The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2334, the contest of the eyes and rotten eyes

The sea has no horrible scream: "Ah ..."

And his face is full of fear.

Obviously, Zhang Bin was scared.

"My God, the life is tearing the sea,"

Yunfeiyang, Yang Xiong, Jin-winged Peng Wang, Sheep Wang ... Yaochi, Wu Dawei, swallowing Xianwang, have been treated with a thousand incense, they all thoroughly, and the face is full of not credits. They looked at Zhang Bin, who was in the same half of the two and half bodies, and he had returned to God.

They all doubt that they are dreaming.

How can I have this powerful early in the world?

All pirates are scared, and the leaders of the strong Xianwang are also messy in the wind.

They are all the kings of a pirate, and they are defeated by the sea, it is awkward, and she has done the sea.

In their minds, the sea is the strongest fairy king in the world, invincible with the realm.

Even, they believe that one day, the sea is wealthy can cultivate into a strong Xianmi, and then together, establish a huge Dynasty.

Because they know a secret.

That is, the sea is a native of the 80 Dantian area, is a terrible wild fairy.

Moreover, he also comes from a mysterious place, it is likely to come from the sea snake continent.

But now they wake up.

It turned out that there was no such thing as the sea, and the fairy king who was tearing in the sea was a real cat.


The sea is a wild fairy, and it is incomparable to mysterious.

His strength is of course not only this.

He is not as good as Zhang Bin, but does not mean his war.

He suddenly showed a magical darkness.

He turned into two and a half of the body to explode, and chemically became a full smoke.

Then there is a combination of 100 meters away.

As previously exactly the same, there is no difference.

It seems that he is not torn with two halves at all.

"it is good……"

Countless thorough pirates are crazy.

Their leader is invincible. It is impossible to be crushed like this. Now he escapes, it will be crushed again, Zhang Bin will be killed by him.

Many officers and men have become nervous, and they are afraid of the sea and we have another turn again.

Only Zhang Bin is still a face, and the mouth is faintly said: "The ant ants, if you don't want to see another continent attack, just now, you can make you into ashes. Come, take out your strength and trick, attack me. "

"God, Zhang Bin's mouth is really big, is he bragging or true?"

All pirates are secretly shocked.

And many officers and men are exciting, I look forward to it.

Even, someone shouted in madness, "Guardian Xianwang invincible, invincible, invincible ..."

"Very good, I will let you know the terrorist strength of my sea."

The face of the sea is full of grievances and laughing, and he stepped into Zhang Bin in a step.

His right eye is also a strange change.

In an instant, it is rotted, and a breath is distributed, and a stink is also distributed.

His eye bead is also the same white.

The eyes that are shot are gray, it looks a creepy.

"This seems to be a special attack that I have just mastered by the Dead Eye, I will use my eyes to die. When my eyes will rot? Do you turn it into an eye-catching dragon?" Zhang Bin is a doubt, and it is secretly taboo.

Because the fairy king can continue to make terror of terror continuously.

It is to be said to be the most horrible attack in the world.

And his three eyes are dead, but they can only make a blow, and the three-eyed death must also be able to cultivate the wild fairy emperor of the 81 Dantian area.

There is too much shortcoming.

And the other party's rotten light, maybe the fairy king can practice.

If there are countless pirates, this attack is mastered, and when it makes a rotten eye, what is the horror? It is estimated that Emperor is not necessarily to resist.

"Send you to the way."

The sea has finally came to Zhang Bin to 20 meters in front of Zhang Bin, here is the best distance to die.

He also did not have any delays, and a gray dead light broke out from his rotten eyes.

The rays emitted more sharp, more horrible, and the speed is also faster than the light of the dead eyes and the fairy king.

Exctends a breath of destroying the earth.

And the powerful abilities of the sea, no one can ban him.

Therefore, time abilities are also difficult to deal with this attack.

"Zhang Bin is dead, absolutely impossible to live."

"He is going to be flying ash, and the rotten eyes are dead, no one can escape."


All pirates smiled, they all glared at the eyes, they watched Zhang Bin's aesthetic process.

As for Zhang Bin's subasight, it is a one that becomes nervous because they know that the horror of the light.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy, Zhang Bin's forehead slammed an erected eye.

It also burst into a gray ray, bombarded on the other party's death light.


It seems to have a thunder.

The rotten eye is like a natural enemy, and it is wrong.

And Zhang Bin's sky, the dead is light, and the murder of the sky is shot on the sea.


The singular voice sounded, and the sea of ​​the sea burst into flying gray.

Then his eyes became a black hole, straight to the back of the back.


The sea has no feminine scream in the sea, and the sky is fell on the ground and keeps rolling.

A pair of pain is unbearable.

His rotten eyes were broken, and the right eye bead did not exist.

He used the secret to cultivate countless years, in which a eye bead became a terrorist instrument, it could send all the dead light, and the power is huge.

Unfortunately, I am in the sky, still not enough.

Nowadays, the eye is scared into flying gray, and it is no longer recovery.

In the future, he is a real one-eyed dragon.

All pirates were completely dumbfounded, and the laughter on the face was completely stiff. I couldn't believe that their strong leader has no wind, and the lights of the sea have been broken. The sea is evenly called.

How is this possible?

Is this wrong?

It should be that Zhang Bin is rolling over the ground.

"Wang Ye Weiwu ..."

"Wang Ye invincible ..."

"Wang Ye is crushing everything ..."

And Zhang Bin's genus is extremely exciting, they all shouted, cheering.

The sound is shocked, and the momentum is also skyrocketing.

At this moment, they were fearless.

Because they have a prosperous prince.

There is Zhang Bin, and the pirate is strong, but also falls that is extremely irrelevant.


The sea is still screaming, but it has already jumped. Although there is a hole in your head, his soul is still safe. He is still alive, and even the ability to fight again.

This is of course Zhang Bin's hand, and there is no right to kill each other immediately.

He is to see, there is still a powerful attack of the sea.

After all, the sea is very likely to come from another continent, he wants to know the trick of the continent.

In the future, there may be a stronger master from that continent, so there is a bottom in my heart, and I will not be busy.

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