The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2227 Old Elder Fairy and Blood Mosidity

For a month, Zhang Bin arrived at the destination.

At this moment, they stand in a hill and look at another hive with shocking eyes.

That hill is huge, wide.

The land is also fertile.

However, there is only a nine-level fairy medicine, no other plant.

This fairy medicine is very weird, is a vine.

It is not very big, but only one tenth of the yam.

Cyan leaves, red flowers.

Some old vines also hanged some fruits like a white beard.

The fist is so big.

It seems to be extraordinarily strange.

Just like some small old ages hanging on the vine.

However, the vine is full of mosquitoes.

This kind of mosquitoes are very large, and there is so much.

The mouth needle is red, there are two inches long, flashing with sharp to the extreme cold.

They fell from time to time to hunting birds, and they have become a black-compressed cloud.

In an instant, the birds can be covered and insert the needle into the flying bird.

The flying birds have become tricks with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Then died.

They also hunt into the beast of the area.

Therefore, it can be seen that there is a white bone that is laminated in the mountain.

Some bones are so big, obviously some super beasts of the bones.

But it was killed by mosquitoes.


It is clear that everyone has smoked a cold.

The face is full of fear.

This is completely death.

"Boss, that is too ancient fairy fruit ..." Wu Dawei also opened a cold tremble, but he saw a wide range of knowledge, and he grew up from Xiaoyan Xianjie, and he met countless nine-level fairy medicine, so he began to introduce .

The old fairy fruit is the same as the old fault, so I took this name.

It is very special, which is the soul of the monk can be quickly stronger, because there is an incapacity of the rich and pure soul energy, even the impurities of the human soul can be removed.

That is to say, too ancient fairy fruit is not used to break through the bottleneck, but it is used to strong soul.

If the soul is powerful, then the abilities will increase the boat, and there will be great improvements to the control of the abilities.

So, the elderly fairy fruit is a super nine-level fairy medicine.


It is also a super treasure that is not only available.

"Wu Dayong, what characteristics and terrories are those mosquitoes?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

Wu Dayong began to introduce this mosquito.

This mosquito is also a great name, named Taikoo Blue.

The body is hard, the soul is also strong. Not afraid of flame thunder ice and other terror attacks.

Even, they can also show an extraction of an incomparable terror.

Extraction can be extracted from animals and plants.

Powerful themselves.

It is not just to extract your blood.

And their mouth needle sharp, magical poles, can easily pass the unparalleled hard armor, taking into your body. Terror is that their mouth needles can extend unlimited.

The mouth also contains a poisonous, injects the prey, and the prey is paralyzed, and it is hardly able to move.

Since the essence is quickly extracted, you can't recover.

Therefore, if it is in the body of the mosquito, it will be undoubtedly death.

They parked on the vines of the too old fairy fruit, guarding the old fairy fruit.

It is because the old fairy fruit will exude the fragrance of the strange fragrance and attract the prey.

Therefore, they don't have a prey.

Even even the Emperor's master is not willing to urge too ancient blood mask.

One is not good, it is necessary to lose the essence of the body.

"I rely, it's too horrible?"

The cloud flying, they all secretly shocked, and the face was also filled with fear.

Zhang Bin's face has a color of thinking. The mosquitoes of Taikoo have mastered such a horrible extraction, but they have a good one. If you can take it, you can have a cow.

He used to get a super magical treasure in the quenching hole, that is, a worm, you can collect insects, then take it. Unfortunately, he is worried about the safety of everyone in the quenching hole. I left the worm to swallow the sky. Then, if you encounter a more horrible worm, you can be used in the field.

Otherwise, he can take all Taikooges with a worm.

Receive it again, then you will force it.

However, there is no worm, which can only use another way.

"Can Taikoo blood can practice into a monster?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"Of course, it is impossible, otherwise it is too big."

Wu Da Yong shook his head.

"I will pick a fruit, you will go with me."

Zhang Bin thoughtfully thought of it for a while, and said faintly.


Everyone has grown up his eyes, and their faces are filled with a colorful color.

Such a horrible mosquito is guarding the nine-level fairy medicine, Zhang Bin actually said to pick a fruit?

How is this possible?

Is it going to send it?

"I can pick it up, don't worry. Safety."

Zhang Bin's face is full of confidence, as if he is the owner of the old fairy fruit.

After that, he turned a change, it became a mosquito.

It seems that it is exactly the same, even, his mouth explores a sharp mouth needle.

Evil on an evil breath.

Everyone is all thoroughly stupid, and their faces are filled with ridiculous colors.

Zhang Bin actually wants to mix and pick a fruit? Can you pick a fruit?

As long as the fruit is taken down, it will be discovered.

What's more, Taikoo is not a fool, how can you tell you your own same type?

"Don't, boss, you are going to send it. If you can pick it up, you can pick it up, and the fruit is not there."

"Yeah, master, can't take risks."


Wu Da Yong Yunfei, they all almost scared, and quickly stop.

"Reassured, I can succeed."

Zhang Bin finished, I took them into the dragon pool, and his wings were flying to the hill like the same arrow.

In the Taik Dunhouad, I didn't have the ability to fly like a flying, after all, the gravity here is too big.

However, Zhang Bin full power to show space attribute, reduce weight loss and zoom attributes, he can also fly a short, but not lasting.

"Food is finished ..."

"Crazy, the master brother is crazy, what should I do?"


Wu Dayong is anxious to jump, but it is not a way.

Now they are in Zhang Bin's dragon pool, I can't go, I can only die with Zhang Bin.

They can only ask God to worship Buddha and pray that Zhang Bin is fine.

Zhang Bin fly quickly.

Gradually close to the opposite mountain.

His speed becomes slow.

Then land on a stone on the hill.

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