The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2288 is an imminent crisis

"How can I be so careless? Why doesn't I hide my identity in Antarctic Fairy?"

Zhang Bin regret it in his heart.

However, the matter has come, and regret it too late.

I can only find ways to face.

"It must be stronger faster, but also to cultivate more powerful masters, form a super powerful forces." Zhang Bin was in his heart.

Hey, his face has floated the color, and the dominion should not dare to go to the Antarctic Fairy, because the Antarctic Fairy is too far from the devil, once he was discovered by the Antarctic Emperor, he is likely to tragedy.

After all, many Xian Di will attack at the same time and hit him in the Antarctic Fairy.

So, even if the Tiandou Emperor knows this news, he dare not act easily.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's heart is slightly.

"Don't worry." The pig's eight rings said, "Now many of the magic emperors, the fairy emperor has cultivated the emperor, there is no thoughts, so the side is very calm. Antarctic Fairy is too far away from our Arctic Fairy, and because of the Arctician Emperor and Antarctic Emperor have happened many times, almost never come. Antarctic fairy immortals rarely come to our Arctic Fairy. Not to come back. And the probes of the devil are only in front of the side. Dare to go deep into the hinterland. They want to say your news, it is too difficult. "

"Maybe you can find a way to mislead them."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his eyes were also shot the light of wisdom.

"We will go to save monkeys, then come back to fly the treasure, monkey brother is very familiar with the devil, he has worn many times, stealing a lot of treasures." Which is serious, " Go to save monkeys, it will be blocked, and it will be checked too much. We may not escape back. "

The devil and fairy are equivalent to being two worlds, and even the arrangement of the fairy array is useless.

So, which is better than this.

"it is good."

Zhang Bin sinking for a while, and he accepted the suggestion.

So, they set out.

They changed their own change, they became fierce, murdered, and they were so vivid. There is no difference.

Especially Zhang Bin, even which is also distinguished.

They looked at Zhang Bin, and they were shocking.

Even, they are inexplicably fearful, and they are doubting that Zhang Bin is the real virtue.

Because the momentum of his exudation is a real devil, and it is a super powerful devil. Although Zhang Bin's realm seems to practice it to the magic.

They don't know, Zhang Bin's cultivation of the swallowing magic, that is the real magic power, and is an emperor, or even the terrorist work of the Tianshi.

Zhang Bin blocked Dantian, did not reveal the breath of any fairy, but it was emitted by the breath of the magic power.

Plus him to deceive the abilities, and live off is a powerful true devil.

They flew up, straight to the nearest city.

They are looking for underground organizations, transferring to the nearest place in the Taikoo Devil.

They all have this experience.

So, one arrived in the city, they found the linesmen of underground organizations.

Take them to a secret place.

It is arranged here to transfer the magic array, the principle and the fairy array are the same.

The city near the Taikoo magic is very prosperous, so the true demon of the sneak is also a lot.

Smuggling, you have to get 100 talents to start the transfer array.

Therefore, even if you pay a few hundred of the best Xianshi, you can't transfer it immediately.

Also waiting for more sneaks.

This underground organization seems to be very powerful.

"It seems that the devil is also a person who is bullying the emperor. They must also practice into the demon emperor, but there is no magic emoticon print." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin's face was slightly changed.

Because he heard a familiar name.

There are two equivalents waiting for the sneak talking.

"Magic Dou is really miserable." There was a wonderful sin of horror. Directly was caught, search for the soul. Now it has become a fool. I don't know if I can't recover. "

"Who is the giant? Who is so poisonous? Magic Douu is from the flying from all years. It is a few decades. It is looking for treasure, trying to cultivate, how can I get the soul of the giant?"

"No one knows who is that the giant is, he is shrouded in the black fog, it seems to be extra cold, but it is strong. It is said that at the time, the Tiandou Emperor was also passed there. Note that someone is searching Soul. The Dynasty Demon is blocked, but it has exploded his head by a slap in a slap. Fortunately, the giant is not shot. So, the Dynasty Demon did not fall. Because his soul is still alive. "

"It's impossible, how can there be such a thing? How strong is the Tiantiandu Emperor? That's the magic emoticon. You can call a molas of the world."

"This is true, not only I only see, but there are countless true magic, all scared, even the heavenly demon emperor is scared. If you don't dare to stop, look at the giant search soul. Magic Dou. "


Zhang Bin's heart is in the heart, and the dark is not bad.

Ten eight or nine, the giant of the Soul Magic Tianyu is the horror of the devil, saying that it is more horrible than Tiantian Emperor, and he is jealous is the magic. Because he is not able to make a magic, The people who have a relationship with the devil have a relationship, while the Magic and the magic relationship is a shallow relationship. After all, the Magic Dou is the father of the magic.

Therefore, the other party has calculated to the Magic Dou.

Then search directly.

So, the other person is likely to know the things of the devil, and it will also know the relationship between the magic and Zhang Bin.

Will each other will deal with him Zhang Bin?

If you are, how can you deal with it?

At this moment, Zhang Bin felt a crisis that was forced to die.

It seems that there is no vitality.

Because, he will protect the South Shaoyager. You will go back to your own place soon. The other side will find Zhang Bin, but it is very easy, so horrible existence, Zhang Bin does not cultivate into the fairy emperor, can't afford it.

"No, what is wrong."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his two eyes were also rays that smart.

Since the magic knows such a danger, why do she let the magic swallowing?

He couldn't help but remember the past and the magic war.

At that time, I grabbed the Magic Douu, forbidden him, I want to unlock he was controlled by the soul he was killed, but there was no success, I had to let the devil shot, and the magic did really did it, and it is very easy.

Perhaps, at that time, the magic eliminated the memory of Magic to her and Zhang Bin.

Then she gave the Magic.

In this way, even if the Magic Douu is caught by the giant, the soul is not available.

Is it this?

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