The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2223 Mall School

Zhang Bin stood in the hill and looked at the bottom.

The foot of the mountain is a basin.

Numerous immortals have been cultivated among the basins.

The nine-level fairy medicine is also three strains.

As for the eight-level fairy medicine is more.

And in the central area, there is a school.

Yes, it is the school.

The name is also very quirky - the mediocrity school.

It can even see many students who wear school uniforms strolled in the school.

It looks a lot of peace.

Zhang Bin's a few people are facing each other, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

If you encounter a super powerful beast, you encounter a master of super terror.

Or encounter the legendary 10-level fairy medicine, they will not be surprised.

However, encountering a school, they are really stupid.

Is it a Taikooxia?

Not all in all years?

To be honest, there is no school in the fairy world.

Because almost all cactors come from all over the world.

They start looking for work, treasure hunt, or join the martial art.

Or is it an official.

However, there is a school?

This is too quirky.

The most quirky is, I was named as the universal school?

Since it is a mediocrity school, some people are willing to read?

However, there are many people in schools.

Although not there is a full point, there should be hundreds of people.

"Master, let's take a look?"

Yunfei said excitedly.

"Yeah, go to see, I will take the medicine garden that has cultivated three nine-grade immortal medicine."

Yang Xiong also said with saliva.

He and Yunfei cultivated to the Xianjian Great.

If you take the nine-level fairy medicine, there is a possible possibility of breaking through the king.

They certainly hope to get the nine-level fairy medicine.

Although Zhang Bin gave them some nine-grade immortal medicine gold liquid.

But they can't help but secretly take it.

Otherwise, they can't break through the Xianjian.

In fact, their approach is right, take the fairy medicine, powerful yourself, otherwise, there is no ability to live in Taikoo.

However, to break through the fairy king, it is definitely not so easy.

After all, Xianwang is equivalent to entering another world.

It is much more powerful than Xianjun.

If there is not enough tempering, there is not enough accumulation, and there is no difference in all properties to the Xianjian.

It is impossible to break through the fairy king.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not give them blood lotus.

Because he hasn't felt anything that a little breakthrough is there.

"Well, let's take a look, but you don't want to talk casually, you have to listen to me."

Zhang Bin looked at the school and said seriously.

People who can create schools in Taikoo Xiancheng, of course very powerful.

It is estimated that the teacher of the school is very powerful.

If you are not careful, they have known they come from the outside world, then it is buddy.

So they wanted to go down the mountain and went to the school gate.

Just encounter a teenager who sighed and stunned.

He is full of dust, holding a cane.

He used the unpackored gaze to look at the plaque of the universal school.

Deep sighing a breath.

The mouth is also muttered: "Yili, the mediocrity, I originally been a mediocrity, is not willing to worry about it? Still being driven out of home, let me die."

"Hey ... I don't believe it, I am a mediocrity."

Zhang Bin also put a depressed look, looked at the plaque of the mediocrity school, and said angrily.

When the teenager suddenly heard, he brought his gaze to Zhang Bin's face, then moved to Yunfei and Yang Xiong.

When they found that they were scattered, the wolf was unbearable. His face is full of stunning color, and Zhang Bin is a hand. "In Wu Dawei, the outer number is not used. It is a school to learn. Excuse me, what are you?"


Zhang Bin and others almost smiled, but they all worked hard.

After all, this is too rude.

Zhang Bin said with the name of his own and partners, saying: "We are also learning, just do we have the students who are eligible to become a small school."

"How many Dantian areas do you have?"

Wu Dawang looked at Zhang Bin with a singular look.

Zhang Bin said that he said that his number of Dantian areas, Zhang Bin still said that he has sixty-Tantian area.

As for Yang Xiong and Yunfei, it is a fifty Dantian area.

Several monsters also said their own talents.

"Hey ..." Wu Dawei suddenly smiled, "God, there is a mediocrity in the world? Is this bad in the world? It is too pitiful. Are you really a person in our Taigu?"

"We are of course."

Zhang Bin put it out of an angry look, "Do you dare to laugh?"

"sorry Sorry."

Wu Da Yong finally took laugh, looking at them with a loving eyes, "In fact, my tachips are not good, it is also a mediocrity, because I only have 72 Dantian area."

"What? 72 Dantian area? Tiantian is still not good?"

Yang Xiong, Yunfeiyang, Octopus King, Jin-winged Peng Wang, they all have their eyes, and the face is full of envy and embarrassment. If they have such a national capital, how is it?

" ..."

Wu Da Yong had his feelings in the first time, and he is standing very chest and proud.

He finally lifted his head.

"So are we eligible to read in the universal school?"

Zhang Bin asked.


Wu Da Yong sent a sigh. "You must have given it short, it is abandoned? However, you can still live today, it is not easy. So you don't understand the intersessional school. It doesn't matter, I can tell you. The mediocrity school is specially recruiting the mediocrity. As long as it is a mediocrity, you can enter the school. So, congratulations, you can learn and practice here in the future, you can live happily. "

"Are you also a downtown? You have 72 Dantian area."

Zhang Bin asked again.

In fact, it is in the action.

Now he faintly felt that the Taikoo fairy may also live a lot of powerful existence, but there is also a weak immortal.

"79 Dantian area, or more, it is a genius. As for the monster, it must be the talented emperor. The rest is quilted." Wu Datong said sadly, "So, don't see me 72 Dantian area, but as you are, it is a mediocrity. "

Zhang Bin, they are all completely dumbfounded, Nima, in the Taikoo Xianjie, the emperor talent is a genius? The rest is amiiled?

Is this too bullying?

"It's not a genius, it is very easy to fall." Wu Dayong said, "After all, no one is the life and death of Yili. They are self-defeating. They are not eaten by the powerful beasts, which is suicide. And the mediocrity school, actually In the disabled, a kind cactus founded, he was also a mediocrity, but cultivated to the fairy King of King, plus a number of strong universal brothers, creating this universal school, retreat, teach them some cultivation The skills and survival skills have given the convergence for a while. "

"Sweat ... The universal school is actually a failure to consoll."

Zhang Bin they have grown their eyes, and I can't believe my ears.

In the Taik Dynasty, the mediocrity is even more difficult. Also I want to go this universal school to continue to survive?

This is too absurd, too cruel?

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