The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2183 against the Antarctic Xian Di

The content of the jade jade is very simple, it is probably like this.

Antarctic Xian Di, this emperor is an unknown immortal, I want to come to you, because I am the owner of the Yue Kong House.

From the Taikooxia world.

Because of the cultivation of loneliness, lack of women's service, so I have a time.

I learned that the Antarctic Fairy's first beauty Lexia was taken into the cold palace for 2.5 billion years, and it was complete.

So, I took her away.

In the future, Lexia is a woman.

There is no relationship with you.

There is no extra words, and the money is the main point of the hole.

The reason why Zhang Bin wants to leave such a jade jade, of course, there is a special purpose.

It is to let the Antarctic Xian Emperor will retreat, no longer entangle.

So, Lei Xia can also live freely in the fairy.

Otherwise, Leixia can only stay in the Central Dantian, the central Dantian, Zhang Bin, and is very limited.

Of course, things will not be so simple, it is difficult to do this.

However, if it doesn't do this, the consequences are very serious.

Because the Antarctic Xianmi can't make Lenxia, ​​it is likely to cross time and space.

The Antarctic Xianmi can find most of the secrets as long as they care about the wings, do not disclose the track.

Although Zhang Bin did prevention, there was no absolute grasp to be fraudulent.

Moreover, even if the Antarctic Emperor does not cross the time and space, endure the anger in his heart.

But because of his concern, his criminals are disclosed. Still from time to time, Lei Xia's drop will be made, and it will also work hard to kill Thundexia, and even monitor all of the Milky Ways.

Hard to imply.

Anyway, the consequences are very serious.

"Ah ... inch glow, you are too deceived!"

The Antarctic Xian Di was furious, and it was anger.

In fact, he basically forgot the woman of Lei Xia, not too care.

However, Leixia has read the secret law of his ancestral, is equal to the secret of Cheng Emperor.

It is important.

What's more, this is also a matter of men's face. Although Lei Xia has not been his woman, he is also his scorpion in nominal, but he is hopped into the cold palace.

How can he be willing to take Lesix?

However, he is also secretly improving the strength of Hui Cave.

You know, because of the retaliation of the Defense of the Emperor, the emperor has always been in the martial law.

Even, there was a lot of Xiangwang, and the town was also adjusted.

The wind blows grass, you can know.

Moreover, all the array is replaced, and the power is extremely horrible.

However, inch glow, but sneaked into Lexia who sneaked.

After a day, I found Thunder missing.

The strength of the other party is extremely horrible.

To not help, the mastery of the array, exceeding him too much.

However, he is a fairy emperor, mastering a large Antarctic family.

How can I keep this breath?

He didn't have any delays, with a murder of the sky, came to the valley of the Yuedong House.

He went angry: "Inch, you gave me out."

The world is shaking, and the earth is shocked.

The emperor is angry, blessed.

The Antarctic Xiandi is anger, of course, is extremely terrible.

Dangdang, Dongfu door opened.

However, it is not the leader of Yongdong.

Instead, Lexia came out.

Lei Xia wore a colored skirt, and Wufa, and the gods flew.

It seems that it is extra beautiful and attractive, it is the first beauty of the Antarctic Fairy.

"Antarctic Xian Di, do you still have a face?"

Lexia's face is full of ridiculous and contempt. "You know that I am being broken, but it is 25 billion years that I am in the cold palace? I lived in a cold palace, I lived for 2.5 billion years. How sad? Also, I ask you, how is the one million people die? Who is the murderer? "

"Peak me to build a secret law, kill innocent!"

The Antarctic Xianmi's face is filled with ice cold, and his body burst into richness like the substance.

"I only have a bastard such as you." Thunder said, "Now, I am already a woman in inch glow. He didn't hesitate to teach me a variety of emperors. More than people, how do you worship so far? Antarctic fairy emperor, you don't match the emperor, you don't match the man. You can't kill innocent, more than the devil. "

What she said is of course reason, if the Antarctic Xian Di does not punish Lexia, but continue to love her.

How can she leak the Secretary of the Antarctic Xianmin?

She did a prevention first, and after being hit into the cold palace, she wanted to save her own way.

But over 25 billion years, she knows that the Scholarship secret law will only give Zhang Bin.

Therefore, the Antarctic Xianmi has a 25 billion years to change the mistake. If he is awake, it is good to Lei Xia, it may be another situation.


Therefore, Lei Xia has no embarrassment.

There is only a hate against the Antarctic Xianmi.

And when I learned that the millions of people have only one of them, she can't hate the Antarctic Emperor.

"Inch glow, you gave me out ..."

The Antarctic Xianmili is more angry, and the ice is blasted to shoot the cold to the ultimate murder.

His hands also appeared a strange magic, that is a weird gold statue.

Excorps the momentum of destroying the earth.

The void is bright, and the whole land of the entire Antarctic Fairy is shaking.

Obviously, he passed the power of the Antarctic Fairy Tiandi.

He wants to make the most horrible attack, break the law, kill the Yongdong master and Lei Xia.

Thoroughly remove the disaster.

"Antarctic Xian Emperor, do you try?"

A cold to the ultimate voice, Zhang Bin came out from the Dongfu.

Of course, he has already displayed deceived power, and the power reached the limit under the promotion of abilities.

In addition, he also called the power of the passage of the Cave.

All the fairy pulse comes with the power, injected from Zhang Bin's two feet into Zhangbin.

Zhang Bin is internal repair, and the body is much better than the external repair.

Now his body is more than the fairy emperor, but it can be done than the fairy king.

Therefore, it can accommodate too much power.

Therefore, today's Zhang Bin seems to be like a super-horrible grand immortality.

It seems that it is a special shock.

The momentum is no less than the Antarctic Xian Di.

"Very good, inch, the lord, you finally came out."

The Antarctic Xianmi stopped calling the peace of the world, and he looked at Zhang Bin, and secretly started.

Looking at the goals, it is easy to calculate it, and how can I make some objective.

In other words, the Antarctic Emperor wants to know some of Zhang Bin's bottom.

Decide how to do it.

After all, the Master of the Xianmie's grand community fights, it is extremely horrible.

One is not good, the Antarctic Fairy must be destroyed.

Countless immortals have to die.

He can't carefully.

"Very good, the Antarctic Xian Di did not see the flaw, did not recognize that I am Zhang Bin."

Zhang Bin is darkly happy, he felt that his plan was successful.

But he is also a bit worried, because he clearly understands how powerful and terrible in the Antarctic Fairy.

He is now in the face of Zhang Bin, is it possible to calculate some secrets belonging to Zhang Bin?

If it is available, the consequences are unimaginable.

Zhang Bin did not dare to neglect, crazy circulating internal repair, let the veins composed of the Dan furnace pattern brighter.

Even, he also constituted an internal repair on the surface of the body.

Seal yourself in strict.

In other words, he has used all the top cards.

To make the other party's estimation empty.

The confrontation of the two, officially started!

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