The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2187 kills the door

Zhang Bin returned to the princess government.

Thunder did not come over with Zhang Bin, and did not stay in Zhang Bin's central Dantian.

She is with Lehua, Lei Fen in Zhang Bin's inch.

Lei Xia also likes inch of Hui Kong, she likes to live in a cultivation.

Inch of the hole, it does need people to live.

Need people to cultivate numerous drugs.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is very happy, Lei Xixia is willing to live in inch glow.

Of course, he taught a lot of magical practice, including emperor skills.

Also left a lot of cultivation resources.

Even, I still refined three irons, and they three people.

If they go out of the cave, it can also be used to deal with the enemy.

In fact, there is a range around inch Huangfu, is considered to the range of inch glow.

Can call the force of the array, deal with strong enemies.

Only the alarm of the Antarctic Emperor is then dare to land in the valley of the Dongfu.

Therefore, the security of Thunder three is not worth worrying.

Unless the Antarctic Emperor knows Zhang Bin's secrets.

But it is difficult, because Zhang Bin is very high, the fairyland print is true.

The emperor who took out is also genuine.

The Antarctic Emperor has not yet the information of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin also placed a fairy array at the Dongfu, and also placed a fairy array in his central Dantian.

Three people can be transferred to Zhang Bin's central Dantian at any time.

On the next day, Zhang Bin is trying to practice, there is a seven-color glass treasure tower, and Zhang Bin is more convenient. The progress of the repair is also very fast.

Of course, after cultivation, he will also transfer to the inch gongdong, privately.

And in the princess government, there is autumn cloud, Lanxi service.

Give Zhang Jie prenatal education.

Yaochi is also getting better and better.

This day is still very beautiful.


One shook for half a year.

It is only half a month from Zhang Jie.

Because of the perfusion of the live energy of the Antarctic Emperor, Zhang Jie's fairy is formed quickly.

Catch the development speed of other emilings.

That is to say, more than half a month, thirty ancient grandson is born.

The atmosphere of the Emperor has become inexplicably nervous.

Alert is also strict.

This afternoon, the Yaochi Princess Government suddenly sounded an angry shout: "Zhang Bin, you gave me out of death!"

It is the sound of the four emperors.

He finally came back from Danjie.

This is of course the result of the four emperors of the four emperors.

Now that the Emperor will be born, the Antarctic Xian Di feels that if the father of the Emperor is not there, it is a bit unpredictable to go to the Danjie, saved the four emperors.

When listening to the four emperors said in the Danjie, the Antarctic Emperor was surprised and angry and depressed. Zhang Bin actually went to the Danjie, grab the four emperors of Dan Ling fruit? Also grab the emperors of the four emperors, big persons, and all treasures? The four emperors did not have a little way, completely fade, was made by Zhang Bin's drama on the palm?

"No power! Waste!"

The Antarctic Xianmi sent a lot, and the four emperors had a dog blood.

The four emperors of course are more anger and depressed, and they can't hate Zhang Bin.

So, once, he came to Zhang Bin's trouble.

The Antarctic Xianmi did not care about Zhang Bin, but of course, the four emperors are all.

Can maintain the majesty of the royal.

Zhang Bin took a cloud, Yang Xiong, and more than 300 guards left.

Today's princess is not before, and it is recruited a lot of strength.

The forces are also expanded too much too much.

The forces of the four emperors are of course very big, and he also with more than 300 powerful guards.

If it is seen from the realm, the realm of the four emperors is high.

Most of them have been cultivated to the Xianshi Great.

Xianjun also has more than 30.

However, Zhang Bin, this side, Xianjun is only ten, and the rest is fairyland.

"Four emperors, congratulations, are you coming to fight with me?" Zhang Bin said, "Come, we are one-on-one, play you to find your teeth."

" ..."

"Hahaha ..."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong were ridiculous.

"The might of the big". "

A beauty guard is still shouting.

Then all guards are shouting with the fanatics.

The momentum is rushing.

They all worship Zhang Bin.

After all, they all know that Zhang Bin is crushing a big emperor, even the emperor is easily imprisoned by Zhang Bin.

The four emperors have strong and strong Zhang Bin.

It is destined to be crushed by Zhang Bin.

"Zhang Bin, you are a bastard, but you are not the eight brother, but the people of Yaochi. You immediately gave me my treasure, give me a big Skill Fang Mao. Otherwise, let you let you die. "The four emperors drink the teeth."

"Your treasure? I certainly used it early? The fairy medicine is eaten, and the medicinal herbs are also eaten. Xianshi is also used. As for your big counsel, I have already put him." Zhang Bin doubled Say.

"You fart, Fang Mao must still be there. If you let him put him, how can he not return to my house?" The four emperors were in urgent to ruin. Today, his main purpose is to go back to the face.

However, Zhang Bin actually relaxed.

"Maybe he feels that you are unhealthy, disappointed with you, you leave, no longer give you it." Zhang Bin looked at the four emperors with mercy, faintly said.

"Bastard, you immediately let the square go out ... Otherwise, don't blame me."

The four emperors said.

"Four emperors, you can go back, Lei Lai is useless."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"All give me, kill him."

The four emperors' face is full of smiling.

Even, his eyes flapped the rays that were extremely poisonous.

His a lot of genus raised a fairy, and kill Zhang Bin like the mountain.

"Nima, clearly know that he is still playing, is there anything?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he never afraid of conspiracy, and also waved, "on."


Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong became three-headed six arms. Like two tigers, with a group of wolves, greeted it.

"Dangdang ..."

The fairy bombards each other and sparks.

"Ah ..."

The scream is also rang immediately.

Most of them are all sent by the four emperors.

And cultivate a lot of money.

The war is extremely horrible, they will play a dozen opponents in an instant.

In addition, there is another beautiful master in the guards of the princess government.

She cultivated to the peak of Xianjun, the war is also very horrible, more powerful than Yang Xiong and Yunfei.

She danced a sword, turned into a Jian Mountain, rolling forward, all of them, flying in the legs, blood removal, no one can resist her.

"Hey, this beauty is the talents of Xianwang?"

Zhang Bin was darkly surprised.

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