The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2146 Evil Statue

This is a night that reached out.

Zhang Bin took out from a forest in the mountains.

There is no walk from the hole in the hole.

It is worried that the immortal is induced.

Therefore, I used the Ume American to drill a large array, and I took out the ground.

Moreover, he also used hidden abilities.

Early the next morning, Zhang Bin and Qiu Yun, who had appeared, appeared in front of the city owner of Nanchuan City.

Of course, it is coming to see the city owner willow.

"Zhang Bin, you are finally here, harm me, etc.

Getting the reported city owner Nanong willow warmly greeted.

He looks like a fat mid-age immortal, looks like a good eye.

However, between the two eyes, there is a cold ray.

The pressure is also very heavy.

Of course, it is not a fairy king, just a fullness of the Xianjian.

However, the city owner of this Xianjian is a full city, but it is super powerful.

Because he is the city owner, it is a sealing of Xianjun.

The official screen can call a peace of the world of Xiancheng.

In fact, he jurisdiction is not only a thousand-kilometers of Xiancheng - Nanchuan City, which has also judged the land of thousands of kilometers of diameter around Nanchuan City.

There is more power to call the world.

I don't know how many times the Xianjun who has no official position.

Therefore, there is an official fairyjun is the most horrible.

And Zhang Bin's immortal, the cactus, is not official position.

Even in the quenching hole, the emperor is sealed, and the power of the sealing of the earth can be called.

However, because the hardening hole is isolated, the power of the earth-mobilized land is very difficult, and it does not play the strength of terror, it is crushed by Zhang Bin.

Nangong willow invited Zhang Bin and Qiu Yun.

Sit down in a lobby.

In the cold, Nangong will will will call two calls.

A name is called iron stone, a lightning.

Started to introduce the situation of Mo Moon organization.

Although Mo Moon Tissue has no big evil, it is a crime.

Deceived money, grab treasure, almost every day.

However, the leader of this organization is very powerful, mastering the fate of fate and deceptive attributes.

You can block and mask everything.

So it is difficult to calculate them.

Even, even the fairy king is also difficult to calculate.

Perhaps, there is only this strength only.

However, such a small matter, of course, it is impossible to trouble the Antarctic Emperor.

So, before requested to send a super powerful time to come.

"We found a nest of Mei Yue, and dispatched a master to arrest, but unfortunately, they had to escape, and one did not catch it. So, I expected a super master that mastered time to be able to investigate. That must be detected everything in the Mo Moon. "Ironjet said.

"Do you never seize their people?"

Zhang Bin's brow got.

He didn't want to cross the time and space, since he suspected the terror of the coffin in the dark area of ​​the big terror and the hardening hole, Zhang Bin worried, if he crossed time and space, the terrorist existence may shot him.

The possibility of his fall is extremely high.

"Captified once, but I have no time to interrogate, people who have been organized by Mo Moon."

The thunder is angry.

"How can this be?"

Zhang Bin is very surprised to look at the city owner, "the city owner is not able to call the power of the heavens and the earth? Can you let the enemy robbery?"

"It's not in the city, but in the city." Nangong Liu said, "If it is fighting, call the power of heaven and earth, the power is rising, but you can defeat the enemy. But it is suddenly attacking me, and I Not on the spot, it is also unable to force. "

Zhang Bin asked many questions in detail.

Then he said that he said: "Take me to see the land of their nest."

This is a place where Mercure Mountain is a place.

In fact, it is a very deep valley, this valley tree is lush, hidden a small slit that only fingers, doing camouflage.

Therefore, even a very powerful cacto is coming here, you can't find this gap.

With a dozen people, the two calls accompanied Zhang Bin and Qiu Yun came here.

Soon, they broke their body with secret law and sneaked into this gap.

Soon, I entered a very broad cave.

This cave is certainly impossible to compare with Zhang Bin's inch.

But I have also cultivated a lot of fairy medicine, there is a secret room of practice, and the wide training martial art.

Even, it also served a statue.

This statue is carved with ink black stones.

The statue of the statue also took a round of black men.

Excorps an evil atmosphere.

Zhang Bin's observations were observed around this statue.

His face is filled with a strange expression.

Because he has a feeling of recognition of this statue.

In the past, in the earth, he has seen a statue, which is the statue of the bullion.

Although, the two statues are completely different, but the evil atmosphere that is emitted is very similar.

However, the evil breath of this statue must be rich.

"Don't Mo Moon Organizations are founded by Lao Lao Zu?"

Zhang Bin's heart was puzzled.

After coming to the fairy, rabbits were also in detail the people of Diaulu in Xianwu, and I also queried the evil ancestors, but there was no information, it seems that there is no such person in the world.

However, when Zhang Bin also said with the statue, it was proved that the bullish ancestors did in the fairy.

Do you really have a sense of evil?

In terms of bullying the talents of the ancestors, create a terrorist merit - bullying God, he is really possible to be the head of the Mo Moon.

"This statue is not to collect the power of faith?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.


The iron call is also serious.

"You know that there is a person named the evil ancestors in the fairy world?"

Zhang Bin asked again.


The two calls have secretly hit a cold.

Then they said in detail the legend of the evil ancestors.

The evil ancestors are a super horrible person, active at 4 billion years ago.

He can absorb and swallow the immortality of the immortal, and quickly strong himself.

So he quickly powerfully.

Constructing to the Fairy King of Xiangxi is a complete.

Made too many injuries.

Countless people chasing him, but they have not succeeded.

The estimate is also not possible.

Finally, the Arctic Xian Di shot and killed him.

That paragraph was called the chaos of the evil ancestors.

"Bullying the old ancestors cultivation of the horrible deception, and the talented, he must die, deceive the Arctic Xian Di, but he also knows the power of the Arctic Xian Di. So, the surname is buried, secretly cultivation? A Mo Moon Organization, or have also established more organizations? In the fairy world, do you have a small trick to rob the treasure. "Zhang Bin analyzed in his heart." Because others know the coming. I am worried that he is What skills are cultivated. So, the bullying ancestors felt that he left to the earth. I expected to destroy it again. I also lied to me to the fairy. Then he can induce When I arrive, then I will kill me? It's a good calculation. "

His brow is deeply awkward, he felt very difficult.

Because of such a horrible person, it is certainly unparalleled.

There are also a lot of his belongings.

It will not pay attention to zero, do not do a big evil.

However, his forces are extremely expanded.

How terrible is it about more than 40 billion years?

How to deal with?

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