The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2467 Green Snake


There is a mantle, and the wings are flying on the mountain rock, and a knife is on the rock.


The rock is broken, and a deep cave appeared.

It seems to be a sharpener.

"I rely on, what is this ? How is it so horrible?"

Zhang Bin is creepy.

"This is the flying dragonfly. It is one of the super horrible insects. The body is hard to be destroyed, the most good at the knife method, even the big fairy is not grasped." The array operator was in Zhang Bin's dragon pool. Check the way seriously, "may not even disappear the attack of countless dragonfly. This kind of nine-level fairy medicine, it is best to give up."

"Small black, do you dare to steal the beepfish?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Hey ... don't move, don't speak, there is a horror moon to come ..."

Small black voice is serious.

Almost at the same time, countless suddenly looked up, and the cold eyes turned to the sky.

Obviously there is any discovery.

Zhang Bin also glanced over the eyes of the sky.

Little green light appears, changing.

It turned out to be a snake, there is no green snake in wings.

But I can fly.

And there is no difficulty.

This snake is about five meters long and the diameter has a small arm thick.

The body is full of fine scales.

It's a small meat bag on its forehead.

It looks very weird.


This snake is very poor, there is no fear, with the stress and momentum of the sky.

That speed is like electricity.


Many also flew soon, killing angrily to the green snake.

Countless, like a knife, the arms are crazy.

I am on the green snake in an instant.

Dangdang ...

I sent a sound like a Tie, spark is also splash.

Can't let the defense of the green snake.

The green snake did not counteor, but launched a strange body method, hurriedly avoided, shutting, passing through the gap of countless .

I broke through the interception of the dragonfly.

I bite a poodpy pepper, and I swallowed it in blinking.

Many completely angry, crazy, killing.

However, the green snake is too slippery, the east is awkward, the West is shocked, so you can get rid of the dragonfly, I have eaten three pilgrims, but I still don't satisfy, and I will escape, and I will eat additional poodles.


A very sharp voice sounded.

Flying out of a cave out of a huge , there is a foot long, with a little gold spots, exudes the pressure and momentum of the horrible, and its wings, just like crossing time and space, blinking In front of the green snake, the hand knife is crazy to be seven inch of the green snake.


The sound is scream, and the cold is bursting.

Murderous, this knife, you can destroy the world.

Zhang Bin shocked to the ultimate, and a king of the district actually mastered such a horrible knife.

The green snake actually avoids it, but it is not afraid, the tail is awkward, and the mouth is also open, and the mouth is bite to the knife.

But the arm of the king slammed, the knife is already on the teeth of the green snake.


The sound is loud.


"Hey ..."

There is a crack in the teeth of the green snake.

The green snake fly off, and the mouth is also screaming.


How could the king of the king of the Green Snake and chased it quickly.

The green snake is also anger.

Suddenly turned back, spit out a green smoke.

The king of the king hurriedly broke.

However, there are dozens of ordinary is affected and covered by smoke.

... ...

These drafts are all like the rain.

The body has become dark, twisting in the ground, and it is difficult to fly.

Inspiring, the king of the King and the green snake have launched a horrible to the ultimate war.

From the valley to the sky, hit it in the sky.

I also hit the mountain.

Put countless trees, and many stones are also chemically produced.

Smoke is vacant, the sound is like a thunder.

Just like the end of the world.

It's too horrible.

"Good monster."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, at this time, he understood that the monster of the Taikooxia center is so powerful.

Moreover, he is also an intention to think about it, and the central area of ​​the Taikoo Universiade also has countless such powerful horror World of Warcraft.

It should be the top existence.

Maybe he also took a lot of powerful Warcraft.

At this moment, Zhang Bin was afraid, then he and his blood were paired, and he really be scared to the other party. If it is failed, can you escape?

"... ..."

The green snake finally couldn't resist, and the screams were sent, because the body was cut out of the scars of countless dense numbness, and its poisonous gas is very powerful, but the speed of the king is very fast, flexible, can avoid in time Go, there is, the teeth of the green snake are also very powerful, but biting can't break the knife.

The , Therefore, the teeth of the green snake king are also unwittled.

The green snake did not dare to fight again, screaming rapidly.

But it was stopped by the king, crazy.


The green snake's head is broken, and it is crucial to fall into the valley.

Crazy is crazy by countless , smashed into a meat sauce.

The meat of the poisonous snake has been eaten by many .

"My God, these is too horrible, especially the king, it is invincible."

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, "It seems that it is best not to hit the idea of ​​the soup here."

"Master, did you see it? These is very powerful, and they have mastered the very powerful soil, many is from underground, their nest is also underground. From the underground sneak, it is difficult to steal. Stealth. The abilities are useless, because they feel too keen. As for the grab, it is very troublesome, too much, if it is a desperate attack, we are also difficult to please, or even there can be, and finally have to Escape. "The little black wolf still has no fear, the voice says," So, now only the last way, that is, the protection fee. "

"Receive protection fee? How do you say?"

Zhang Bin's forehead took out two black lines, a face, asked.

"We don't steal, collect protection," Xiao Black wolf said, "As long as the powerful strength, let the understand, if it is a war, it will lose the victory, they will pay the protection fee. Hand over some of the earth peppers."

"is this okay?"

Zhang Bin looked at the small black wolf like a monster.

"It must be, you see me, I can absolutely collect some chair and pepper."

The small black wolf said confidently, "You will be hidden here, see small black protection fee."

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