The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2221 is again in-depth

In the heart of Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin has pouring a strong joy.

His body also burst into a power of the world.

Because he has concluded three internal repair bottlenecks, it has been cultivated to the beginning of the flying.

The interior space of the activated cells in the body is so big.

His strength, defense, his abilities, all boat high.

Now, he will definitely hold the early fairy king in the place.

This time, the Taikoo Xianjie has basically reached the purpose.

It is a pity that the advancement of the foreign decoration is not large, only breaks through a bottleneck, just cultivating the peak of Xianjun.

To be honest, now Zhang Bin, if it breaks through an external bottleneck, it is much more useful than breaking a internal repair bottleneck. The strength of the promotion will be a lot.

After all, the realm of the external repair is high. The realm of internal repair is low.

Zhang Bin's war, most of the strength of the external repair.

However, the internal repair is fundamentally, cultivating the flying promotion, Zhang Bin's greatness, the capital is much strong, he is still very happy.

"Bin brother, what happened just now?"

The cloud flying, surrounded, asked in surprise.

Zhang Bin, of course, pushing it.

He doesn't want to explain the internal repair with them.

This is a huge secret.

Moreover, they don't have internal repair.

Tell them are useless. They can't practice.

You know, even Zhang Bin's Danner Zhang Xiaolong does not cultivate the tachips of internal repair.

"There are still three months from a year." Zhang Bin said, "We used these three months to practice hard, strive to be strong."

Then he muttered again: "Perhaps, more than three months, there is a longer time."

He learned about Zhang Shaojie and many .

It is working hard to practice the refining method.

Let the body grow up and improve the strength.

Prepare for building.

Of course, the Antarctic Emperor teaches them every day.

You can fight each other, but you can't kill each other.

There is Antarctic Xian Di, killing is also impossible, because it can be saved through time and space.

In addition, after the class, it has appeared in the super genius.

Antarctic Xianmi also tends to teach super genius practicing and cultural experience and feelings.

It should also also take a short period of time.

If you are building a foundation, Zhang Bin does not rush back, and the Bin has a longer time practice.

Can enter the Taikooxia world, find such a safe place to practice.

Zhang Bin feels luck.

So, for more than a period of time, let yourself become stronger, is the most cost-effective.

After all, Zhang Bin has tried, arranged to send a fairy array, want to transfer back inch Huang House, with Thunder to Taikoo, but it is unsuccessful.

That is, the Taikooxia is not transmitted with the outside world.

Just as the quenching hole, it cannot be transferred with the outside world.

Therefore, next Zhang Bin wants to enter the Taikooxia, it is a big question mark that it is a big question.

If it is not luck, I encountered a super horror of the beast, or the monster.

It is difficult to escape.

Also, this hut is only suitable for the current Zhang Bin repair.

Next time, it is not suitable here.

Because Zhang Bin has a lot of greatness.

It must be in-depth.

But in-depth danger, Zhang Bin is known.

If it is not good, it will fall.

Taikoo Xianjie, really not suitable for immortal adventures below the following levels.

The level of terror is absolutely no ban on the sea.

"Master, we simply go out for treasure, now the fairy medicine here is also used."

Yunfei said.

"To pair, we are treasure hunt, while cultivating."

The rest also shouted excitedly.

There is a unique moment to treasure hunt.

Also, the Taikong fairy world is treasured everywhere.

Since they enter, why don't they want to find some treasures?

Zhang Bin gone for a while, agreed.

He took the public.

Soon, they got this place and went deep away.

They are all powerful.

Therefore, the speed is also getting faster.

They took the fairy medicine all the way, all the way to kill small animals.

Harvest huge.

I have walked through a jungle, and it was a grassland in front of him.

White fog is rich, purple gas. Grassland green.

Many advanced fairy medicines are growing on the grass.

The seven levels are visible everywhere, and even the eight-level fairy medicine can be seen.

"God, this is a natural medicine garden, so many fairy medicine, make a fortune."

Zhang Bin's eyes are bright, and their face is also full of ecstasy.

Taikoo Xianjie gave them too much surprise.

They immediately rushed in and started picking up quickly.

Fruit, roots, flowers, are continuously extracted.

"Hey ..."

Suddenly, the singular voice sounded.

It seems to have something near.

They have seen the passing direction in the direction of the sound.

Then, they saw that a big plum flower deer with a few small plum deer, rushed to them like the shard arrow.

Look, they are very angry.

"Plum deer?"

Yunfeiyang's face is full of surprises, and the eyes look at a few plum deer, as the antlers like the tree, because it is a precious treasure, and it is absolutely unparalleled. Perhaps, it can be not necessarily not necessary than the Jinchenian Pharmacy.

Now that the other party is sent to the door, this is their blessing.

"Plum deer?"

Zhang Bin has secretly played a tremble, because he remembered the horrible magic plum deer that was in the time of Time Valley.

It can be seen that even a weak animal, but if it is cultivated into a monster, it may be very powerful.

However, these plum deer should not be monster.

It is a very ordinary plum deer.

These plum deer is to stop Zhang Bin from picking fairy medicine.

Therefore, they all rushed over, just hit their antlers to everyone, and hit the murderous murder.

Zhang Bin rushed up and hit it, and she bombarded the antlers of the big plum deer.

Yunfeiyang, Yang Xiong, Sheep Wang, Jin Wing Peng Wang, Octopus King, Leopard King, Electric Pearl King, they also rushed over, each dealing a hit small plum flower deer.

Hey, ... ...

Ah, ah, ah ...

Fist and antlers bombard, sound shock.

Then they made a painful scream.

All in the air, the fists are broken, and the mouth is also out of blood.

And those deer is nothing, continue to kill them.

Only Zhang Bin, but it is the wind.

His fist is like a mountain bombardment on the antlers of the big plum deer.

"Hey ..."

The hard-incomparable antlers will be broken from the root.

I was arrested in my hand by Zhang Bin.

This is a super good Tianwaobao, which can be better than the treasure of the phadinic medicine.

How can he let?

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