The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2204, Month, Thousand Incsi, Bullying

"Since you have to die, I will kill you."

Due to the emperor, the emperor smiles, there is no other fellow feelings.

In fact, he also hit the idea of ​​the thousand fragrance, and he wanted to bring him through the time and space, and he was looking for a moon. But in the end, he still gave up, the month is very strong, and it is sealed, and the land is located in the scope of the Antarctic Fairy.

And the strength of thousands of fragrance, he is not possible to end the battle quickly.

However, here is the intersection of the Antarctic Fairy and Taikoo.

Moreover, it is also blocked by a tall fairyam.

In the fight here, the Antarctic Emperor will not feel.

He certainly doesn't have any scruples.

He didn't use any magic weapon. Just open his right hand, it became a big place, and five fingers became bigger like Optimus, and the nails extended quickly and shifted with ice cold.

With horrible to the ultimate murder, the moon.


The sound is scream, and the space is broken.


The world has become dim.

The magnificent master's momentum is completely revealed.

"Back ..."

The month is nervous, and the inexplicable magic is displayed, and the imprisonment is released.

Zhang Bin can only move, but still can't fly, can only retreat back.

They feel that it seems to be a solid, and there is a big mountain pressure on them.

This is anhenotype, and it is also a terrorist effect of a pressure.

"It's a great deceived emperor, I have already overestimated him, but I still underestimated him."

Zhang Bin was darkly shaken, and his mental movement, all the guards received their own dragon pool.

Such a horrible war, these guards are like anti ants, they will not be busy, they will only drag the month and yourself.


A fairy sword appeared in the hands of the month.

White rays that burst into open eyes.

Then the sword hurriedly stabbed.


In an instant, there were countless swords, and it was chemically formed into a sword.

Original ocean.

I bombard the mountain in the mountains in the sea.

Dangdang ...

The intensive sound like the rain point sounds, spark splashes, exceptionally thorns.


The month of thousands of fragrances made a painful scream, and the right hand tiger has split it.

People are also retreat.

And the evil emperor is if there is anything, and the laugh is connected, and it will take advantage of the wind.


His fingers suddenly popped up, and the sword of the millennium was in the moon.

Month thousand incense, I can't hold the sword, and I will fly to the air.

The five senses are also overflowing the blood of the red.

She flew down and hit her body.

I took Zhang Bin to the Dragon Pool.

Solve Zhang Bin was killed by the emperor.

"Death ..."

Due to the emperor, I step on a step, and I reached out again.

It's rude, and the momentum is too strong.

"Time hysteresis ..."

The month and thousands of fragrance finally used her most powerful time.

Suddenly the heavens and earth, everything is still stationary.

Of course, it does not include the month and thousands of people and the emperor.

Due to the emperor is still close to, his palm is still arrested.

However, look at it carefully, his speed slows down.

Obviously, it is also affected by time.

After all, the month, thousands of fragrances, more than just use time abilities and zoom energy, but also called the power of the sea.

Therefore, the power of time abilities is also skyrocketing.


The month and thousands of fragrance shouted, and the fairy sword once again.

The ghost is like a flash, avoiding the opening, attacked the emperor from the side door.

Hey ...

The sword in the hand stab out.


The sword is too strong, and the heavens and the earth.

It looks extremely sharp and horrible.

However, bullying is more horrible, more powerful.

His hand has swept the past and only listened to a weird sound.

The sword in the hands of the moon is flying out and becomes bent.

This sweep is too much.

Not a person can resist.

"Kill kill ..."

Month thousand fragrance changes the way, she shows time abilities, speed abilities.

It has become an unclear imaginary shadow, revolves around the sinister emperor, looking for a flaw attack of the Evil Emperor, no longer touchs the opponent.

Therefore, between the time, bullying the evil emperor did not take the thousand fragrances next month.

He was very angry, and suddenly shakes the body and turned into a three-headed six arm.

The war has skyrocketed.

Because there is no matter how the moon is incense, he is also positive for the moon.

When the month is thousands of flasses, they can only refund quickly, but I can't get rid of the death of the emperor.

"Month thousand incense, you will have Zhang Bin immediately, otherwise, I really want to kill you."

Due to the emperor, I smiled and said.

His purpose is Zhang Bin, as long as Zhang Bin, then achieved victory.

As for the moon, if it is really desirable, if you are self-explosive, he also wants to eat a big loss, and even the Dan Emperor who is alarmed by Danjie may also attract the Antarctic Xue Emperor. Drop.

"Bullying the Evil Emperor, are you dreaming?" The month is cold and cold, "I am the Antarctic Xiankang's Xianwang, which is obliged to protect any one."

"For a person who has nothing to do in the district, you have to pay life to protect him? You are ignorant to this way?" The face of the evil emperor is full of ridiculous colors.

"You can't kill me!" The month is proud of proudly, "I can escape from time and space at any time."

This is the hand of time.

At the time of the month, it is of course a super cow, and the emperor is not more than it.

"You ... mix!"

Due to the emperor, I am screaming, I almost vomit blood.

His good thing is that the millennium was destroyed.

"I have encountered me, your conspiracy can't succeed!"

The month is proud of the month.

"You are not afraid to encounter a big horror, completely fall?" Due to the emperor asked in the anger, "You have to risk life for a few ants?"

"I just want to cross yesterday, there is a day, where is the big horror? I have to spend, and then I will go back immediately. But I will not return here, but back to my seal. "The monarch said.

It is very fast about her time and space like her time. It is also possible to determine the time point of the crossing.

It is impossible to kill her.

Unless you get the emperor, you can master the emperor master of the fairyland.

Unfortunately, although the evil emperor is powerful, there is no emperor.

There is no one who grasps the moon.

"Month, now I am hit, you may not escape! Even if you can escape, I will not let you go in the future, the tiger still has a snoring, I will let you die. "The face of the evil emperor is full of grievances, but also filled with fierce, the fierce expression, people are cold.

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