The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2267, Chasing, Chasing, Confucius Evil Emperor

"Bang ..."

A loud noise, the head of Cheutt is open, and it has become a blood fragment, and the bone is also chemically produced into a powder, ejecting the four sides.

His soul is also completely knotted, and it is no longer available.


His body is also on the ground.

There is no vitality.

Killing people, people are burning.

He killed the princes, and now he was killed by Yang Xiong, it was the meaning of the sky.

If it is true, he does not kill, Yang Xiong can't kill him!

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

The face is full of surprises, not bad, the fellows come out are strong, this little guy is very brave, very powerful, this strength is amazing.


Invincible Xingwang is ignorant, anger.

His teeth are almost bite.

Although Testai is a bit greedy, it is a very powerful Xianwang, and the Antarctic Fairy is famous, but it is actually hit by a monk who is not seen, then it is killed?

"Our earth is really talent. Any one is very talented." Bullying evil emperor is also in your heart, "But Zhang Bin, you will die again, you still have to die in my hand, including your son and all of you Under the subordinate. "

His face is full of confidence.

After all, he is a wild Xianmie, a natural 80th Dantian area, and once cultivated to the Emperor, accumulating too much experience.

He is going to recover, it is not difficult.

However, now he wants to show a horrible toxic, to capture the Antarctic Fairy, to win the Antarctic Emperor's Xian Di, is not urgent to recover.

Waiting for the plan, what is the South Shaojie, what Zhang Bin, what is invincible, and is all crushed by him.

Therefore, he looked at Zhang Bin with pity, you can escape me twice, but I absolutely escape the third time, what kind of person I am bullying? Where can you compare?

"Invincible Xingwang, you are a spicy, but it is also a grimmer. It is a garbage. It's really sad. There is such garbage." Yang Xiong looked at the imminent emperor, and his face was full of sarcasm. The color, "I look out from your face, that is incompetent."

"Mixing ..."

Invincible Xiangwang is angry, I almost didn't bite the teeth, and there is a Xianjun in the district. I dare to ridicule if he is invincible.

Due to the emperor, he is talking. His voice is cold in the cold. "I am afraid that it is a human condition. It is not worthy of being demobilized! I am afraid that I will work hard. I am afraid of death, I will be bravely kill the enemy. Not afraid Dead, that is, it is, it is dead. If you can don't die, you can play more effects. Kid, if you are more than you strong, you are not afraid of death, irritate each other, too white Drop. Is there any benefit? "

"I rely, who is this? It is so horrible to say black?"

All guests were secretly surprised, and even the Antarctic Xian Di glanced at the emperor.

Unfortunately, the Antarctic Emperor can't see this is that he has killed the evil spirits.

The people who have no immortal king and the big princess are all excited, and the chest is highly high, the morale is large, as if they are not there, but they have won.

"Sure enough, it is a big case. I got such a big counselor, the invincible Xingwang is like a tiger to add, but he did not fear, even, his face was full of sneer.

He said fartarly: "Can a lacker pole. Can you keep it in the life? Is it not killed by my next punch? He is a stupid. He is a stupid man. Let a fool come to Yao Wei, It's just a foolish, and it's shameless. The stupid people do their stupid things, add a smile. "

"The fool is a stupid thing, saying well ... Hahaha ..."

When the sea of ​​Xianwang, I laughed in the hinterland.

His belongs are also laughing madly.

Yunfei, many guards, they also smirk.

Their face is full of contempt.

Even, there are some guests, but also can't help but smile.

At this moment, they all saw Zhang Bin's wisdom.

No wonder can defeat so many fairy kings, do it, got it.

Invincible Xianwang, the big princess is almost unoccupied, the chest is not upset.

Only bullying the Emperor or a face, but not angry.

As if he does not compete in the eyes at all.

Moreover, he also countered, saying faintly: "This time, we win two games, and you only win a game. Two more. This is the truth."

"Two more than one? What is more than the end? Come come? Does anyone dare to send it?"

Yang Xiong had a trip to the ring.

The face of the invincible Xingwang is a bit bitter, because the Turntai who has been killed by Yang Xiong is the most powerful, and then send people, it is impossible to win.

"Wang, so this ..."

Bullying the emperor's chest has a bamboo, the sound said.

Invincible Xianwang, the spirit is very large, and the mirror is mad.

A super powerful early Xianwang flew to the platform with a rich murder.

A pair and Yang Xiong is trying.

"Do you just say good, do you have a ratio of the realm? How do you come up?"

Yang Xiong was screaming, and he was angry.

"It is the competition of Xianjun, and now is the battle of Xianwang."

Invincible Xianwang shamelessly said.

"Yang Xiong, their Xianjun has no one can be your opponent. You are enough to be proud, come down."

Zhang Bin is still a face of a face, shouting.

This matter has long been in his expectations, the other party knows that it is not an opponent, if you send people to send it, it is a fool. Obviously, the other party is not a fool.

Even, the wind is light, and the self-proclaimed big counselor is a peerless smart person.

Zhang Bin felt that he had encountered his opponent. The big mutual mutual, inevitably, the same level of the same level, even, may be even more powerful, the night spicy means, not too far, it can be seen that this person has experienced countless danger, but he But it is possible to live today, you can see his extraordinary.

Zhang Bin took this way to the other party's crown of hypocritical, so that the invincible fairy king is awkward and depressed.

Only bullying the evil emperor is as heard, he stood there, the wind is light, not warm. Because he deeply knows that there is a strong strength of the invincible Xianwang, the power is big, not Zhang Bin can match. Xianjun can't humiliate Zhang Bin, the fairy king must be.

"Ha ha ha ... There is no powerful fairy king, but there is no strong Xianjun genus? Are you a antity? Is your forces are not very strong? Isn't there countless masters? Even no one can be my opponent Tell you, my strength is not what is. It is better than my strong ratio. Just pulled out a fairyland, you can rush your Xianjun. "Yang Xiong hopped on the ring In the face of the immortal king, the face is full of contemporary colors.

The lungs that are omissions that are invincible and the big princess are almost exploded.

The teeth are also almost bite.

Their eyes have to spray fire.

Looking at Yang Xiong in the dead, I can't wait to kill Yang Xiong immediately.

"The Yaochi Princess Government has so many powerful Xianjun? Just pulling it out and can be crushed?" The face of the evil emperor is filled with a clear, indifferently, "Which is verified?"

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