The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2214 Magic Ants, Strong Pharmacy

Zhang Bin shook his head, he did not stop them from four.

If there is no lesson of blood, they will not believe it.

The Jin-winged Pengwang walked slowly.

Three guys also climbed the past.

Obviously, there are currently some of the golden winged peng, can be barely walk.

After all, the body he got is also Tianpeng, and it is the beginning of the demon king.

The body of the sheep king is mammoth, not a sheep.

Although it is also the early days of the demon king, it has not yet been able to control the body very well.

As for the cloud flying and Yang Xiong, just Xianjun, they can crawling in this world.

Finally, they came to the ant nest before they came.

Jin-winged Peng Wang did not delay, became a little Tianpeng, his mouth suddenly ignited on the ant.


However, the ant socnet is very hard.

There is no broken.

Just shake slightly.

Then, there is ants flocked from the nest.

All is black ants.

Only rice is so big.

It seems that it is not strong.

The mouth of Jin-winged Pengpeng fly quickly.

It also likes to eat ants.

Seeing that his mouth is going to pay an ant, the ants feel dangerous.

It didn't hesitate to spit out a black gas.

The rest of the ants are also lifted up and spit out black gases.

Like a small dark cloud.

Then spread it.


The body of Jin-winged Pengwang began to shake, the body of the three guys was suddenly stiff.

Almost at the same time, the King of the Jin-winged Peng was on the ground, and the three guys were also unconscious.

Many ants are big, and the flock to four people.

This time, actually arrested such a huge food?

It is enough to eat a lot of days.

Zhang Bin, of course, will not see that they have been eaten by ants.

He shot, his right hand suddenly became bigger, and he took four people to catch it.

Then he gave them four medicinal herbs.

After a long time, the four talents woke up.

Their face is filled with fear.

It is also filled with it.

Area ants, it is also so much? Tell the poisonous gas so horrible?

If it is not Zhang Bin to save them, they will definitely fall.

Eat it by ants, how can they feel?

"Now you understand? How horror is the ants?" Zhang Bin said seriously. Strong. "

"Yes, we will change it."

Four people are ashamed to die, respectfully promise.

Of course, their face is full of unwillingness.

They have been so powerful, that is, the character of the wind, even if they are in the fairy, they come to the Taikooxia, they are weaker than the ants?

They continually tapped high-grade fairy medicine, and they were eating. Crazy cultivation.

Their strength is rapidly improved.

Zhang Bin is also cultivating.

He is useless, it can be warned at any time.

Once the danger is found, he will respond.

To be honest, here is the crisis of four rows, horror.

Therefore, cultivation is also interrupted at any time.

In this way, it took ten days.

They are all powerful, even Zhang Bin has great progress.

After all, gravity is terrible, suitable for internal development.

The immortal medicine is countless, plus a rich Hongmeng is suitable for external repair.

But Zhang Bin is still very unsatisfactory, because of this progress, even if he has worked for a year, he may not break through a bottleneck.

It is difficult to cope with many powerful enemies.

For example, there is no immortal Fairy King Mo Peng Fu.

Even, even can't get it.

Only the inside and outside double tribut broke through a bottleneck to save.

If it breaks through two bottlenecks, then it can barely resist it.

From an ordinary person to today, Zhang Bin is invincible.

No matter how powerful enemies, he can defeat.

He didn't want to be bullied, don't want to be insulting.

Therefore, he will continue to become strong.

Therefore, he has to cultivate more powerful.

Kings, King, Kings, have also become much stronger.

He once again launched a provocation to the ants.

He shielded his breathing and blocked the space.

I rushed over, and I killed an ant.

Run back and fled, excitedly swallowing the ants, praise: "Bin brother, I finally be strong than the ants."

His words have not been finished, his body is rapidly trembled.

Then, I turned to the ground, that is, it can't move.

"what happened?"

Everyone is surprised, even Zhang Bin is the same.


The Jin-winged Peng Wang suddenly shouted, "" Good horror life energy, I have to explode ... "

He was crazy to run the real gas, and it was crazy.

The body is also constant, it is like struggling in hell.

"I rely on, I ate a ant, is there so exaggerated?"

Zhang Binyun flew Yang Xiong and Sheepwear.

Then their faces have floated ecstasy, and their eyes are all projected onto the ant.

Because from this situation, any ants can be a weaitual treasure that can be more than eight levels.

If all it is eaten, are they powerful?

Soon, they rushed over and killed an ant.


Soon, they felt that ants entering the belly release a huge life energy.

The quality is high, the drug is fierce, and it is very horrible.

Yang Xiong, Yunfei Yang, Yang Wang also made a shouting of surprise plus fear.

And Zhang Bin is also a shock, he is a bit unbelievable.

An ant area of ​​the district, how can there be so many life energy, how can there be such a horrible medicine?

He transported digestive abilities.

Transforming these energy into advanced arrogance.

He is more and more in many foreign tricks.

More and more abundant.

It is several thousand than the speed of the immortal medicine.

"Cool, this I have to cultivate the peak of the Xianjun."

Zhang Bin's face was full of ecstasy.

At this time, he understood that the ants of the Taikoo fairy or other animals were extraordinary.

Animals in the Taikoo Daijie, because they lived in the rich and fascinating environment, they were still very senior fairy medicine, so they were extremely powerful, and the body contained incomparable terrorism.

The animals here, the most amazing Tianmifa treasures.

Unfortunately, now Zhang Bin is too weak, and only the ants are paid.

So, they can only take ants to cultivate.

But this also makes them quiz.

They are crazy to eat ants, then cultivate.

Of course, the fastest is Zhang Bin.

He will eat hundreds one day.

And the rest, I can't afford it for more than a few days.

However, as they become strong, they have also increased their ants.

They also have a singular change.

The power of their body is booming, and the muscles are also high-ground.

It seems that it is powerful, emits a living in the ancient fairy world.

"Hey ..."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong have almost broken through the bottleneck.

They cultivated to the peak of Xianjun.

Although sheep king and gold wining Peng did not break through the bottleneck, they have now completely mastered their body, they are all truly early demon king.

This progress is simply like flying!

(Six chapters sent, begging to recommend tickets.)

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