The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2172 Terrorism

"Do you know what?" The magic said, "We are now the strength, it is the antique of the Emperor. If they know our existence, you can kill us. You still have a low-key. It is necessary to cultivate more effort, and become more quickly. Otherwise, not others kill you, that is, I will kill you. "

"What do you kill me?"

Zhang Bin screamed, how did he don't understand what this woman is thinking about?

"I know a horror secret, there is a super strong enemy, to subvert the universe pattern, one universe, and then use all the cosmic blood borders to sacrifice the world, to break the universe. The other side is the first generation. But I know, my lead I, in fact, I can't help him. This is one of the reasons for my reincarnation. "Magic said," This person is looking for me in the whole universe. His intended ability is superior, can calculate my intimate friend. You this Interco, I dare to be intimate with me. So, he is likely to be able to calculate you. So, you can only be a dead road, and he can grab you, find me again. I will kill him ... I am I can only kill you. Then he can't find me. In the future, if you can remove him, I will hang it, I will resurrect you. But I am as strong as me, I can't kill you. Is it, the day, I'm destined is a Miserable ending? "

"Do you say that Tiantian Xian Di?"

Zhang Bin, asked.

"No, it is a person who is more horrible than Tiantian, you don't listen to his news. Once his name is said, or in listening his information, he will feel a feeling." Magic said.

"Nima ..."

Zhang Bin's face changed, the first time I felt a deep death crisis.

Now he finally understands.

Why is the magic that threatens to kill Zhang Bin, because Zhang Bin has made a magic man in all directions.

The relationship between the two is intimate.

She wants to see Zhang Bin again, I hope that Zhang Bin will never appear in front of her.

Sailing from the old feelings.

The horrible enemy is calculated.

"Is it difficult to repair the inner repair?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Of course, it is also useful, but you are still a foreign further, after all, it is difficult to all shield. If it is super powerful, it is still possible to calculate it." Magic said seriously, "So, you I have to stay away from me, that is not only to hurt yourself, but also hurt me. Don't say anything else. "

"Don't you say it early?"

Zhang Bin was a bit depressed.

"Tell you so many secrets, our entanglement has been a lot, and the enemy must be able to make you," Magic said, "If you don't have powerful to surpass everything, don't appear in front of me, Also don't intervene my business. Also, I will encounter you next time, I really don't hesitate to kill you. "

She wore clothes and didn't say a word.

Green fluttering out of the small belly.

Zhang Bin chased it out and went away from the devil.

He opened his mouth, but it couldn't say a word.

Suddenly, he found that the devil hiding did not know how much secret.

She doesn't know how many crises have experienced.

However, the current you have no ability to help her.

Can't walk into her world at all.

At this time, Zhang Bin clearly understood that the strength of the magic has surpassed him.

If he is not good luck, you can call the lover of Yue Kong, you can call the power of the cave.

Can't play with the devil at all.

Although it is said that there is no use.

However, the magic should also be the same.

In fact, she doesn't want to kill Zhang Bin, which is the strength of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin slowly sat on the ground and he was in meditation.

I thought that I would like to mention the fairy emperor is the most cattle, and the evil emperor is the madman of the bold and big, but there is a more powerful giant, I have to subvert the universe pattern? One universe, the universe is used in the universe, and the universe is available in the blood. Breaking the universe?

The monster is difficult.

My situation is very bad.

It's just a world.

Zhang Bin sighed a sigh of relief, and then checked it in his own internal repair meridians.

"If people can't make people, the best way is to run in the meridians during the time, let the Dan furnace pattern thoroughly enclose yourself." Zhang Bin planted in the heart, "In the future, you must always In this way, even if it is a rest, even in the entertainment, it is necessary to divide a heart and constructive. "

He suddenly took up the air and flew rapidly.

Ren Lei Yi bombardment.

Finally, he came to the past.

This is a deep valley, huge and wide.

Of course, it can find this place or because of the guidance of rabbits.

Former thunders, only told Zhang Bin this address.

There is also the location of hidden treasures.

In fact, Zhang Bin did not expect too much about the treasures of Lei Xia.

Because Lei Xia is very weak at the time, she can't get a very advanced treasure.

Therefore, after coming to the fairy, Zhang Bin is not very enthusiastic about the treasure of looking for Lei Xia.

There is Lei Yun floating in the valley air.

Colorful colors.

Excute a dangerous breath that is extremely horrible.

So, you can't see the true face of the valley.

Zhang Bin shrubed his body, and he fell in a hurry from the weakness of the cloud.


The horrible Thunder crazy hit.

Most of them were avoided by Zhang Bin, and the small part fell on his body.

But it can't break his defense.

His body is too powerful.

Finally, Zhang Bin passed through the clouds stacked, landed in the valley.

Then he will be creepy.

Because the ground is all tired bones, the surface has become coke.

Moreover, there are three ice-cold eyes to shoot from all sides to his body.

Let him feel the stress of a heinous.

Yes, among the valleys, the plate is sitting three people.

A devil, a demon king, and a ghost king.

It's cold, murderous ice.

Looking at Zhang Bin with indifferent eyes.

Although they didn't attack, but they took Zhang Bin to surround Zhang Bin.

It constitutes a joint power.

Zhang Bin felt a breath of death.

Why didn't he think that there is three king masters in the valley. And it is not a fairy.

What are they doing?

"Tri Taoist please."

Zhang Bin's arvement, his body suddenly burst into a sharp pressure and momentum of terror.

His realm is also high in the festival, soon become a great realm of the fairyland.

This is of course because he shows a magical deception.

If the realm is too low, it will inevitably be considered to be a super powerful genius, and it is not impossible to kill him.

"You are not cracking in Xianjun? Said, who you are?"

The Devil suddenly stood up, it looked tall, a wild momentum was taken out.

It has become a hurricane, and suddenly it is a flying sand, the horror is extreme.

"Cracked Xianjun?"

Zhang Bin's heart suddenly tight, because he immediately speculated that the cracked Xianjun may be the other party, they agree to meet here, what secrets may be done.

And yourself cut off the arm of cracked Xianjun, hitting him.

Trouble is, it is likely that cracks will come immediately.

That you have to face four super masters: three king experts, a place with a sealing.

There is absolutely no more than anything, and it is difficult to escape.

(It is also six chapters, please vote support.)

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