The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2230 opens up the general general

"Zhang Bin, are you willing to dedicate your own wisdom for our blood mask empire? Are you willing to hunt the beast for many people, brought back food and advanced fairy medicine?" Blood masters asked.

Now he is understood. It turns out that Zhang Bin is not to rebel, but to organize the hunting team to go out to hunt food, although dangerous, it may make him fall, but they can make them stronger, then he can marry Go to my wife.

His blood mask is certainly beneficial, such as more food!

"I am willing."

Zhang Bin shouted.

"You Feng Zhang Bin is the opening of the generals, with a thousand army to go out to hunt the beast, extract food, expand the site ..." Blood mosquito king shouted seriously.

All blood masses are crazy, they are excited to be extremely excited.

They seem to see that they hunt into many foods, grab the beautiful scene of the nine-level fairy medicine.

"My God, the master is so easy to deceive a million blood masofs?"

Everyone in Zhang Bin Longchi is completely stupid.

Rotate, they are all ecstatic.

Because it is really developed, this can rely on a thousand-level fairy medicine by tens of millions of blood mosquitoes.

Zhang Bin immediately walked up.

He picked up a million blood masses, most of them did not marry their wife.

Then he started picking too ancient fairy fruit.

Worried that the blood mosquito king did not agree, Zhang Bin also explained someone else, "Your Majesty, we can fly, but the flying speed is not very fast, it is difficult to catch up with the powerful beasts, let alone chasing those fast Flying the birds. So, use the nine-level fairy medicine to arrange traps, lead the beast own, is the best way. A nine-level fairy medicine is not enough, there must be multiple ... "

Blood mosidly recognizes Zhang Bin's statement.

I didn't hesitate to agree.

He didn't think that Zhang Bin was not a blood masher, but human beings.

Zhang Bin did not delay, picking 15 too old fairyans, are the kind of beard.

Dare to pick too much, because there is only 30 in total.

He took 15 fruits directly into his dragon pool.

Other blood masses are no doubt, think that Zhang Bin will receive it in the spatial space.

"God, this has received 18 too old fairy fruit, it is really developed."

Wu Dawei excited in Zhang Bin's dragon pool, shocking.

They all have the feeling of dreaming.

How can someone else have a way to get too ancient fairy fruit, Zhang Bin is so easy to get it.

However, mainly because Zhang Bin has a horrified extraction attribute abilities, it is not a flaw without a blood mask. Also, Zhang Bin's courage is too big, and the wisdom is too high, it has achieved such a record.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin didn't delay, and he yelled in the wind.

With his millions of army, the pen is straight to the Taikoo Dairy.

Moreover, he also explained to many mosquitoes: "The more depths, the more the beasts, the more the nine-level fairy medicine, so we have to go deep, not the outside."

He is doing prevention, worrying about a day, many blood masses go outside, the school is dangerous, everyone may be hunt, after all, blood masher is too strong, too horrible.

After all, he is not a blood masof, get enough nine-level fairy medicine, he will leave.

"The general is high ..."

Many blood masses have admired.

They have long been completely convinced by Zhang Bin's wisdom.

Following such a wisdom of unparalleled generals, can they still become super powerful blood masks, can you still get a wife?

When they flew, they landed on the tree.

If you encounter a beast, of course, it will be done directly.

It is simply a blind to kill God, and the Buddha will kill Buddha.

Too much sharp horror.

"If it is my worm, put all blood masofs, how powerful is it?"

Zhang Bin once again regretted in his heart.

"Master, you don't want to regret, so horrible Taikoo blood mask, your worms may not play. Even if you take it, what kind of feeding such a horrible mosquito? Only in the Taikoo Xianyin, the immortal medicine is everywhere, Countless places, they can get enough food. "The rabbit said in Zhang Bin's mind.

"You are right." Zhang Bin replied in his heart, "But if you only receive a small amount of mosquitoes, I can raise."

And his mind flashed a inspiration.

He seems to be a good way ...

In this way, Zhang Bin flew three days and three nights with thousands of battles.

It is also very far from the old nest.

However, there is no place to get the next place with nine-level fairy medicine.

Zhang Bin began to arrange traps, take out too ancient fairy fruit, hang on the tree.

Many mosquitoes stopped on the leaves, standing on the ground, ready to hunt the powerful beast.

They are an excitement.

Also look forward to it.

The wind is blowing, the fragrance of the nine-level fairy medicine is a place that is scattered in the wind.

The nearby beasts will smell it immediately.

The first mammoth drunk is in the vicinity.

I climbed out from a cave in the bush, it was a python with a thickness of the thick legs.

It excitedly rushed out and hurriedly swim.

Quickly come to the tree.

What actions are there.

Countless mosquito attacks are coming, flying out of the mouth without a noble needle, taking into the body of the python, crazy extracting the essence of the python.

The python sent a scream that was incomparably feared, and the ice was blocked.

But there is no use.

Can not hurt the needle needle.

Soon, this python became a dry body.

The essence of the bones is extracted.

Rotary, more beasts come over, the birds and beasts, the number is much.

Many blood masses excited, crazy hunting.

Eat it.

Even even their storage space is full of essential liquid.

To be honest, they have not eaten so many years.

Naturally, Zhang Bin is grateful.

Even, more than a dozen mother mosquitoes actively show Zhang Bin.

In other words, they are willing to be Zhang Bin's wife.

Zhang Bin's head is numb, he is a person, not a mosquito.

How can I collect them?

He quickly took the too ancient fairy fruit.

Trough in the ground, start rest and cultivate.

Yes, after the blood mask is full, we need to work hard to refine the essence.

It is not appropriate to move vigorously.

Of course, the place where the camp is tested.

That is on a big tree, there is a honeycomb in the big tree.

Of course, all the horses have been killed by blood masks.

Although the bee is amazed, it is merely atro.

Blood mosquitoes also master the extraction of the extraction of the horrible, dealing with the bee is too simple.

Zhang Bin took a mosquito to the honeycomb.

A pair of shy things.

Of course, Zhang Bin has a lot of blood mosquito guards and does not let any mosquitoes enter.

Disturb his good things.

The mosquito is ashamed, and it is like Zhang Bin to fly into the honeycomb.

Waiting for Zhang Bin's favor.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin did not have a favorite, but started chatting with her.

It also observes the structure within its body at the same time.

Then Zhang Bin found that there is a moon.

And there are two moon.

Legend has it, the soul of Taikoo Blue mosquito is very powerful. It is difficult to control.

However, Zhang Bin is to control this blood mask.

He wants to be a great attempt.

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