The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2398 Netty Spider

Therefore, the Black Tiger Xian Di has been thinking, or it is still compensated for some nine grades.

There are more than a dozen properties in foot, with more than 30.

Wu Hechang is a heartache to the extreme.

However, Wu Dayong, Nan Shaojie, Zhang Xiaolong, butterfly incense is a stunned.

Zhang Bin actually made the other person to take so many nine-level fairy medicine?

Wu Haohu actually was so embarrassed it?

In fact, this is normal. In the Taikoo Xianyin, it will cultivate Zhang Bin's genius, of course, is super horror, and the forces must be super powerful.

After all, Wu Haohu knows that he doesn't say his black tiger door, it is a huge Wu family, and there is no genius can be more than Jubin, the gap is too big.

Therefore, if you can use the nine-level fairy medicine to disappear, it is also very cost-effective.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin received a nine-level fairy medicine, with four people flying, blinking disappeared.

And Wu Da is an urgent and corrupt, anger, and he is watching the beauty of the hand, he can't get it again, but even, the other person retains half of the black tiger door.

"I don't believe, what is the powerful background, waiting for you, I will let you die without being buried." Wu Da shouted in his heart, his face was filled with grievances.

Wu Dayong and the butterfly fragrant fly, their faces were full of happiness, and they were full of affection.

At this moment, their hearts were sweet.

From today, they bid farewell to the sad reminder of the past.

Of course, two of them are thousands of thank you.

"Hey ... I have a powerful belonging - butterfly."

Zhang Bin was excited in his heart.

It is good to have more than 74 Dantian areas of butterfly fragrance.

If it is cultivated, it is stronger than Wu Dayong.

"Boss, be careful, there is a dangerous place where the Taikoo is very dangerous ..." Wu Dawei suddenly shouted, "the front is the site of the Nettian Spider."

Zhang Bin quickly stopped flying, and then his face was filled with surprises, because the front is a row of mountains, a row of tall tower, like many huge pillars.

Between the columns and the columns, it is a small spider silk that is densely covered with a huge net, and the ground is stacked with countless bones.

It seems that it is extratency.

"It naturally forms a big array here, it is very difficult to fly, because the more you go to the height, the more gravity, you will fall, then you will live in the spider network, then there is no living road. Because countless spiders will flutter , Eat you, that is, the early Xian Di also resists the attack of countless Netty spiders. "Wu Dawei explained seriously.

"Nettar spider? Isn't a Taikoo Xian?" Zhang Bin said, "Is it so horrible?"

"Netty spiders are also very powerful to poison, their wire contains highly toxic, horrible. However, they are not too ancient sachets, the latter is more mysterious and powerful, hiding in the depths of the Taikoo Xianjie." Wu Da Yong said, "However, the spider silk between the two contains a bundled energy attribute ..."

"I have a jade jade here, introducing some of the powerful creatures and insects in Taikunxia ... Among them, there is a net spider." Butterfly fragrance takes out a jade jade.

Zhang Bin took over and read it in detail.

Then his face revealed the color of the surprise, "said that the silk moth of the moth is not available in the Taikoo fairy world, but the attributes of the void blood moth spit out of the screen attribute and the silk thread of the Nettami, maybe, Instecented, the power of dry Kun is not as good as the original version, but it is also strong than now. "

"That's great, the silk here is our."

Nan Shaojie and Zhang Xiaolong were excited to jump, but they saw Zhang Bin's magical power. Of course, we look forward to upgrading power.


Zhang Bin also did not have any delays, shouting, his two ears burst into a thunderstanding of the thunder, slamming in the center of the spider web.

He is to test the strength of these wires, thus judge quality.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise of the sky.

The spider web is shaken vigorously, but it is not broken, and there is no break.

Obviously, the quality is still very high.

Then, the horrible thing happened because the spider web was turbulent.

Countless grinding discs, the big white spider climbs from the mountains like lightning.

Between the blink, countless spiders appear, cover the spider web.

It looks like a horrible, and it is disseminated with a powerful pressure and momentum.

Especially a spider king, that is more powerful, there is a big car so big, its paws have a sharp cold light, but the two eyes are green, look at Zhang Bin in the dead.

A murderous container is distributed.

"God, this seems to be a nine-level poisonous spider?"

Zhang Bin's eyes shot a burning light, and projected on the spider king, his face was also showing ecstasy.

The nine-grade poisonous spider, that is, it can be in a powerful existence than the Xian Dynasty.

It will live a million years or even longer.

After all, the Taikoo poisonous insects, to practice so powerful, need a long time.

The progress is much slower than humans.

However, Wu Dayong, Nan Shaojie, but they were creep, and their faces were filled with alert, which was continuously retreat.

As for the butterfly fragrant, it is also nervous.

In the village, she is most afraid of the nine-level murder and poisonous insects, then they can't escape.

The other party is too powerful, not ordinary mediocrity can be dealive.

" ..."

The spider is moving, and it will come directly.

With a horrible to the ultimate murderous, hard claws grabbed the front of Zhang Bin.

Obviously, it also felt the power of Zhang Bin, and must first kill Zhang Bin.

If it can be successful, it is easy to kill another person.


How can Zhang Bin be afraid? He yelled, there was a sharp ax in his hand. He jumped highfully, and he was on the leg of the spider.


The sky is split, splashes.

Zhang Bin fell back and fell and one step.

The spider king did not have good, fly back, and then fell to the ground, but also turned a fight.

However, Zhang Bin is a scalp.

Because the foot of the spider is not lost, but his ax is black, it starts to break.

Obviously, it is attacked by the highly toxic and terror, so that you can't get it.

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