The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2166, Radia, Zhang Bin angry

"Lan Ye, there are many Xianshi and some senior fairy medicine in this ring." Zhang Bin said with a smile. "However, the fairy medicine is very useful to me, so you have to be a fairy, I have to fairy medicine, how is it?"

"I can't want it, this is too unfair. If you are not you, I am tragedy today."

Lan Ye shook his head.

"Don't be polite with me."

Zhang Bin still took out the fairy medicine and received his body.

Then he threw the ring to the blue leaves.

Lan Ye looked at the stacked in the mountains, she stunned, stunned: "I have never seen you so big, you won't there?"

"What do I have?"

Zhang Bin laughed to look at the blue leaves.

The face of the blue leaves is inexplicably red, and I said: "I am not afraid of your conspiracy, I will accept it."

I immediately transferred the topic immediately and said, "Here is a deeper place. To this location, Xianjun basically can't go forward. We are in this nearby treasure."

"You mean, only the master of the Xianwangkawa can continue to be deep?" Zhang Bin said, "But I know, there are people living in the depths, they are not the master of Xiangwang, maybe the fairy Jun or lower realm. "

Zhang Bin said is of course a thunder. After the past, the thunder came to the fairy, and he came to the Tianlei Mountains and lived deep.

And Lexia's treasure is also hidden in the transition of the Lei.

"What are you talking about? This race from the earth has long been destroyed in billions of years ago. It is said to be destroyed by the horrible Tianlei, 300,000 people, all fall." Lan Ye said , "So, since then, no one will dare to stay in Tianlei Mountain."

"What? 300,000 people fall?"

Zhang Bin's eyes are delicious, and they are extremely angry.

Why can't he believe that the most good at Thunder is the horrible Thunder?

There is absolutely shady.

Moreover, this thing is not recorded on the web, so even the rabbit is not known.

Perhaps, even Thunder didn't know that she was always thinking that the transfers were still living in the Tianlei Mountain.

"Do you feel embarrassed?" Lan Ye said, "This is one of the biggest hanging cases in the fairyland, and there are different legends. The thorns are being killed, who is the murderer, no one knows."

"It must be Antarctic Xianmi, this animal!"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he can even speculate on the reason, because Lei Xia read the secret law of the Antarctic Xianmie, he worried that Lei Xia was taught to the transcin, so put the Radian all killed all.

Because Lexia is too beautiful, he will not kill and imprison it.

But his heart may have a embarrassment, and then I have never dared to see Lei Xia, and Lei Xia has been imprisoned.

Let Laux have been imprisoned for more than 3 billion years.

"This matter, I must figure it out. No matter who is the murderer, I have to kill it, give the transistor." Zhang Bin roared in his heart.

Even if Lenx is wrong, the Antarctic Xianmie should not be implicated, and there are more than 300,000 people.

They all come from the earth and is Zhang Bin's old township.

Moreover, the thunder has great enwell to Zhang Bin.

In fact, as Zhang Bin's character, even if he doesn't have any relationship with the Lei, he will give the thunder!

"Lan Ye, I want to go to the Lei's place to see, I want to investigate how the thorns are extinct." Zhang Bin looked at Lan Ye, "You go with me."

"The area inside is very dangerous." Lan Ye said hesitated, "I didn't protect my ability, and I will drag you."

"I will protect you. We will get together, I will never throw you. I know a special route, will not suffer horrible Thunder attack, very safe." Zhang Bin said.

The orchid is shameful, nodded.

At this moment, she didn't know what they did.

I actually promised to enter such a dangerous place.

However, she is also clear, if she doesn't go with Zhang Bin, she is alone in a treasure, dangerous.

If you encounter a bad person, you may fall into the territory.

"let's go."

Zhang Bin pulled the blue leaves, and it was afraid of afraid.

Into the more dangerous area.

The ground is black, that is because it has suffered too many horrible Thunders, it became black.

Black stone, black land, black turns into a tree of coke.

However, occasionally see the fairy medicine among the rock gaps, swaying in the wind.

The level is nice, most of which are four-level fairy medicine.

There is even five levels of fairy medicine.

Zhang Bin and Lan Ye were very excited, picking out the fairy medicine.

"Bang ..."

A Thunder suddenly brought it, it turned out to be a five-color thunder.

Crazy, to Zhang Bin and the blue leaves.

"Close eyes are virtual."

Zhang Bin's eyes suddenly closed.

The thunder that the lifted thunder crashed and turned into a virtual.

There is no damage to the two.


Lan Ye looked at Zhang Bin like a monster, and his face was full of not a letter.

In this world, the masters can master the virtual unrenectable masters, all the Mili of the West Polar, of course, Xi Xi Xi Di is also a super master that is virtual. Does Zhang Bin are the Emperor of the West Polar?

Also, only the emperor can be so powerful as Zhang Bin.

However, how can there be an emperor appearing here, don't bring one under one?

She is confused.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin pulled the blue leaves and continued to travel.

Then the Lan Ye is responsible for collecting immortal medicine, Zhang Bin is responsible for dealing with the horrible Thunder.

The two divisions cooperate, and the speed of picking the fairy medicine is very fast.

Harvest is getting bigger and bigger.

After all, such a dangerous place, there is no seal of Xianwang who is also afraid. The human trace is inaccessible, but this ground depth is not only a thunder, but also a fairy.

Therefore, the fairy medicine is also a lot.

And all of the fairy medicine, which can refine special fairy medicine, which can make people's mine property skills.

"I eat, I eat, I eat ..."

In Zhang Bin's central Dantian, Xiaoxing and brunette are madly engraving Zhang Bin picking the fairy medicine.

Their body makes a powerful pressure and momentum.

Thunder is too powerful, even if there is a fairy, it is still difficult to break through.

Therefore, even today, most elves broke through the fairy, but the little Fuxing and the brunette still have no breakthrough, and it is about one step, and the lack of the lack of fairy medicine.

Now this kind of fairy medicine is coming, can they still have two?

Of course, I have eaten, after breaking, I can go outside.

It can also help the owner to deal with the enemy.

Let Little Fuxing and the brunette breakthrough, and Zhang Bin is one of the purposes of the Tianlei Mountain.

Two little guys have a belly medicine, they started crazy ...

"Zhang Bin, you see there is no, there are many fairy medicine here, and it is very good. The threatened fruit is all green, this must have a green thunderite. However, the thunder ore here must be very deep. Because All gullies, obviously been dug many times, because they are too deep, they have to give up. "Lan Ye regretted.

"Are you sure?"

Zhang Bin's face was full of surprises.

"Of course." Lan Ye said, "Although the master of Xianwang is very powerful soil and gold, they can sneak into the ground, but the ground under the Tianlei Mountain, because the thunder absorbs countless The horrible thunder of the year, suddenly broke out, it is likely to kill them. So, this below the small rain material is still there. "

"Look at it, take the treasure from the mountain!"

Zhang Bin put his hand into the soil, whispered.

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