The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2430, ask Meihua Deer

Don't say Long Xin, even Zhang Bin himself, it is completely stupid. His face is full of doubts, and it is full of shock. He can't understand the principle of such an attack.

It seems that Meihuo has only used life abilities this time.

It is horrible to the extreme.

"I just used a lot of strength." Meihua deer said, "You, have been mistaken into astray. Superstievan fairy, horrible magic weapon. I don't know life and death. Life and death Anyone can't escape. I took a branch, and I stimulated the life energy of the branches. The branches were more than the horrible magic weapon. If I fully stimulate the branches, the branches can join your body, and they will swallow your body instantly. The nutrient. You are falling. "

"I don't understand."

Zhang Bin climbed up and left, and said doubt.

He does not understand, it may be that the realm is not available.

He can also stimulate the life of the branches, but it is absolutely impossible to be so horrible.

Because the branches are still branches, there will be no changes in quality.

Even, he immediately took a branch, showing life of life and zoom, excited the life of the branches, and then slammed in the Lei Jian, slammed, branches.

Fundamentally disappearing the attack of the thunderous sword.

"Waiting for you to cultivate to the Xianmi, it can be understood. I explain it to you, explain you, you won't understand." Plumberry said.

"This time, I am not coming to ask you to practice the practice of practice. I am coming to ask you to secretly modify the law. I have said before, the internal repair is the most amazing." Zhang Bin horse Transfer the topic.

"Internal repair? I only know very magical, it is my master practice." Meihua deer said, "I have a lot to know more about my internal repair. You ask me too. What is wrong, why do I want to call you?"

"I brought you a super treasure." Zhang Bin's hand has a deformate, "This is anti-heterogeneous - deformed fruit, after you eat, you can become a peerless beauty."

"Peerless beauty? Is there a beautiful? You just don't know the so-called." Meihua deer said, but her tongue flew out of lightning, and put the fruit rolled over, and I took it on the taste. It is also murmured: "The taste is general, the deformation of the previous owner is too much. Hey, when the owner can come back."

"I rely, she has already eaten the deformation, so I wasted me a deformation."

Zhang Bin is extremely painful, know how precious deformation is.

This is his most magical treasure.

No matter when, you can play a magical role.

"Plum beauty, you tell me some common sense about internal repair? Waiting for me to send you." Zhang Bin said.

Now Zhang Bin understands that the plum deer is actually a very greed, so it is a very good way to use food temptation.

"I will take it out first, I will eat it while eating, saying to you."

The plumers were excited, and the eyes looked at Zhang Bin.

Also, Zhang Bin can take out the anti-heterogeneous drug deformation, and should also take out the same level of fairy medicine.

This is what she really wants.

"I don't have a child."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his heart, there was a black beauty in his hands, and there was so much basket.

" ..."

The tongue of the plum deer flew again, the speed is too fast, Zhang Bingen does not escape.

Black beauty watermelon is rolled out, shrinking quickly, and then swallowed by the pluma deer.

Then she looked at Zhang Bin again, looking forward to Zhang Bin to take more nine-level fairy medicine.

Zhang Bin really had to vomit blood, this plum deer is too bad, what is the secret of repairing, but has eaten a reverse antharmaceutical deformation, there is a black beauty watermelon, saying that he is eating, while saying?

According to this way, even if all the fairy medicine is taken, it can also swallow it.

He is dark, saying: "Can you talk about the mystery of internal repair?"

Meihua deer is gentle, it is closed, and it is close to his eyes. "In fact, I really don't understand internal repair. My talents are not enough. I can't repair it. I am watching the owner to cultivate, watch the master The apprentice and the child cultivated, listened to some conversations, what five elements were integrated, the light is integrated, the wall is smashed, the dark integration, the five lines of integration space, the five lines of fusion time. Amount ... too far, I forgot I have a lot. And I can't understand, I don't know what they mean. "

"You recall it well, you can also speak."

Zhang Bin has rushed in the heart, although there is such words, but it is too great to have his enlightenment.

He can feel that he has a breakthrough.

"I am a little hungry, there is no way to recall."

Meihua Deer glanced at Zhang Bin, and said.

Obviously, it is to be Lesson Zhang Bin.

However, for Zhang Bin, her words are treasures, the value is unlimited.

Therefore, he took a lot of advanced fairy medicine, but it was not a nine-level fairy medicine.

It is seven, eight.

The face of the plum deer floated on a faint disappointment, but it was still a wolf to swallow the Tiger, and he had a taste of Jinjin.

Also let Zhang Bin pain, because he has hundreds of percentage of grasp, the pluma is eating such a fairy medicine, including the nine-level fairy medicine, there is no use, she will not become powerful, just satisfying the desire of the stomach.

This is simply a waste of heaven.

After eating these fairy medicine, the plum deer closed his eyes and started to sleep.

It seems that Zhang Bin's existence of such a person.

"Plum beauty, said, you say it."

Zhang Bin is anxious.

"I am sleeping, no, I am remembering. Don't bother me."

Plumberry is muttered.

It's really going to die.

Zhang Bin had to come up with a nine-level fairy medicine from the spider hole. This is a kind of wooden property nine-level fairy medicine, which is a green grass and disseminated the fragrance of intoxicating.

The eyes of the plum deer will be opened immediately, and the tongue flashes out.

"You said, eat again ..."

Zhang Bin fell back, but there was no use at all, because the nine-level immortal grass in his hand did not see.

Look carefully, isn't it in the mouth of the plum?

She is chewing, and her face is full of enjoyment.

Obviously, it is still very satisfied with this nine-level fairy.

So she began to say again, "The universe in the universe, the life and death, the bright darkness, pregnant life ..."

This Bin is also can't understand.

But of course all, I don't understand, I don't understand it, I don't mean it in the future.

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