The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2546, funny misunderstanding

The East Emperor first checked his own Dantian, and found that there were two Dantian, and it was extracting and sound attributes, and her face showed a smile like a flower.

She began to read the strength of the power, after a while, I laughed and said, "This is really the most amazing secret law in the world. It is a key and key to the next realm. Poor countless big realm emperor master, they Going to the sea and explore, no longer come back, and this key, our too ancient mainland has. Zhang Bin, thank you, let me get a breakth, I respect you. "

She poured a glass of wine, and she also gave Zhang Bin's wine cup.

Then they have died a cup.

"Zhang Bin, do you tell me about the situation of the Taikoo demon?"

The Empress Emperor will give Zhang Bin again, while smiling.

So they brought two while chatting.

The atmosphere became very harmonious.

Although there are terrorist disasters after two hundred years later, Zhang Bin has made so many preparations. The four fairy and the demon are also prepared, nor is it too worrying.

Late at night.

Zhang Bin goddened.

The Employe is not happy, trying to face his face. "Are you not going to give me a child now?"

"How can I give it now?" Zhang Bin's forehead took two black lines, "Isn't it a hundred years? I have to prepare?"


The Empress Emperor can say no.

"Don't worry, I will give you a genius for the Dinarware in a hundred years. I still have something to say."

Zhang Bin said, it has become a light, wore a window, and disappeared without a trace.

"It's a blend." The Empress Emperor is angry, "It's not easy to prepare, but he is not ready? Waste me a night. Is it, wait until the , Is there a big belly? How do you war? No, I have to give me a child within 50 years! "

If Zhang Bin heard, it will be greatly shocked.

This is not the same as his idea.

It is because I don't know, so Zhang Bin is beautiful, don't mention how happy and cozy.

This time, although I didn't catch the emperor, I gave my child to a reserve.

Cool, cool.

Antarctic Fairy.

Wu Dawei, who had just returned, took Lang Demao, was reporting to the south.

Of course, the big Shuangmao is also sitting here.

"Less master, big happiness, big joy." Wu Dayong said excitedly, "Bin brother, he really appeared there ... Sure enough, the Empress Xianmi is in hand, the Crown Reserve is also a young master you of your brother. In the future, the fairy is in the future. Zhang Jia's. "

"Hahaha ..."

Nan Shaojie issued a lot of joy, his face has also floated ecstasy.

Only Fang Mao is a face of a face, and finally he asked: "Is the master of the East Emperor pregnant?"

"When we left, I saw that the East Xian Di took the door to the palace. It is always necessary to make people. Poor, must have no problem." Wu Dayong said.

"The original Emperor Xianmi likes women like the legend. ..."

This, even the square is also a big peace, and we have a weird laugh.

Then Wu Da Yong took the five hundred thousand troops with Lang Demao, and the vowed vowed to ensure that "Lang is Mao, you can rest assured, don't take long, Bin brother will give you a heaven, how many Dantian areas, you are Super genius, no, let you have three Dantian areas, because Bin brother has anti-heterogeneous drug deformation, you just lack this property. "

"God, then I am not going to be transported? I will have 81 Dantian area soon?"

Lang Neng is happy, both eyes are in light.

After a while, Wu Dayong also introduced the clouds and Yang Xiong to Lang Demao.

Their temperament is very combined, and it is also extra harmonious.

Lang Demao is more happy, because Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong are Zhang Bin's genius from the earth, and two of them are Zhang Bin's little scorpion, this hugs the thigh.

Zhang Bin did not return to the East to the world, and did not return to the Antarctic Fairy.

Instead, I returned to the Arctic Fairy.

But he didn't stay, directly with a small black, cross the boundary.

Entered the Antarctic Magic.

He is sitting on a mountain without any people, holding Hongfeng fan in his hand, communicating in detail.

I am looking forward to finding the fragment of Hongfeng fan in the devil world.

Anyway, he must collect all the Hongmeng dislocations of the ancient mainland.

If you can find all, let Hongfeng can recover, it is cool.

He can see the magical creation of the creation.

Of course, he came to the devil, and there is another thing to do.

He hopes that the magic can cooperate and should have a big disaster after two hundred years.

If it is the battle, it may tragedy.

Loss may also be great.

However, Zhang Bin knows that the magic cooperation is too difficult.

After all, the fairy magic war does not know how many years, has always been a natural enemy.

In addition, there is a blood sacrificial terrorist, and the war is full of blood.

So, he looks forward to finding a magic, and a magic.

He believes that the magic is also the devil.

That maybe it can be achieved.

Of course, it is not easy to find the magic. After all, the blood is always chasing the magic, and the magic whereabouts are also unveiled. Zhang Bin has no way to contact her.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is also coming to touch your luck.

Gradually, Zhang Bin's face showed a surprise, and it was also muttered in his mouth. Clear, seems to have a big piece of fragment? This is a bit trouble ... "

To be honest, Zhang Bin is absolutely never want to enter the Taikoo Devil.

Because it is the blood of the blood.

Too dangerous.

"No matter, you will get this fragment of the Antarctic Magic."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he asked: "Scales, do you feel the scale?"

This is also Zhang Bin to bring the scales to the devil in the first time, of course, expecting scales to induce the scale.

In the past, the scale is also looking into the scale rod in the Taikoo magic world. This time, the scales may also hide the demon or too ancient devil.

"There is no induction for the time being." Scales said, "So slowly find it, and turn around."

Yes, this time I came to the devil, Zhang Bin still has another purpose, which is to find the scale.

Only to find the scales, the power of this combination method can break out, in order to resist the horror of , blood, the long-term nationality, etc.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

" ..."

Zhang Bin became a magic, flying.

As for small black, of course, Zhang Bin received the central Dantian.

Small black is Zhang Bin's prototype pet, very good.

After all, Xiao Black is also very powerful.

It's going to break through the early demon emperor.

"Is it in the palace of the Antarctic Magic?"

Zhang Bin suspended in the void of the capital, his brow picked up slightly.

After sinking, he fell silently.

Just fall in a unmanned alley.

He slowly came out, just walked on the street and looked at it.

Of course, let the scale you should feel, you can't induce the scale.

"The madman is coming, be careful that he bite you ..."

"Crazy madman, special garbage ..."


The laughter of a child came from the street.

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