The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2311 Half Year

", this is the fire yam."

I suddenly made a surprised voice. "This is a very precious ore, which can refine the great defense magic weapon, which can absorb and store the seven-color flames of horror."

"That's great."

Zhang Bin's face has a surprise.

In the past, he worried that he was constructed, and he expected to refine the fire.

Terrorism and Thunder used to swallow the robocic robbery.

Unfortunately, he only got the material of the refining.

However, there is no material to refining the firearm.

Because this material is too rare, it is not possible.

Didn't think of it, I met in the depths of the Taikoo Universities.

This is really difficult to have a blessing.

The three people were extremely excited, take out the magic weapon, and started to explore.

What surprised them is that it is a medium-sized mine.

Not only with red-colored stone, but there are other six colors of mesite.

Therefore, it can be used to refine the seven-color firearr.

Value is huge.

"Developed, this time is really developed."

Which and pig eight rings are happy.

This time, there is no white to the ancient devil.

Just these messenger, earned a lot of money.

After three days and three nights, they dig all the mesices.

Three people were fractionated.

Then they work hard to practice.

Zhang Bin is very generous, and the new magical skills will pass the earth and the secret to the secret to give them.

Of course, just teach the practice of Xianwang. Can't cultivate into the Immortal.

If the two can become super powerful, it is also good for Zhang Bin.

After all, they are Zhang Bin's old hometown.

Moreover, they have to join hands to save Sun Wukong.

It is possible to ban Sun Wukong, let him have no way to escape from the Tibetan Emperor who fled from billion years. Of course it is extremely horrible.

The more powerful and better that they are three people.

It's rapidly in their cultivation in half a year.

They finally ended the cultivation.

At the same time opened your eyes.

They all feel that the power of the other party is powerful.

Especially Zhang Bin, the increase in the magnitude of the increase.

Although he did not break the internal repair, he stayed in the later stage of the flying.

But it is also necessary to practice to the limit, if it is again cultivated for a while. Maybe it will break through.

As for the foreign further, he is still a great success.

But he has been crazy to cultivate the secret of the thunder, and the sky is covered.

Improvement, the war is much improved.

Even in this half a year, he also made a space, strength, and cultivated to the Xianjian.

As for the Thunder, even if they still stay in the Xianjian, but it is too much.

Zhang Bin stood up, his right hand suddenly opened, and a sharp Raytitude appeared in his palm.

Colorful colors, which exudes the murderous and calm of horror.

Which and the pig's eight rings are stunned.

The face is full of admiration.

Although they also strive to practice the secret of the thunder, but they are not the talents of the fairy, and the income is not enough.

I haven't cultivated the thunder.

However, their true attribute is also improved.

Emperor skills, although everyone can practice, but progress is extremely slow.

If they work hard to cultivate so hundreds of thousands of years, maybe you can condense the thunder.

Big big possible, it is not condensed.


Zhang Bin shouted, and the sword was stabbed on the rock.


It turned out like a stabbus.

Did not give a handle.

"I rely, is this too sharp?"

Which and pig eight rings are completely dumbfounded, and the face is also full of fear.

After all, this is the stone in the depths of the Taikoo Universities, not the fire crystal mine.

Hard extreme.

It is definitely more than the deepest in the prison.

It is a super powerful fairy and it is difficult to break.

However, Lei Sword actually stabbed it in?

Don't say two, Zhang Bin himself is stunned. Shocking inexplicable.

At this time, he understood that the Thunder's power is one of the most powerful attacks, representing death, destroying.

The power of liquid Thunder is also very powerful, but it is not enough to be more than the solid thunder.

It has condensed such a horrible thunder sword, but it has a powerful bottom sign.

About five hours later, Zhang Bin and the pig eight rings came out of the ground.

Of course, they all changed their faces and they have been completely different.

They set off again, and they go to the seven-star locks to the seven-star.

What makes them secretly, no one is chasing them, everything is calm.

Obviously, the crisis has passed.


They also accelerate the footsteps, and the speed is improved.

Three days later, they went deep into nearly 10,000 kilometers.

In such a place, gravity arrived at an extremely horrible point.

Just like countless mountains are crushing on them.

It is also because they are very powerful and able to stand this horror.

Still can continue to walk.

But the speed is slow down.

However, such an environment, for Zhang Bin, it is a paradise of cultivation.

His potential is excited, and the repair is progressing quickly.

Dantian's internal repair is also more and more.

Suddenly, there were five magic princes, intercepted in front of Zhang Bin.

"Nima, will not be robbery?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and began to guard.

Because these three devils are very powerful, all cultivated to the peak of the Devil.

Moreover, I don't know if they are the native residents of the Taikoo Universities or from the outside.

"The three magic friends have invited, we have found a super treasure, but the strength is still not enough. So, invite you to participate, then you have to grasp, when you arrive, how?"

The magic of the headband looked at Zhang Bin with a look.

His eyes are also very poisonous. It is seen that Zhang Bin is the soul of the three people.

So, ask Zhang Bin directly.

"Super treasure? What is that?"

Zhang Bin's face has been surprised.

It is a very precious treasure that can be said to be a super treasure.

For Zhang Bin, the more treasure is of course, the better.

Unfortunately, these days have not been lucky, they have never encountered a super good treasure.

"The Warcraft, a group of purified properties, the first of the first is the nine-grade Warcraft."

The devil is also there any hesitation, directly saying it directly.

"What? Purify the nine-grade Warcraft?"

Zhang Bin's eyes shot a hot rays.

If he said that he is the least good, it will be unreasonable.

It's too bad to be too bad.

However, if it is not possible to cultivate the purification attribute abilities to the Xianjun realm, then he has no way to break through the Xianwang.

Therefore, this abilities constrain Zhang Bin's change.

If you can get the magic nucleus of the Warcraft of the nine-level purification attribute, it will speed up, it is to break through a bottleneck, may save hundreds of years.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is so interested.

In fact, any uncommon attribute is a very rare, and only in the Taikoo magic world can meet and find it. But you must also rely on the luck of the sky.

Such a magic core is of course a particularly precious, which can be used in the city.

This is also the three powerful devils don't want to give up.

To know, the strength of the 9th World of Warcraft can be priered by the emperor.

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