"Zhang Bin, I have to kill you, I must kill you ..."

The four emperor wolf returned to the government, and he issued a screaming and shouting like a wolf.

The sound is scream, anger, irritation to the extreme.

He has a super powerful and unique, but it is taken away by Zhang Bin.

He is the four emperors of the Tang, but it is actually humiliated and bullying by a fairy jun.

Even, he took a Maxi King, and his mother was in battle, and he still didn't take it cheap, he was humiliated and defeated by Zhang Bin, became a laughter.


He also came to the four emperors, she said seriously.

"How can I calm, how can I calm? I am the emperor of the Tang, is actually bullied by the slave of Yaochi?" The four emperors shouted angrily.

"Call all your counsel, brainstorm, want a way, kill Zhang Bin." Xi Gui also blessed Zhang Bin hate, "anger can not solve problems."

Since the four emperors have a big age, there is a genius mother, and the mother is still in another country.

Therefore, there are many forces.

Of course, there is only one big counselor, and there are several counseling, although it is not as good as Femao, but also the wisdom of the generation.

Soon, numerous counsels were convened.

They discuss it in detail.

"Four emperors, Guizhen Niang Niang, Zhang Bin is very talented, mastering the time of power, but he will definitely do not defeat the ability of Xianwang." The eyes of a counsel shot the light of wisdom, "Today, he can Defading the Mei Dynasty, or because he refined the irregularity, even got a super-horrible congenital seven-color irrigation. His Majesty Master the mysterious refiner secrets, if you let your material refining, you can resist the seven-color Thunder attack. A helmet. So, Miss Ming King can easily kill Zhang Bin. "

"good idea……"

Everyone's eyes are lit.

The four emperors have a thick laugh on the face.

The stream is twisted, "Zhang Bin, this time, how do you die?"

They are all smart people, they have deeply known that the Antarctic Xian Di is very uncomfortable to Zhang Bin.

However, the Antarctic Xianmi loves too much, and it is not good to go to deal with Zhang Bin.

Therefore, he is willing to see some taught Zhang Bin, and even kill Zhang Bin.

Seeking a set of such armor can do it.

"I am going to find your own ..."

The four emperors immediately stood up.

"Son, I will go with you."

Xi Gui said.

Soon, they saw the Antarctic Emperor.

Zhang Bin was argued back to the Princess Government by everyone as hero.

He first explained the princess of Yaochi, he was in the Tianlei Mountains to get a seven-color glazed tower.

Then Zhang Bin looks into the clouds and Yang Xiong to listen to the beauty of the beautiful guards of the Talents of the Fairy.

It turned out that the beauty named Yan Shuanghuang is a real fairy king, because she has 50 Dantian area.

Construct the peak of Xianjun.

The war is terrible.

Thousands of years ago from all in all years.

At that time, she did not build a foundation, and no one paid attention to her.

Therefore, she will find a treasure for their own treasure, and they will find precious treasures.

Also got a secret law.

I have built it yourself, there are fifty Dantian area.

After that, she continued to treasure hunt, cultivate, and self-satisfaction.

Seeing the Yaochi Princess Government recruited, and heard that the children in the Yaochi abdomen were very favored by the Antarctic Emperor.

So she went over.

"Master, are you looking at Yan Double? She is really beautiful and charming, and it is very interesting to you. You have to bubble to her, it is very easy. Hook hand can." Yunfeiyang evil said laughingly.

"Master, Yan Bouble is often in listening to us, looking, she worships you."

Yang Xiong is also said.

"Don't say, I have no interest in her." Zhang Bin said, "I am just a bit strange, how can the real fairy king can go to the princess before the situation is unclear? For example, it is here. For example, there is also a reason for the Mi Ming Wang to tempted the four emperors. So what is the purpose of Yan Double?

"Her purpose is to chase the master."

Yunfei smirked.

"Yes, I also feel like this. She said with me, last time, the big brother taught the emperor is too handsome, and she saw it, so she came to go to the princess." Yang Xiong also said.

"You give me careful, in addition to this ridiculous reason, Yan Shuang pairs may still be a spoz, is the other emperor arranged, and may even be a conspiracy to subvert the giant arrangement of the Antarctic Fairy, or may be the princess of Yaochi. Enesse, may even be the enemy arrangement. Of course, this is just a guess. So, we must be vigilant, don't care. "Zhang Bin said seriously.

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible, Yan Bouble is impossible to be apron."

"I also feel like it."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiongna shook his head.

"Not the best, I just remind you that there may be spoons among the guards, give me a little bit."

Zhang Bin said seriously.


Two guys prompped respectfully.

Zhang Bin sat in the knee in the secret room, he began to think out.

The four emperors came back, and they did not expect things.

A natural capital is not a very good emperor, was imprisoned in Danjie, and the Antarctic Xian Di actually secretly went to the Danjie and saved the four emperors.

If so early, let Zhang Xiaolong kills the four emperor.

However, Zhang Bin knows that even if he can never know that the four emperors will come back, he will not let Zhang Xiaolong will deal with the four emperors, because it may cause anger of the Antarctic Emperor, the Antarctic Emperor retaliate Zhang Xiaolong, and that Xiaolong may not resist.

It is important to know that the relationship between the Antarctic Emperor and Danjie is very embarrassed.

It is likely that there is a Dan Emperor is a Danlian from the Antarctic Xianmie.

It is easy to hurt Zhang Xiaolong.

Therefore, Zhang Bin will not let this happen.

"Look at the nature of the four emperors and the stream, it is absolutely will not get together, I have to prepare."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, immediately asked: "Rabbit, there is no inquiry, where is the nine-level fairy medicine?"

His strength is actually not weak, and you can deal with the early days of the unsealed fairy king.

However, his realm is too low, just in the middle of the fairyland.

If it is a super-power, it is easy to crush the Mei Mingwang, which may trigger the Junan of the Antarctic Emperor.

Therefore, Zhang Bin must break through a bottleneck.

However, he is double repair inside and outside, breaking through is very difficult.

Although I have been trying to practice, there is no slack.

But it is no breakthrough sign.

However, if you can get the nine-level fairy medicine, there should be no problem.

"Nine-level fairy medicine? Antarctic garden of the Antihood of the Immortal."

The rabbit said excitedly.

"What about other places?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

During this time, the Anti Dynasty was bulged by Zhang Bin.

If it is the nine-level immortal medicine of the Antarctic Emperor, the Antarctic Emperor will be crazy.

People who cross time and space to chase stealing nine-level fairy medicine are not impossible.

That Bin was miserable.

He may have no way to cope.

Therefore, although Zhang Bin really wants to steal the nine-level fairy medicine of the Nanji Xian Di, give the Antarctic Xianmili a big lesson, but he can only endure, after leaving.

"The rest of the immortal, the emperor, the emperor cultivated the nine-level fairy medicine."

Rabbit said.

"Emperor master, is not good, still count, what is the nine-level fairy medicine?"

Zhang Bin asked.

(Six chapters sent, begging to recommend tickets.)

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