The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2444 of the madman

"Waiting for me to practice powerful, see how I taught you."

Zhang Bin can only be in the heart, but it is not a way now.

He had to let him hang on his hair so much, and fell on his head, on his head, but also rotated from time to time.

He changed his face, and he walked on the street and slowly went to the Silver screen.

"God, the man is a madman, actually use the hair to hang a scales?"

"My mother, this madman keeps the scale turn circle, is this going to kill?"

"God, this is the world's first ugly scale."

Some people have sent an incomparable shout, all of the points to Zhang Bin finger.


The scales suddenly flew over, and smashed the mouth of the guy who said it ugly.

Suddenly people go fly, full of teeth, blood flow is as follows.

That is really terrible.

You know, this guy is also very powerful, cultivating to the Xianjian.

"I ask you a few pounds? There are a few pounds in the end? Dare to say that I am ugly?"

The scales have not yet been letting him, flew over, crazy on this guy.

His head has floated dozens of eggs so large.

"Ah ..."

This guy issued a scream.

I want to resist, but there is no use, the scales are invincible, and he is going to breathe.

"I am playing, killing people ..."

Many people are in a hurry, and they shout angrily, they are angry with Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin is touched forehead, he must be crazy, encounter such a mad scale, how can this be good?

He quickly gave the guy, "Fast, speaking the scales, will not be beaten."

This guy is stunned, but now the disease is in a hurry, so I said this, and I have a big compliment.

The scales stopped the attack, flew back, and continued to hang on Zhang Bin's hair.

"Are you a madman? Is it?"

There are a few powerful monks to stop Zhang Bin and shouted angrily.


Zhang Bin shouted, suddenly pressed like a mountain, hurricane roaring.

These strong monks have all overfolded, and even the rolling belt rushed away.

Such a powerful madman is not what they can deal with.

Zhang Bin also accelerated the footsteps, and the body shaking a few times, leaving this street.

But he suddenly found himself can't move, because the scales pulled him, almost pulled him down, and the scales said: "I will let you go so fast? Are you so busy? We have to walk slowly Let them appreciate my handsome and handsome ... "

Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood, but it was a point of ways. He thought of the beauty of the American people, but inexplicably, it couldn't get in, and the Meisan now completely presided over his head. Down.

He can only slow down, and the scale is continuing to turn, and it will have a beautiful man from time to time. Here, look at it, and fly into the shop, turn it in it.

After walking this street, the scales play eight people who say it is ugly.

The door of three shops is because the gate is close, it can't go.

So, what you have, that is the chicken flying dog jumping, chaos.

"Run ... madness is coming ..."

There was a fairy shouting, escaped.

The booth is over, the immortal falls, the scale is full, haha ​​laughs.

Zhang Bin lifted his face, it really want to cry without tears.

How can there be such a magic weapon in the world?

Is it not tongged, the murderer spicy is so much?

" ..."

Silver screen princess, frog female, three teasing, flashing like lightning.

They burst into the sky, and they looked at Zhang Bin. At the same time, roar: "Stop."

Obviously, they also can't recognize Zhang Bin.

After all, Zhang Bin changed his face, also disguised his realm, it seems to be a grand .

In the fairyland, the master of the fairy king is still not much.

However, the immortal of Xianjun is much more.

The immortal that turns into a fairyland is very uncomfortable.

"Hey ... The scales are small in a small pressure, I want to ask you a few pounds?"

The scale is suspended on Zhang Bin's head, shouting.


Three teasing, frog women, silver screen princess, all laughter.

Where did they have seen such a scale?

And Zhang Bin cried, this image was all ruined.

Be seen by yourself.

"I am Zhang Bin, this scale is very bull, just slammed the Antarctic Emperor, I almost kill the Antarctic Emperor, you don't want to say it ugly, you must cross it beautiful, handsome If you shrink your body, you will be more handsome ... "Zhang Bin ranked three teasings.

However, did not tell the frog female and the silver screen princess.

If they know that he is Zhang Bin, that is not to rush, but here can be on the street, people come to people, then leak secrets.

"God, is a master? This scale is so horrible? Even the Antarctic Xianxian is also hitting? The big brother gets such a horror magic weapon?" Three tence is completely stupid, excited, excited .

The three immediately rushed over and shouted excitedly, and admired.

"God, this scale is really too handsome, absolutely the first."

"The universe is the first, I don't think, it is outside the universe, the first handsome scales."

"There is no ancient scales, there is no scales, the world is big, no more handsome than this scales. However, if it is a little, it is more handsome."

When the scale suddenly bloom, let the volume shrink a circle.

It became so much eggs.

"God, too handsome, too much, if it is narrowed, is it more handsome?"

"God, sure enough, if it can be cold, it is better."


Three teasings almost shouted.

The scales narrow the body according to the three words of their three, and make a high-cooling look.

Soil is awkward!

The frog female and the silver screen princess can't laugh, and they all touched forehead. They didn't know what three teasing were suddenly mad.

However, they also know that three teasing brains are a bit problem, especially teasing, so they have not too unexpected.

The cactors on the streets are stupid, they are shouting in my heart: "My God, there are very many mad people today." All encountered a piece. "

"The world's strongest and most handsome handsome scale, walk, go to the leader, we have to worship you ..." Ma Ru Fei shouted, he used his hands to hold the scale, happy, excited, Then they were surrounded by Zhang Bin into the leader.

The scales are also quiet, obviously very enjoyable three teases.

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