The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2344 Wars Emperor Electric

Zhang Bin's soul was held with a three-pointed knife, and his face was full of surprised colors.

Because this knife is turned off, there is no weight.

The hammer with the two deaths is completely different.

The hammer of death is a weight.

Suitable for Zhang Bin's body.

"Could it, this three-pointed two-edged knife is used to give souls? Is it a soul weapon?"

Zhang Bin excitedly in his heart, and the soul did not dance three-pointed two blades.

Then he discovered that it was very good to handle.

It can also thoroughly reflect the speed of the soul.

The soul war, of course, can not fight hard, it must rely on speed.

Therefore, the soul is generally not to fight the magic weapon, and only the soul will fight.

For example, Zhang Bin agglomerated the shield.

For example, this three-pointed two blade.

"Master, you are really Hong Fuqi. This is the soul soldier that heaven and earth. Right more. In the future, your soul has a weapon. You can block any soul attack. Generally, only the emperor master has the ability to get the soul soldier. "Bunny said," This kind of treasure is said to have only The ghost industry can get it. "

"I rely on, this time I truly and robbery actually get this kind of benefit?"

Zhang Bin shocked the extreme, and his face was full of not born.

He is lacking a weapon used by a soul, but it has not been able to get it.

The moon double sword is not a soul weapon, because it is used to attack the soul of the enemy.

This is simply sleepy and sent a pillow, a bit too coincident.

"But, the owner, how dangerous you have just the soul of the soul. If you don't cultivate the heavens, you can't live. Even if there is a hammer of death, because your soul can only dance a few, It can only be against it for a while. It is difficult to kill the dead. "The rabbit said," So, it is normal to get this kind of benefit. "

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, the soul refined this Tiantian soldier.

Then the soul of the soul became a pattern, and there was an among the right palms of the soul.

If you want to use, your mind is always moving, you can turn into a soul.

Zhang Bin once again sneaking the ban on the sea, and the pen came to the height of the electric horn.

This time, Zhang Bin is relaxed, after all, because of the breakthrough of a bottleneck, repair and cultivate the flying misery.

His body is powerful, and the defense ability is also improved.

Even his war has also been improved.

Zhang Bin became a true dragon, of course, only the toothpick is so big.

It has been emitted with a stress and momentum.

The two eyes also shot the brown shovel, and they brought to the electric where they were.

It seems that it is necessary to make a horrible attack.

Electric will be alert. Its skull is also lifted, and the cold eyes shot into Zhang Bin's real dragon.

Then it is furious, the tail is swaying, just like the same arrow to shoot to Zhang Bin.

Because it feels that this real dragon is far from it to it, but dares to provoke it?

Obviously, I have seen the three anti-heterogeneous drug deformation.

" ..."

The sound is scream, the electric is divided into waves, and kill Zhang Bin.

Bring the murderous murder.

And it also burst into the gold current, faster.

I slammed the real dragon that Zhang Bin became.


Zhang Bin issued a painful dragon, put the tail, and quickly escaped.

The speed is also very fast.

In such a deep sea, if it is no longer used to use gravity to improve the weight of your body, it will float quickly.

There is no major relationship with your ability to swim.

Now Zhang Bin is doing this.

Electric is also the same.

Therefore, Zhang Bin and the electric exploded with almost almost almost.

Electric should catch Zhang Bin, not so easy.

However, electric is always crazy to make current and bombard Zhang Bin.

Electricity Zhang Bin is ringing.

The body becomes numb.

Fortunately, he has a seven-color glass treasure tower that can quickly engrave the invasion.

Plus his body super powerful, the magical sea king is also an attack of the current.

In addition, it is because there is tens of meters long.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is innocent, soon shooting out the sea, jumping in the sea.

Escape quickly.

Electric also floated the sea, with a murderous murderous and chasing Zhang Bin.

The speed is much faster than Zhang Bin.

After all, this is its site.

However, Zhang Bin is constantly changing the direction and chasing the electric squad.

In this way, he quickly travels quickly.

I quickly came to the reef, Zhang Bin jumped on the reef, and the body became a human shape.

And he became three-headed six arms.

Six arms have a sharp magic weapon, two death hammers, two swords, an ax.

His body is hanging on the sea king, exudes a powerful pressure and momentum.

He looked at the electric otter with a provocative gaze.

I saw Zhang Bin to become a humanoid. It suddenly became angry, and the big body of the toothpick was rapidly expanded. When I turned into a few meters diameter, a giant electric otter with a few kilometers.

Set off the waves of the sky.

Release the horror of the Emperor Beast.

It's too horrible.

Only Zhang Bin is only cultivated to the early days of Xianwang, and dare to provoke such a strong beast.

The sea beast like electric , is the most horrible place in the ban.

Because it can make a horrible current to attack the enemy.

The enemy is going to attack it, it is not possible at all.

If the enemy is too strong, it can release the current while escaping.

It is one of the most difficult to kill the beasts.

"Bang ..."

Electric finally launched an attack, mouth opened, suddenly spit out a golden thunder ball.

This is a solid thunder ball that exudes the breath of destroying the earth.

Light shot to Zhang Bin.

"I rely, is this not a radiie?"

Zhang Bin suddenly creepy, he did not dare to hard.

He quickly woven, but he suddenly found that the space became solid, and the time stopped.

Obviously, the electric mad is a horrible abilities, and Zhang Bin is banned.

Then use the thunderous ball to kill Zhang Bin.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, all his abilities were started, screwed into a strange energy, and he fully called the power of the seal and the two cave, shot.

He made a madness, and the imprisonment is loose.

But it is too late to avoid it.

Zhang Bin did not panic. He made a heart, and a ink stone flew out and slammed on that thunder.

And he is rapidly retreat.

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