ice cold eyes to Zhang Bin's face, so that Zhang Bin felt a sharp pressure.

Obviously, he guess the facts, Zhang Bin is a person who is moving in Yaochi.

Just 60 Dantian, Yaochi also glanced.

However, the child's talents are very good, but also repaired the first Tianling tree.

It is also awkward.

So, he didn't have it on the spot, but the heart is still an angry bears!

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