The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2418 Blood War


Nan Shaojie flew out, spurting the blood in his mouth, fell on the platform, and got a dozen steps, only stabilized the body, but it was a shameless, like a gold paper.

Obviously, this punch made him suffer.

"Nang Shaojie, you can't be my opponent." Nantalance stood there, and said coldly. "In my eyes, you and a disturbance is nothing, it is weak."

His eyes are extraordinarily poisonous, of course, it seems that Nan Shaojie cultivates the death of death to a very powerful point. It is unrealistic to kill Nan Shaojie on the platform.

Therefore, he has to comprehensively humiliate Nakajie, and completely defend the confidence of South Shajie, let Nanyang collapsed, even if Nantajie is still alive, there will be no threat.

And he is right now.

In the future, it is the Antarctic Fairy's Xian Di.

Master the fairy seal.

The Antarctic Xianmi also looked at South Shaojie with a sharp look. He also had to look at the reaction of Nang Shaojie.

Even, Yaochi princess has a lot of color, and it is weak in Zhang Bin, because she is frightened.

Such a strong south is all, she did not think.

Zhang Bin is still an indifferent, but his eyes are shooting a trusted light, projection to Nansongjie, he always believes that after years of teaching, the son will not let him down.

"Ha ha ha ..." Nan Shaojie laughed, "Nanziping, you are too arrogant, too amazing. What do you count? Is it better than me? Don't, you have only 80 Dantian area. Like me. You just because there is a rich fight experience, I am not as good as you, because I am Ji Shao Jie, just teenage. But I will grow up, time will prove, I am born than you, God is strong than you. The last winner must be me. "

He also burst a strange momentum, which is a unique breath of a young man, so tender, but it is so potential, it is tall moving.

He is not discouraged, and there is no fear.

Because Zhang Bin said with him last night. If the other party is much stronger than him, it is another soul. It is not a person in Nanping. People who will win the house. It is certainly a lot of years.

In experience, he is not as good as each other.

What is this?

And he is better than Nanping, because Nanta Ping has not existed.

It's completely fallen.

Now he is to fight with a strong powerful.

He is the counterattack of counterattack, horror. The sound of mystery is a fact that the other party will win.

The other party will panic, it will be nervous and may make mistakes.

Once you make mistakes, it is his chance.

"There is a kind of fighting genius in the world, just a little, to the three, intelligent. And I am so genius. That is that you will never be more panic." Nanta Ping did not panic, he stood there. Talking about it, calmness, and humiliation are not surprised.

"Yes?" Nan Shaojie's face was filled with ridicule. "At that time, the Emperor's grandfather cultivated us. I couldn't see you so intelligent, and I can't see you is a fight. It can be lifted. Every time, I am defeated. If you are so genius, how come you have not won? Your change is too big, I feel that I am fighting with another one. I heard that it is super Strong deception, superior extraction, can extract the essence of the soul, do not trigger the soul guardian. I hope, you are also in the south, and change the sky. "

The brow of the Antarctic Xianmie is slightly, and the face has become a bit hard.

His eyes shot a cold light, drink: "Hu Yan, Nang Shaojie, you shut up."

Nan Shaojie had to close his mouth, but he did not have any desperate.

Because this is Zhang Bin teaches his countermeasures, not immediately deciphanate each other, but in the hearts of the Antarctic Emperor, a doubtful seed.

Now the Antarctic Xian Di is obedient, but it will not be doubtful in his heart.

Because Nanta Lee has mastered the terror's extraction and deception, the extraction of abilities is not available in the Antarctic Emperor. It is indeed possible to win.

"This is your father teaches you, don't win, do you want to show it?"

Nanta Ping is still a bamboo, sarcasm.

After too much tempering, there have been countless dangers, where is he might?

"Don't win? That is not necessarily."

Nan Shao Jie suddenly shakes the body, turned into three six arms, and his six hands appeared in the six hands, a hammer of death, two swords.

The ax and sword are lightning!

Exctends an incomparably horrible breath.

Due to the cultivation into a mid-term fairy, plus him of the Thunder's extraordinary talent, taking the nine-level fairy medicine of the Thunder property, so he can condense such a huge radiote.

He didn't have any hesitation, and the lightning was rushed.

Madly attacked South.

Nanping Ping is a despised, and there is a knife and a sword in both hands.

The left and the sword.

Suddenly, a horrible pressure and momentum is also taken out.

Let the world thrift.

Then he danced his sword, greeted it, and gave it up with the south.

His knife, cold light.

The sword thorn, the cold light.

Lightning is like an ax, sword, and hammer on the South Shajie.

Dangdang ...

The sound is intensive as heavy rain.

The Lei Bing is of course incomparably horrible, not only sharp, and can pass the horrible lightning, bombard the body of the enemy. The hammer of death is more horrible and can destroy everything.

Therefore, Nanta Ping actually can't resist it, he continuously retreats.

However, he did not panic, his face was still full of confidence.

He seems to be the same as the child's fight, just like guiding each other.

And his knife and sword are also hard to resist, and they can resist death hammeters and the attack of the lights.

Only his hand is dark, it is because of the result of the Thunder.


Nan Shaojie is in the air, and the attack is like a wind, too horror and sharp.

And the South Chengping is like the mountains, it is proud, and sometimes it will slowly retreat, temporarily avoiding the front, and easily put the attack of South Shaojie into invisible.

This strength is simply sighing.

"Good guy, this experience, this battle, this random response ability, no borne,"

Zhang Bin secretly admired under the stage, and his face became serious.

He felt that this is a very terrible person.

But it has become a climate.

"Dangdang ..."

The two men have kill more than ten minutes, and the south of the South Shaojie is a bit weak.

He took the initiative to retreat, and he took it from dozens of meters, and he looked at Nan Ping.

"How? Tired?"

The face of Nanziping has floated the color, "How do I abuse you now?"

When he stepped out, he went to the South Shao Jie, issued an incomparable attack.

The sword is rapid, like the thunder.

So, then fierce.

Nan Shaojie is furious, dances the magic weapon and the war.

But any one of the other sides, any sword contains the power of extremely horrible.

Bombarded on his magic weapon, his arms were numb, and the footsteps were .

Fully resistant.

Not a level.

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