The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2416 Cleaning Treasures

Even Zhang Bin also made Xiaoqing, and Xiao Green helped.

Also shouted Lanxi and Qiu Yun.

After all, there is too much garbage, and you will be as in dozens of mountains.

It is a treasure that pulls down from the fallen cactus.

Spatial ring, space container, jade pupil, material ...

"My God, so many treasures? Where did Wang Ye found?"

They all shocked, excited, excited.

They work hard to clean up.

Put out the items in the spatial ring and the space container. Re-division.

Xianshi put a bunch, put a bunch of materials, the fairy put it together, the medicinal herbs put a piece, jade pupil, book, secrets are also putting a bunch.

This is a very vast project, not so fast, you can clean it.

But they are all happy, because precious treasures are too much.

When they sent an excitement from time to time.

Zhang Bin certainly will not participate in the cleanup.

He drilled into the ground and drove the umerail.

Of course, he has shown deceived and thoroughly changed the face.

He went to the leader of the territory and sent it out.

After receiving a few times, he went to the invincible collar.

This time, he is to find the situation in the South.

He wants to know clearly, the other party is not hurting.

In addition, he still wants to kill an invincible fairy king.

It's a day of ten years. If the invincible Xianwang is resurrected, maybe it will come back these days.

It is estimated that the invincible Xingwang is also almost completely recovering.

Soon, Zhang Bin walked on the streets outside the invincible leader.

He secretly scattered his knowledge and surely.

But I still have to feel clearly, and a cold sounds in his ear, "Zhang Bin, what are you doing here?"

It is the voice of the Antarctic Xianmine.

Zhang Bin is dark and dark, how can the Antarctic Emperor discover him?

I am very careful.

"Hey, here is the Antarctic Fairy, and anyone will not take off monitoring. Say, what are you doing here?" The cold voice continued to ring.

However, it is a figure that I can't see the Antarctic Xian Di.

"I heard that you have given the south to Chengping countless nine-level fairy medicine. I want to ask, there is no extra, give me children." Zhang Bin put his face anger, drink.

"I will roll back to me, I will wait for three days after three days. Don't think about any conspiracy. Otherwise, I will destroy you." Antarctic Xianmi said in cold.


Zhang Bin had to promise, and transferred it again.

At this time he finally understood that the Antarctic Emperor had a strictment of the monitoring of the invincible Wangfu.

According to the truth, no one can win the South Zhepi is not discovered by the Antarctic Xue.

In this case, then there is nothing concern, even if the Antarctic Emperor is eccentric, a large number of cultivation resources and nine-level fairy medicines, high-grade magic nuclear nuclei may allow Nanzheng to break through the late stage of Xianwang.

However, the combat power will not be high.

South Shaojie must be victory.

Three days have passed.

Zhang Bin, Yaochi Princess, Nantong came to the emperor.

The appearance is on a martial art.

And the princess of Furong, Nanping, and the big martial arts are also here.

Of course, they also have a sweeping magic and a few powerful fairy kings.

Seeing Zhang Bin's three people came, their faces were full of smile.

As if, in their eyes, Zhang Bin is already the same as the dead.

Zhang Bin just observed the Pingping in South.

He found that the realm of Nanping Ping is the middle of the Xianwang, but it already has a breakthrough atmosphere.

In other words, it may break through the later period of the Imperial King in a few days.

What is more scary is that Zhang Bin felt a sharp pressure and momentum from his body.

It's so fierce and terrible.

Nanta Lee is like a sword of the sheath, with a sharp to the ultimate front.

Such a breath, Zhang Bin only felt in himself.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, he is absolutely not in Nanping, must be another person, he was taken. Antarctic Emperor, you can't find it." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

However, this is just a feeling of his, there is no evidence.

Even if he said, Antarctic Xianmi can't believe it.

Because his soul guards it is a little problem.

Let Zhang Bin's heart is a little peaceful, did not see the traffic trace of invincible Xianwang.

In other words, the invincible fairy king may be resurrected, but still have not come back.

I also hide where to practice.

It is also possible that he is arranged, and there is no cultivation to the Xianwang to come out.

Therefore, from the crisis of invincible Xingwang, don't worry about it.

Otherwise, the invincible Xianwang said that he is killed by Zhang Bin, saying that Zhang Bin is too strong, maybe there is a wild Xian of the 81 Dantian area, which is very troublesome.

Then he can only find a way to escape.

Even, I didn't grasp it.

After all, here is the Antarctic Fairy, mastering in the hands of the Antarctic Emperor, the power of the heavens and the earth, that is extremely terrible.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did the worst plan this time, that is, in the end, I finally took my own immortal print, so that the fairy world has five happy countries.

Then he called the power of the fairy, showing the sky to death, the secret law, perhaps, may also compete with the Antarctic Emperor for a while.

Even if he can't, he also has the ability to escape.

Anyway, the Antarctic Emperor killed him.

However, from now on this situation, it is not necessary to temporarily.

"Nansongjie, did not think of it, you also cultivate into the middle of the fairy king, not bad. However, encounter me, you are your greatest sadness, you are destined to die in my hand." Nanping's body blasted The pressure and momentum, it's proud, "there is also your Zhang Bin, you are very talented, it is also very intelligent, it is the top-level counsel, but it is also super powerful, but you are destined to die in my hand."

He said this, but the identity of the Emperor Emperor, only to bully the evil emperor is confident.

However, in the eyes of Furong princess and the dark attention, they are extraordinary appreciation, because this is a domineering Xue Emperor, is a qualified Crown Reserve, in the future, I can do an ancient fire.

"Nan Ping, you are not afraid of wind and big flashing? If you can kill me? Tell you, today you meet me, you will die, you will look at the green water, because today is you live The last day in the world. "Nan Shaojie's face is also full of confidence, and his body is also a powerful pressure and momentum. It is unbearable.

" ..."

Antarctic fairy fate, with a dozen strong guards.

The instant landed in the center center.

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