The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2403 will fight the fairy emperor

"Which boy is this? Is this so horizontal?"

That old man once again visited his head, looked at Zhang Bin as a monster.

"The old man, you'd better come out immediately, otherwise, I will release the flame and may come to you."

Zhang Bin saw no one answered, he looked at the old man.

"Ha ha ha ... thank you for reminding, I will come out soon."

The old man laughed and ran out, he was ready to watch the lively.

In fact, he is very powerful, cultivating the immortality, obviously a super genius.

Undoubtedly, he also comes to the array of operators.

Just now, he is observing the array, trying to go in.

"Array operator, I warn you, you will give me it right away, otherwise, your bamboo garden is to be burned into coke. Even your manor should also become ashes. Mo monster does not pre-." Zhang Bin once again call out.

"Small bastard, give me a roll right, otherwise, interrupt your body's bones, throw it to the mountain to feed the beast."

An angry voice sounded, a big man rushed out with a murder of the sky.

Of course, it is not a array operator, but the apprentice of the array.

Because he only cultivated to the Xianwangdence.

If the array operator is, it is full of cultivation to the Immortal.

"Who are you, dare to give me so rude? You will apologize for me, otherwise, you are welcome?" Zhang Bin suddenly joined, and the most afraid of there is no reaction, now come out, now people, That's good.

Looking at the old man is stunned, the big man is also awkward. Who is this bastard, but I deliberately find the slag. But how can he be so courageous? Eat Xiong's heart leopard?

"I apologize for you? Isn't you apologize?"

The big man is still a little doubtful, and it is said.

"Of course, you have a strong force that is much more powerful than you, how do you dare to have a strong dignity?" Zhang Bin said straight.

"Small bastard, you will kneel down."

The big man is completely angry. He didn't have any delays, and immediately showed a serious gravity of the horrible gravity.


Someone squatted.

However, not Zhang Bin, but the big man, because he felt that there was no way to bear the power of him in his body, he couldn't help but hey.

And Zhang Bin, he still stands there, and it is a light color.

The old man is forced, and the big man is also dumbfounded.

Why can't they believe that there will be such a thing.

It is to know that the big man is also a super genius, there are 79 Dantian areas, and he cultivated to the Xianwang Safe, and he was more than two small realm of Zhang Bin, and he was more right than Zhang Binqiang. But what is going on?


The big man is finally awake, he is angry, struggling hard, but no matter how hard he works, it still can't climb, the gravity of the sky can't move.

"Array operator, you can't come out, I really want to set fire, my flame is out, destroying the earth, you regret it too." Zhang Bin wondered, "I want to ask You have a few questions, and you also have Xie Li. "

"Xiao Wang eight eggs, you dare to be quite horizontal in my master, don't find it?"

Another angry voice sounded, a powerful fairy emperor rushed out.

This guy is a middle-aged person, wearing a robe, waist, sword.

Cultivate the early days of the Emperor.

He didn't say two words, and a slap in the face will take the light to Zhang Bin.

The big man squatting on the ground smiled, and the old man who watched the lively is also wretched.

This is the lively, what he wants to see.

Seeing that the hand of the fairy emperor is going to play on Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin's left hand suddenly moved, and he blocked the other's wrist, and another hand was a slap in a slap in the past.

The immortality is certainly weak, very powerful, he has blocked Zhang Bin's ear with his wrist.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's slap is on his wrist.


A loud noise.


This Xianminton is standing unstable, directly falling down, fell a dog to eat.

A bit of mud.

And Zhang Bin still stands like a big tree.

Can't move.


When you look at the old man, you will take a breath, and your face is full of colors.

One of the late Xianwang in the district, I can put down an early immortality, which is too horrible.

Don't say the old man, even this Xianmie himself, it is also thoroughly.

His mind turned into a blank, and he was in a late fairy king.

How can this be?

Is this going to laugh?


He shouted, jumped up, crazy, a punch to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's face is relief, his hand gently blocks out.


A loud noise.

The Emperor has turned over again, and it has also rolled over a dozen laps, it is completely stable.

He is stupid, the old man is also dumbfounded.

The big man who is kneeling there is also stunned.

Because I just used the Fairy to make it out, then the punch can definitely pour a mountain.

But it is herself overdown?

How can this teenager so powerful?

Even the top of the top of the birth of the 81 Dantian area is not so powerful?


The emperor is still in good luck, his blood red, blasted and horrible to the ultimate percentage and momentum, jumping up, and once again a boxing of Zhang Bin's head.

This time, he called the power of heaven and earth.

Even if there is no immortal seal, his realm is high, and the power of the caller is still very much.

The power of this fist naturally improves too much too much.

It's simply destroying everything.

It is definitely not the late fairy king to resist.

Zhang Bin still did not panic, his fist hit out.


Two fists are bombarded together, and the sound is shocked.


The Emperor sent an angry shout because he felt that the power of a huge power came.

He actually stabilized his body, and he flew out and flew out, flew a few tens of meters away, and then fell to the ground, knocked down a big tree.

And Zhang Bin still standing there, his face is not angry.

It seems that he is not a fairy emperor, but it is the same as a general person.

"My God, this is too horrible?"

The old man, the big man is stunned, watching Zhang Bin like the monster, how can I say can't come.

" ..."

And in Zhang Bin Longchi looked at this four people who made a strange ladle.

Their face is also full of pride, full of pride.

Zhang Bin can defeat the early days in the middle of the fairy king, and now it is going to break through the late stage of Xianwang. It is not too easy to deal with the early days.

Of course, this is a fairy emperor who has no emperor, and the power they call is too limited.

Zhang Bin called his strength of his insane, but also called the power of the outer uncle, and even called the land and two cave.

Otherwise, he cannot be so easy.

"Array operator, your shelf is too big? Can't give you a young master?" Zhang Bin shouted, "Do you really want me to use fire?"

"Take him in."

A little indifferent sound sounded.

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