The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2378 Empty Emperor Kill (8th)

"Bang ..."

The golden lightning of the lovedroad blasts, and she bombards the many magic kings who have fluttered.

Suddenly, people have horses, screaming.

But they are really strong, still have not been hit hard, and kill again.

Then, both sides are madly mixed together.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is shocked, the horror is extreme.

Zhang Bin didn't go to fight. He guarded Nang Shaojie. Of course, he grabbed the neck of Wuhai, injecting some life energy, so that his head came again.

This is a super genius body, which is huge.

"Yes, Zhang Bin is very powerful, especially the woman, actually cultivating the mines with soleness, is simply a super genius of the Ray property." The Antarctic Emperor in the sky is The heart is embarrassed, but he is most satisfied with the south.

This child can kill the Wuhai, who is more than a few realm, is simply magical.

Don't he are born? Is it invincible?

No wonder that he has never lost once in the past and Nandalance.


Suddenly, the horrible voice sounded, it was passed from the devil.

Then, a giant palm appeared, slap in the fairy wall.

Suddenly, the fairy wall collapsed for thousands of kilometers long.

And wearing a robe, wearing the East Emperor of the Crown with a murderous murder, crossing it.

His palm is high, no matter whether you don't care.

Take Zhang Bin and Nan Shaojie and others.

"Do you want you?" Zhang Bin raised his body, "I can make his body into ashes."

He has never thought of him for two immortals.

He is self, relying on his own wisdom.

"My son is killed by you, I still have to use his body?" The Empress Demoni murdered, "All of you have to burn him."

"Isn't really useful? If you let your other son's soul in this body, you can still have a super genius." Zhang Bin did not panic, "Otherwise, you want to get a natural 80 Dantian area People, I am afraid that it is difficult. "

The East Emperor's expression is nauseated, and the high-raised palm is not enough.

Because Zhang Bin said too much reason, if Zhang Bin destroys the body of Wu Dai, then he wants to get a child with the same genius, the grandson can't do, because there is not so much precious diving fruit and Dan Ling fruit.

Yes, former birth, children, used these two magical nine-level fairy medicine.

In order to give birth to such a genius.

"Zhang Bin is really too mad, even the East Emperor is also taking him."

All the fairymen, including Pangu shouted in the heart, and their faces were filled with admiration.

Even, Pangu also said: "Magic, I will remember to eat that pile."

The magic is almost no vomiting blood, this time bet, he is completely lost.

His optimistic Wu Di actually not the boy's opponent. The soul of the teenager is too strong. It seems that it is not as Xianwang. The soul attack of cultivation is too horrible. It seems to be a moon double sword, and it is the highest level. How did he learn the moon double sword? Do he got three books?

He is confused, but he also wants to understand.

After all, the Tianguo's book is taken away by a strong Xianli with a Qiankun bag.

The book and the book are in Zhang Bin, and it is estimated that it will be taken away by the powerful fairy.

Do you have any relationship with this teenager and the powerful fairy?

If so, all doubts are all solved.

Nan Shaojie now also looked at Zhang Bin's back of the mountain with worship, his wisdom of Zhang Bin, I admired five-body investment, just using a body, and calmed the Neck of the East Emperor.

"Let the body, otherwise, send you to the way."

The East Emperor's body burst into the war and suffering from the sky, and drink.

"Do you think I am a fool? I will kill this body, you can kill people. Right?"

Zhang Bin looked at the other party in the same man, and said.

"Then what do you mean?"

The East Emperor looked at Zhang Bin with a cold eyes and said with a smile.

"This is on the battlefield, your child and the Antarctic Xian Di's grandson have a good battle, your child's realm is higher, lost, and kill. You still have a face here?" Zhang Binyu Said, "You apologize, returning to your East Magic, maybe, my mood is good, letting this body to the magic, let him bring back. If you are quite dried, hey, Antarctic Xian Di and Arctic Xian Emperor looks at you in the sky. Today you may have to explain here, and it is difficult to escape. "

"Is the genius grandson of the Antarctic Emperor?"

The East Emperor is screaming, hate, I got a south of Zhang Bin, and then he looked up, watching the sky, drink: "Two, lively, look enough?"

" ..."

"Hahaha ..."

The Antarctic Xianmi and the Arctic Emperor also landed from the air.

Their face is filled with a smile, which is very proud, and can make the East Emperor to eat such a big one.

"I have seen two Your Majesty."

Zhang Bin took the head and said.

"I have seen two grandfather."

South Shaojie also said respectfully.

"Zhang Bin, Shao Jie, this time, you have a good time. I am very satisfied."

Antarctic Xian Di smiled.

"Zhang Bin? This bastard name is Zhang Bin? Is it that Zhang Bin, the earth?"

The magic of listening on the side suddenly, and the eyes were shot, and his body was bursting with a rich murder.

He was a little doubt about Zhang Bin and Nan Shaojie's relationship, but now it is confirmed.

It turned out that Zhang Bin has come to the fairy world, but he is not in the Arctic Fairy, but in Antarctic Fairy.

He has a special relationship with the South Shajie, and taught the moon double sword to him.

"Zhang Bin, I finally found you, you will die for me."

The devil shouted in his heart.

Although the treasure of doubting Zhang Bin was taken away by the top Xue Emperor, but if the top Xian Di has not found him yet? So the treasure must still be on Zhang Bin, or you can take it away.

After all, Zhang Bin is also very mysterious, and there is no way to calculate him.

"Antarctic Xian Di, immediately return my son's body, otherwise, the fairy magic war will be open immediately. I vowed to kill you two genius grandson, including your genius son-in-law." The Employe Dodge pointed Zhang Bin, killing it.

"It turned out, Zhang Bin did the son-in-law of Antarctic Emperor? Nan Shaojie was actually his child? Very good and good." The magic is clear in his heart. "This time, you will run the temple. My Teminated, you have to hand over. "

The magical treasure of the Tiangou, lost from his hands, he certainly is inconsistent and wronged.

It can be said that this is the biggest regret in his life.

He is now thinking about how to make up for this regret, and now I have finally have a chance.

"The East Emperor, you dare to be in front of me?" Antarctic Xian Di said with a smile, "The Imperial Wars, but you can decide you alone. I am afraid that you are now the four devils in your devil can not be worn. , Put away the set of you threatened! "

(More Chapters! Today, Monday, Justice, thank you.)

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