The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2252, the second world, the second

The Antarctic Xianmin is very clear.

These three fairy kings are super powerful, they can easily kill Zhang Bin, but anyone may seize the first, become a horses, who is, it depends on the play.

Therefore, he can't let them kill Zhang Bin, because the person who killed Zhang Bin is not suitable for the horses, it will directly trigger the hatred of South Shaojie.

This is going to lane with the purpose of choice.

So, he reached such a command.

It's not that his heart is weak, don't want to kill Zhang Bin.

But to take care of the overall situation.

"Too good, Zhang Bin will not fall."

Yaochi princess is big, as for the plan of Zhang Bin, she has already thrown into the clouds, which is completely a fool's dream.

As long as Zhang Bin can keep it, it is not the worst thing.

The fourth round of the praised relatives.

Lottery, Jingshan Xianwang is the town of Haixian Wang! Zhang Bin is a king of the West!


Yu Yama Xianwang and town Haixian flew to the platform like lightning.

They are holding each other.

They burst into the pressure of the murderous and horror of the sky.

Almost at the same time, they shouted crazy, "kill ..."

I rushed up and launched the same attack as the windshield.

... ...

Boxing, the abilities, the murderous sky.

Jingshan Xianwang is very powerful, his fist is crazy, and any punch can destroy a large mountain.

I sent a whistling of the horror.

He is like a hill, and the two arms have become a giant ax, crazy bombardment.

Continuous, there is no exhaust.

Zhenhai Xianwang is more horrible, his fist covered, covered everything, rapidly blocking.

That is a step without refund, any attack of the Jingshan Xianwang is blocked.

He is like a reef, and the attack of Jingshan Xianwang is like the sea.

Regardless of how the sea is attacking, you can't let him move, and you can't shake him.

This strength is simply sighing.

"It's a generation of Tianjiao, any one, it is much better than me."

Zhang Bin said in his heart, and now he understands again, the cultivation is not a step, even the top genius of the universe, even in the inside and outside, have experienced countless difficulties, but also have countless adventures, but also It is impossible to rapidly, and the old fairy king is better, he is still too much too much.

"Hey ..."

is not discouraged, continue to crazy attacks, attacks are also more fierce, the heavens and the earth are also mobilized, countless abilities are also broke out, flame, thunder, sunlight, time, space, death, destruction ...

Let people look at it.

However, Zhen Haixian Wang Shou is like a copper wall, a pair of hands, a pair of feet change countless, and any attack is blocked. Even, his face is still full of acknowledgment, it seems that he will immediately launch counterattacks.

A uncomfortable atmosphere is also filled.

Because everyone knows, there is a victory right away.

"Jingshan one sword, kill!"

Jingshan Xianwang felt difficult to defeat the other party, used a horrible trick, and suddenly slammed a vertical eye on the forehead, and took a light red sword.

A bloody breath is exuded.


That speed has no way to describe ink ink.

The blink of an eye passed the space between each other and came to the front of the town of Zhenhai.

The face of Zhenhai Xianwang changed, his hand rose, slammed in the sword.

"Hey ..."


But his palm is instantly broken, and it can't resist this horrible sword.

More terror is that the sword is not dissipated, and only the cold light is flash.

The neck of Zhenhai Xianwang was cut off, and the big head dropped to the ground.

The body is also overfold.

Then, the scream of the scream.

Of course, it is sent from the mouth of Zhenhai Xianwang.

It can be seen, what horror and fast this sword!

"God, ?

"Yushan sword law came out, Jingshan Xianwang became one of the strongest fairy kings. Football can be used with no enemy."

"Since Jingshan Xianwang cultivated into a Jingshan sword law, the first place did not belong, he was a horse."


Many fairy kings have sent an incomparable shout, and their face is also full of envy and jealousy.

Even the Antarctic Emperor also dull, his face is full of appreciation.

Yu Yama Xianwang is good, doing a good horse, it can be fed with an invincible fairy king.

"The horror of the mountain swords, really more than the smashing two swords. It is not the second, and the moon sword method can only be ranked third. I don't know, what is the first sword method?" Zhang Bin also sighs in his heart, and he finally saw the second terrorist sword law.

This game, Zhenhai Xianwang is in the battle of the mountain.

Jingshan Xianwang broke the head of the town Haixian king with the horrible mountain.

Since the victory.

The second ratio started.

Zhang Bin and the Xianwang flying in the ring.

"Zhang Bin, you can't be my opponent, you don't have to do it, you can accept it."

The swallowing of the sea, the murderous and horrible pressure, the momentum, the momentum, and it is difficult to breathe.

After all, he is a super genius in the 75 Dantian area of ​​Dantian, cultivating more than 5 million years, and has long been cultivated to the peak of Xianwang, strong to terrible. Zhang Bin only cultivated to the Xianjian Gentle, can win three consecutive games, basically the embodiment of intelligence, the war is actually very general.

Of course, he doesn't put Zhang Bin in your eyes.

"I won't be admitted, but you can accept it."

Zhang Bin looked at each other with a jealous gaze, and said coldly.

"Very good, see how I crushed you."

The swallowing fairy king roared, he stepped out, just like the space, instantly appeared in front of Zhang Bin.

His fist is madly to Zhang Bin.

It is not afraid of the terror of Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin also shouted, and Zhang Boxing was awkward on the other's fist.


A loud noise.

Zhang Bin retired three steps after a row, but the body of the West King was only slightly shaking, and it was completely stable.

"Hey ..."

The two of them were crazy, and they had a four punches.

Zhang Bin couldn't stand, and the five officials flowed out.

People are also retreat, just like drinking drunken.

The swallowing fairy king is too powerful, his power of power has been developed to his realm of this realm.

Even if Zhang Bin uses zoom of zoom, the three gods are aggravated.

After all, his realm is too low, and the cultivation is too short.

If he is not internal repair, and cultivation into the medium term of the flying, the interior space of the activated cell is expanded to two baskets. Defense capacity is improved. He banned the other party's punch.

Unfortunately, his activated cells are too few, and no one in the body cells.

The war is still very limited.

"You will lie down."

The swallowing of the worship king murderous, the momentum is too strong, the space and speed is abilities, and the eyes will catch Zhang Bin, and once again crazy, a punch. Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's lightning is back, no longer and the opponent hard.

"Do you escape?"

The swallowing fairy king is soaring, and the murder is chasing it.

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