The next day, Zhang Bin gave Yaochi Princess to see him to see the Antarctic Emperor, saying that there is very important thing to find him.

The Antarctic Xianmi met Zhang Bin in a branch.

"Zhang Bin saw Your Majesty, I wish you a long life."

Zhang Bin respectfully.

Antarctic Xianmi looked at Zhang Bin with a very indifferent gaze, and asked faintly: "What is the report?"

"Your Majesty, I have a coupon, maybe it can lead to the emperor, kill it."

Zhang Bin said.

The Antarctic Xianmi came slightly, and it made a gesture to let Zhang Bin continue.

Zhang Bin did not delay, and immediately said his plan immediately.

Antarctic Xianmi is not in the cold and said: "Your plan is naive. This thing you don't have to manage, I have a way to deal with him, he absolutely can't escape. Quick."

"Your Majesty, I think it is necessary to remove the emperor immediately, otherwise it will never make a big disaster, even, the Antarctic Fairy will fall in his hand, and you have no way to know." Zhang Bin horse and alarmist .

Bold. "

The Antarctic Xian Di is furious, "If you don't say a convincing reason, it will not be ours."

"Your Majesty, bullying the evil emperor is big, gallbladder," Zhang Bin said seriously, "he killed the big emperor, it was to restrict his murder in the city, but he can only send a fairy king to kill him, but it is futile. This reason is very good. Full. We all think he is very high and poisonous. But I feel that the deceived Evil Emperor has another purpose. I am also occasionally thinking about this purpose. I don't dare to say it, please forgive me. I dare to say. "

"Rao you are not guilty, you said."

The Antarctic Xianmi said coldly, but his face has floated anger, and it is also shot into murder. It is clear that Zhang Bin is very uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, even if he is talented again, he will not do the true immortality because there is no emperor. It is destined to secretly touch the Tibetan. However, he must not be willing to get the emperor." Zhang Bin serious Say, "he has never been defeated, but he recently has more activities. And in our Antarctic Fairy, his purpose is likely to peek your emperor. He is certainly no ability from your hands from your hands. Capture, so he may be the idea of ​​making an emperor. "

"Isn't this nonsense? Of course, what is your wisdom? You can also do a big counsel?" The Antarctic Xianmie's face is cold, and the palm is high. It seems that Zhang Bin is just right. Kill it on the spot.

"I mean, he wants to win the grandchildren! Kill the big emperor, then after the big rumor is born, it will be much easier. It is not easy to be broken." Zhang Bin said, "He is willing to judge the emperor Sun's tachips are very good, and it will become a reserve in the future. "


The Antarctic Fairy's face is full of shock, and it is also a sweat of beans on the forehead.

He really didn't think about this toxious.

However, this is all possible.

If it is bullying the evil emperor, I don't know that the ghost does not seize the grandchildren. If the big capital of the big emperor is very good, he can really succeed, and you will pass the emperor in the future.

"Your Majesty, since he can sneak into the big murderer without sound, and did not inspire the soul of the big emperor, it is very very terrible." Zhang Bin said an alarmist, "Even if it is ours, wait for the emperor Sun is born, he is not impossible to sneak into the house again. And there is no necessarily to find him. So, you must kill him before the emperor is born. Then you can once again, don't worry about what. "

"Zhang Bin, you are good, it is a qualified big counselor."

Antarctic Xianmi looked at Zhang Bin with a very satisfactory look. "You plan, although naive, but it is not a way, you can try it. Execute it."

"Thank you, I am very honest." Zhang Shaojie is also my child, I must protect him, absolutely can't let him have any accidents. So, this time we must kill the emperor. "

How many old people in the Antarctic Emperor, of course, heard Zhang Bin's strings, saying faintly: "If this time can kill the emperor, if Yaochi does not oppose, you are the princess of Yaochi, you will pass the book, Show the world. "

"Thank you."

Zhang Bin is a surprise color.

He said.

Looking at Zhang Bin's back, the Antarctic Xian Di slammed a sneak laugh, and muttered in his mouth: "I am afraid that you are not afraid that you can't live in that day, you are destined to make a son-in-law."

Zhang Bin returned to the princess, and he immediately called many guards.

He said seriously: "Everyone, the little master will be born. In the future, we have to protect the safety of the little owner, and we must borrow the greatness of the position, but our strength is still not strong, we must vigorously improve yourself. It is necessary to get super good fairy medicine, such as nine-level fairy medicine. Now, I want to take ten guards to Taikoo Xianyin, find nine-level fairy medicine. Rest assured, we will not be deep, only who is on the edge. Who do you have? Willing to go with me? "

Everyone looked at each other because they knew the horror of the Taikooxia, and the probability of going in to alive alive is too low.

After a while, Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong shouted: "I am willing."

"I am also willing."

Yan Shuanghuang also said excitedly.

Rotary, there are many guards, and they are willing to go.

Zhang Bin is very happy, picking ten guards, including Yan Shuangshui.

But there is no clouds and Yang Xiong.

Because two must guard the princess guard.

Among the many guards, Zhang Bin's only person who can trust them is two.

"Zhang Bin, this time, you must be careful."

Yaochi princess sent Zhang Bin to go out and carefully.

"Gong, you come back early."

Qiu Yun and Lanxi also looked at Zhang Bin.

Now, Zhang Bin has become the main bone of the princess government. If Zhang Bin has a problem, it is a big disaster for them.

"Don't worry, I will return."

Zhang Bin said.

They started, and they were sent to the nearest city from the Taikooxia through the transfer of the emperors.

There is no stay at a moment.

Stay up, the pen is straight to the Taikong fairy world.

Bypassing the fairyama, it is the Taikooxia.

The Taikooxia is actually an infinite mountain range.

From the outside, you can see countless towering mountains. Most of the mountains have to be higher than the fairyama, insert the sky like the sword.

The edge area has rich to the ultimate white fog, which exudes a breath that is incomparable to horror and danger.

Through the white mist, it can see the white bones everywhere.

You can also see the huge mountainous mourning beasts, and the screams of the emitted are shocked.

When landing in the edge region, many guards have made white.

The above is filled with fear.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is creepy.

At this time he truly understands how terror and danger are the Taikooxia.

To enter such a place, Xianwang is a dead end.

Don't say that the district fairy is.

This is also the last time Qiu Yun said to the Taikong Xianyin, Zhang Bin is not willing to go.

"Camp in place."

Zhang Bin did not immediately enter, yelling.

"Hey ... don't be busy, you are all killed."

A arrogant voice sounded, and the evil emperor appeared in front of everyone like ghost. He looked at Zhang Bin like the dead!

(Six chapters sent, please vote, thank you.)

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