The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2163 Raytite

"Is there only a dimple? No fireworks? Saver?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"It is also, but too rare, I can't find it. After all, most of the attributes are intangible substances, you don't see it with your eyes. And the Thunder is tangible, and it is the most horrible attribute. Therefore, the irrigation is most suitable. "Lan Ye said.

In this way, they chatted while chatting.

The atmosphere is very good, Zhang Bin learned a lot of knowledge.

After all, Lan Ye saw a wide knowledge and knowledgeable.

"Now the cloud is reduced, the possibility of outbreak the Thunder is also reduced. We can fly a distance." Lan Ye pointed to the sky, "If it is a cloud, it is intensive, flying, it is equal to a laundry, will attract Countless horrible Thunders, may even have a seven-color Thunder, crazy bombardment is on you, then it will be completely fallen. "

She pulled Zhang Bin to fly, it was completely flying to the ground.

And she has been emitting the gods and induces the clouds in the sky.


They are going to break up quickly as a profile.

Flying a few thousand kilometers, they stopped.

Fall on the ground.

And here is also in place in the Tianlei Plateau.

You can start treasure hunt.

However, there is still a very distant distance from Lei Xia Tibet.

But Zhang Bin is not anxious.

Now he is not worth worrying.

The big emperor was killed by him, and the Queen's Niangnou was also persuaded him.

Antarctic Xianmi also stopped conspiracy tricks, busy to deal with the evil spirits.

The emperor is also busy with escape, and there should be no time to deal with him.

What's more, he leaves the emperor and has changed his face.

No one can recognize that he is Zhang Bin.

"Zhang Bin, you see that there is no, the plants here are extraordinant." Lan Ye excitedly said, "So, the underground may have a fairyland, if it is not deep, we can dig into Xianshi, or you may dig out of the thunder. It can be refined. "

"Hey ..."

She took out the hoe and started exciting excitement.

All gravards and soil are very hard.

Dig down to Mars splash.

But it is still broken, it can be seen that her hoe is very sharp.

Zhang Bin is also a little curious, and also takes out the hoe to explore.

Mining for a while.

There is a whole block of rocks.

They are all cyan, hard.

Therefore, they can only take the gap of the rock.

It is because there is a fairyland that has a fairy, moisturizing the land here, can make the fairy medicine grow up.

Unfortunately, it is a low-grade fairy medicine, not worth money, can only play the idea of ​​the fairy.

Zhang Bin, of course, does not care about the fairy, just wants to get the ore of the refining.

If you can refine a dim, it's cool.

In the eyes of others, the irrigation is an attacking magic, a fatal base card.

However, in Zhang Bin's eyes, the attributes such as the dimples are a treasure for life.

It can make him spend the horrible internal repair.

As long as you refine some dimensions, you can get up to the sky, and naturally weaken the power of the robbery.

He has increased the possibility of the robbery.

He is bright in his heart, as he is getting more and more powerful, and the robbery will become more and more powerful.

He can't find too much fairy medicine to restore the body.

The last time, countless fairy medicine consumed.

If you come again, he is not so much medicine.

Therefore, in addition to actively looking for senior fairy medicine, we must find another way to fight against the robbery.

The refining irregular is a good way.

"Bang ..."

Suddenly, Zhang Bin opened a small rock, and a thorn all-colored thunder slammed out.

The speed is too fast.

Zhang Bin is not too late to avoid going.

Raised by the Thunder.

He took a few steps later.

The horror is that there are more Thunders who are crazy from below.

Moreover, I also alarmed the Thunder in the sky.

Suddenly, from the clouds in the sky, I burst into a colorful thunder that was hidden, she bombarded down.

"Go away ..."

Lan Ye grabbed Zhang Bin's hand, with Zhang Bin, who became numb, and retired to a few kilometers.


The clouds in the sky are still crazy, and crazy hit the place where Zhang Bin did.

Explosion a huge mushroom cloud.

"I rely on, what is going on?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"Gill ... we make a fortune, you know it?"

Lan Ye is excitedly shaking Zhang Bin's shoulder, shouting, "We dig into small thunder, there should be a lot of thunder, can be used to refine the irritation."

"Is it expensive?"

Zhang Bin is also very happy, looking forward to ask.

"Of course, it is excited." Lan Ye is excited, "there are many lanes in the Tianlei Mountains, but all in the depths of the ground, there is no way to dig, that is, the fairy king does not dare to dare to dig into the ground, because The large-scale thunder will explode, the thunderous thunder, the fairy king may fall. So, the mine property material is very difficult, so it is very precious. Now we are obviously digging to the shallow minor pulse. Can you still make a fortune? "

Zhang Bin suddenly realized, and Zhang Bin is also secretly joking. It turns out that the underground is not too safe. Even if the Ume can bear the Thunder attack, he can't afford it.

"Now the small mine vein is dug, and I can take it for a while, I can dig."

Lan Ye looked at the area covered by Thunder.

Because of excitement, her face flew out of the gorgeous red cloud, the beautiful light of the beautiful light, it seems to be glamorous.

Let Zhang Bin look at the eyes.

Finally, the clouds in the sky stopped to release the Thunder.

Zhang Bin did no longer exploring the Thunder.

Lan Ye took Zhang Bin to the past, and they were desperately excavated.

Hey ...

The sound is shocked, and the gravel is flying.

Sure enough, it is a small decay ore.

It turned out to be yellow stone.

Lysine has multiple grades, red orange yellow green blue violet.

The lowest red, the highest purple.

Yellow ore, is already good, higher than the red and orange ore.

"Fortune, this time really makes a fortune, maybe it can refine a yellow mna."

Lanha excited.

Zhang Bin is also very happy.

The two quickly excavated, and finally dug this small thunder ore.

A hill is accumulated on the ground.

About a truck is like.

"half each."

Lan leaves began to divide.

"Don't be divided, beauty, this is our."

A fierce voice sounded.

The two faces have a beard, and the fairy that has emitted a fierce breath suddenly fly.

It is landed in front of Zhang Bin with the anger of the sky.

They are very powerful and cultivated to the peak of Xianjun.

More than two small realms higher than Zhang Bin.

They look at this pile of thunderite with greedy eyes.

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